With a hung parliament a serious possibility after the May 6th general election, we could see a coalition government between either the Labour party and the Lib Dems or the Conservative party and the Lib Dems.
This throws up the potential of a mixed party government with what would normally be shadow ministers in important government roles such as the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Who Would Make the Best Chancellor of the Exchequer Poll?
This is not a poll on which political party will run the economy best, but which of the three main political parties potential next Chancellor of the Exchequer YOU trust most to manage the economy effectively and would like to see as chancellor after the election.
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If you believe another MP would be best suited for the job, feel free to make a comment below.
Which Political Party do you Trust on the Economy?
With significant differences between how Labour managed the economy during the credit crunch and recession relative to what the Conservatives reported they would have done, a major political issue is which political party will manage the economy best after the general election.
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None of the above can be trusted or allowed to ever run government again vote ENGLISH DEMOCRAT
I am not a politician, and whatever opinion I express here is strictly personal; but somehow, I just think the right team to manage the economy as it is today, is the Labour Part. Experience is very key in anything. I may be wrong and I also stand to be corrected too.
I think that all elections have a promise but only the liberal democrats have the real change after tories and labour have put us in this mess, it’s time for a change.
Get a life! Lib Dems are a set of hippies that haven’t a clue in managing a country.
They are all for:- setting Criminals free, allowing many illegal immigrants to stay in Britain, joining the Euro, devolving more power to the EU, destroying our culture, promoting gay / lesbian rights at the expense of heterosexual (normal) marriages, etc.
The Lib Dems have never had to implement a policy, they are all hot air. If they do force a hung parliament there will be another General Election within three months. They cannot manage a country they are a bunch of hippies, typical PTA.
Interesting General Election 2010 Economy Poll results so far.
Appreciate it’s only a small number of votes, but so far the Conservatives are not fairing too well on the economy which traditionally is their strength.
I guess like me the British electorate remember what it was like under a Tory government with economic disaster after disaster!!!
Seems to me if the Conservatives win (they will win the popular vote that seems certain, but not necessarily in MP numbers) it’s going to be because the electorate is fed up of 13 years of Labour, NOT that they have fallen back in love with the Conservatives.
Do others feel the same as me with the Tories recent economic plans, like giving tax breaks for married people is DUMB while we have such a massive debt? I’m not one for squeezing every penny out of the people, but in the hard times ahead rewarding marriage (and I’m married and I assume I’ll benefit) should not be a priority. Seems like a cheap election vote puller rather than a serious economic policy.
The priority should be getting as many people to work as possible and reducing our debt.
Did make me laugh when one of the news outlets took a detailed look at the Tories plans to stop benefits for benefit cheats convicted of fraud 3 times.
Guess how many benefits cheats have been prosecuted 3 times: Yes you guessed it, ZERO, NON, NIL POINTS. That would mean this policy would cost money to bring into legislation and manage. Even if they included benefit cheats convicted twice there’s only 68 people who it would have affected so far!
Vince Cable the Lib Dems is doing really well, he does come across as really trustworthy. I’m not sure why though :-)
It would be difficult to trust the labour party on the economy. Their performance has been lax and unbelievably expensive. So their track record, under Gordon’s management and with the current chancellor, is discouraging.
Politicians in the house of commons, whatever their governmental position, are commoners. They are not supposed to be necessarily experienced. Experience is the job of the civil service and the upper house (Lords).
Having said that, the other parties who oppose Labour, give me no reason to trust them either, except that Vince Cable seems to have a cohesive and sensible policy which supports us ordinary mortals. That is the nearest I can come to “trust”, for now.
Sadly our British system does not give any voter the opportunity to vote on such individual different issues (yet!). So, on the basis of the economy, I would have to choose Liberal.
Overall, on the basis of trusting MPs at all, I would have to spoil my vote. Sad.
I wish the people of this island would realise we are not the world power we once were. We need a voice in the future, and that should be in Europe, a central player not on the edges. Get rid of tridant, have proportional representation.
I sound like a Liberal, but I am not. I do not trust Tories, with people dying on trollies in hospitals, police numbers at an all time low. I remember them well.
Labour did some good things with the Tories voting against. Independance for the Bank Of England, Min Wage.many employers forcasting job gloom and doom.. something like business today over NI increases.
The liberals offer most for me, but not living in a marginal were my vote could assist in keeping Tories out, I am left with regret Labour
The country needs a strong leader and balanced approach to the economy right now. Conservative would cut too deep, Labour would spend too much. After 65 years it is now time to give the Liberal Democrats the chance to stop the 2 party apathy we have had for far too long. Nick Clegg would be the strongest leader we have had in many years. Vince Cable seems very sound. The country desperately needs vitality, reliability, honesty and renewal to put our economy into order. NOW IS THE TIME TO FORGET TACTICAL VOTING and vote lib dem. If you don’t vote for them on the day, they stand no chance.
The labour party have at the least done what they have set out to do. Unpopular decisions at times but they are the people who have done the job. Ut is easy to speculate, however there is no evidence that the other parties would have handled the situation any better or indeed as well.
There is understandable yet unfounded statements being made in this campaign. Labour are giving factual answers – Tories are generally telling lies for which they are reknowned and Libs are generally waffling about changing everything which isn’t necessarily for the better – just sounds good to hopefuls that think it can be better.
Time for change? I don’t think so and I hope not.
Vote Labour. PLEASE. I can’t afford to lose my job.
Must we forget
selling gold reserves
forget taking our pensions
forget our troop requirements
forget promised referendoms(EU)
forget millions wasted on Quango’s
forget millons wasted on thr NHS
forget stupid laws on human rights
must I go on and on….
Labour must be defeated before we are bankrupt
and end up as the monkeys Gordon Brown take us for. If fact monkeys can do better.