Comment on General Election 2017 by marsha.

Only the BNP can save Britain, Britain IS full, schools,hospitals,doctors,dentists,roads,prisons,social housing….get the picture we are FULL.It is not racist to suggest we need to acknowledge we have finite resources and get tough.The dream of a comopolitan racially diverse britain is an ideal rather than a reality, it may work in the city centres on a sunny day but go into the ghettos all over the country in ,Birmingham,Bradford,Burnley,Oldham and you will see the reality.In the main different races DONT integrate,asians only employ asians and spend money in their own communities while expecting equality and playing the race card whenever something doesnt suit.Local authorities and police forces are spending fortunes translating leaflets and providing customer services in numerous languages.The simple reason that Britain is so attractive is our benefit system but too many people in the country ( of all races ) take from a pot they in many cases have NEVER paid into.We are told immigration is good as the immigrants are vital to the NHS and leisure industry, WHY? when we pay 3 million to sit at home watching daytime TV and label them `unemployed`. God this country needs a good shake and none of the mainstream parties have the balls to sort it out.Britain the country where you need a GP`s salary to afford a modest 3 bed semi.The political elite and establishment dont have to live in the inner city squalor their policies have created or alongside the lovely immigrants they are so fond of..