It’s going to be no big surprise (assuming no big upsets) in 2010 when either MP Gordon Brown (Labour) or MP David Cameron (Conservative) remains or becomes Prime Minister for the next parliamentary session.
Prime Minister Polls
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Anyone who says they want Nick Griffin as Prime Minister after the next General Election: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!
It’s not going to happen EVER!!
PMSL Ed I have never heard a truer group of hahahahahaaha’s put all in the one place :)
There is no such thing as a protest vote
You either use your vote to get what you think the country needs or you waste it and end up with an ineffectual Government.
God help us if the so called protest votes give us a Conservative Government again. Has everyone forgotten the Thatcher years???? The admission that drove them ‘No such thing as society’
That is what Thatcher said.
I don’t see that Cameron will be any different to her.
A man of the people! Don’t make me laugh>
Multi Millionaire his wife grew up in a Mansion; of course he understands what it is like to bring children up on a Housing estate in a City.
Of cause he understands what is needed to convince the people on Housing estates what the real reasons are that they have poor housing and poor education and turn them away from the hate parties like the BNP.
I know it’s not a big sample size, but I’m surprised Gordon Brown is holding his own in the PM poll so far.
I got the idea for the poll on from a Liberal Democrat website: that was closing on having 1,000 vote and it was more people (presumably mostly Lib Dem voters) LEAST wanted David Cameron as our next PM relative to Gordon Brown!
I feel the same way, but I’m still surprised at the result if it’s accurate.
Polls gone now, so can’t give the full results, it was something like 60:40 with 60% against Cameron 40% against Brown.
The poll question was: In the event of Nick Clegg not forming a government after the next election, who do you *least want* to be Prime Minister in a year’s time?
* Gordon Brown
* David Cameron
Perhaps the Britstate controlled media,biased Broadcasting corp.EU backing,the EHRC,big money and bussed in immigrant vote will keep Nick out this time,but the coming seachange which is beginning to happen in politics will surely blow the corrupting stench and miasma of the established ‘big three’ away,along with their entrenched, anti English bigotry and ‘political correctness’ideology which passes for a ‘value system’ Mwahahahaha!Our time is coming and YOU KNOW IT!
Nick Clegg is the right man for the job as he has shown in the past prime ministerial debates. Behind all of that though, the liberal democrat policys are just genuinely better than the other two main political party’s. And My heart stopped when i saw that almost 4,000 people said they would vote for BNP?!?. There a fascist, racist party that just have a different political party name to hitler’s political party, what they do to the country will just be the same as the nazi’s. Don’t get brain washed into thinking they’re a party that should be respected because their not. They’re a party that should be disallowed any political rights!
The BNP are only a risk to our democracy if people don’t go out on May 6th and vote for what they believe in.
In the EU election in 2009 voter apathy was so bad only 38% of those eligible to vote bothered!
We got two BNP MEP’s, they go to Europe and speak on important matters in our name!
Fortunately they talk utter BS, conspiracy theory this, conspiracy theory that so no one in Europe listens to them, but they still get a vote on important matters that affect everyone in Europe (that includes us)!
If the BNP and UKIP are to be believed the most important elections these days are the EU elections as those two parties say most of our laws are no created in Europe not in our country. Do you want the BNP deciding British laws?
My biggest concern is the local elections where the British people are more inclined to throw a protest vote the BNP way. People forget on local election day local councilors are those that decide where the money from central government is spent, where we live the district councilors gave us some stupid blue plant pots with flowers in that no one wanted, cost us £120,000 and one year on the flowers are all dead and vandals have tipped over half the pots!
That wasn’t BNP councilors, that was Tory councilors, if the relatively moderate councilors are stupid with our money, what do you think the BNP would do with it?