Comment on General Election BBC Live Prime Ministerial Debate in Birmingham by David.

Gordon Brown appeared the most passionate about what he was saying, he sounded genuinely concerned about the Conservatives being in government after May 6th.

The closing speech by the PM was particularly passionate and then he ruined it by smiling at the end!

I like Gordon Brown, but someone should tell him not to smile, he has an awful smile when he forces it and should stick to looking serious (it works for him, he’s the PM not a celebrity). You’d think political parties would have focus groups on stuff like this so they don’t look so fake, it’s obvious he’s been advised to smile more and it’s just not who Gordon Brown is!!!

I would give the debate to Clegg on style and Brown on substance/message, but I realise the celebrity fickle general public will go on style over substance. It’s already too late for Gordon Brown, the public made their mind up about him a long time ago (wrongly IMHO, but there you go).

I’m not sure how the polls have ranked David Cameron as the winner, how did he win exactly? He didn’t win on style and certainly didn’t win on substance/message.

The inheritance tax pledge to help the richest families (which includes David Cameron) whilst saying we all have to tighten OUR belts so government should as well hence the 6 billion cut in services this year, disguised as efficiency savings, which really means public sector job cuts: is David Cameron going to tighten his belt after he gives himself a big tax break?

The British public can’t really be that gullible, can they?

No matter who wins there should be no tax breaks, no new programs unless it helps the economy. It is not the time for pet frivolous pledges like cutting inheritance tax for the richest in society or raising pensions when those measures will not stimulate growth in the economy. Would be great to give pensioners more cash, but giving them more money is about securing their vote, that money would be better spent training young people for the new manufacturing industries and when we are in decent growth look at giving pensioners more, even then we won’t be able to afford it as there will be more old people. I’m afraid unless there’s a drastic change in our society, old people are going to be getting a smaller share of the pie long term!!!

The next 5 years should be about stimulating growth in the economy while stabilising what we already have that works well (the NHS is doing really well now). After a parliament of prudence and growth is back on track the government can look at spending money on new pet projects.

It’s like loosing your job and deciding to go on an expensive holiday for a month on a credit card. Might sound like a good idea at the time, but you are going to regret it pretty quickly!

With Greece having taken another step towards economic collapse (not there yet), none of the political parties should be talking about tax cuts etc… if Greece’s problems spread through Europe like some fear we will be back in financial trouble along with the rest of Europe and there will be nothing we can do about it.

I can’t believe house prices have increased by 10% last year. Peoples earnings are going down in real terms, the cost of living has gone up, house prices should still be falling or at best static while the economy catches up with the artificially inflated housing boom caused by greedy bankers.

MPs are stupid!!!!


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