The Barking and Dagenham (North London) Parliamentary Constituency will be the battle ground for the British National Party leader Nick Griffin (MEP) during the 2010 General Election. Currently the parliamentary seat is held by Labour Margaret Hodge, but in the 2006 council elections the BNP gained 12 of the 51 council seats, making the BNP […]
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Nick Griffin for Barking: Has the BNP made a mistake?
Nick Griffin’s decision to stand against Margaret Hodge in Barking at the next general election might, just might, turn out to be another example of the BNP’s legendary capacity for unforced error.
Makes interesting reading whomever you plan to vote for in Barking.
Nick Griffin is a rite tosser forgett the racist holocaust dening anti jew stuff in the past people make mistakes. o.k… but this fool of a man beleives in stupid ass conspiracy that the world is gonna be taken over by a elite small group
griffin beleives in this stuff NOW not 20 years ago when hes young and stupid its NOW
i happne to live in Barking and we don’t want a nutter like Nick bloody Griffin represeting us in London wed rather have a monster loony person than a dick head like Griffin!
you people who wil vote BNp must be mad!!!!!
As a white woman i feel that the bnp are disgracing all british white people.The other countries, e.g- america are shaking their heads and looking down on us because they thing most of the white british are still racist. i hate the bnp. not because of the disgrace it has caused to me but the fact that they discriminate people with a different COLOUR to them. Vote labour, consevative, lib dem, independent, whatever. just don’t vote bnp. my foster son is black and i love him more than my cousins. dont discriminate because of colour, its wrong.
Personally I think he has made a major mistake, trading of the Barnbrooke GLA seat isn’t a good move considering the voters of Barking haven’t forgotten the murders Barnbrooke made up and then came out with the lame duck excuse for.
So I think Griffin has made a major error in judgement in standing in Barking, he should have stayed closer to where he won the EU seat he would have stood more chance of being elected.
But I think he is trying to go for taking down a high profile MP which is NEVER a good idea when first trying to get elected, go up against someone with low or no real profile to stand a chance is the best move.
So I think the BNP have stood on there own foot here.
I don’t know much about the Barking seat, but it does sound like a mistake from what little I’ve read.
I take it if the BNP do gain an MP or two this general election it’s going to be very close. I see recounts a plenty :-)
I’m sure if it’s a close BNP loss we’ll see various conspiracies, postal voting scam, shipping in non BNP voters, new world order sort of stuff.
Well judging by this comment on the BNP website some have already started thinking that way
” Nationalist veteran · 6 hours ago
The polling stations are controlled by our rulers. If you want the BNP to succeed in this General Election then you must make yourself available on polling day. Do not moan about any results if you do not do this. We literally have to get twice as many votes to win ie we get so many votes that once all the postal votes and normal votes are stolen by the polling officials we still have enought left to win. “
it looks like the former archbishop of canterbury has had a damascus episode.he now writes that he thinks the B.N.P will win daganham and the general election,because the population ofthis country will reach 70 million in 10 years. the cross party group on immegration,led by frank field;has said the instead of stealing B.N. P.why not join us.
According to the BNP website Lord Carey is meant to have said the following:
“He then went even further, and predicted that the British National Party could win the parliamentary seat of Dagenham at the General Election.
He told the readers of Britain’s premier newspaper:
“In Dagenham, where I was brought up, the white working-class electorate, alienated by far-reaching social change and largely ignored by the mainstream parties, could vote for a BNP Member of Parliament.”
He said that people were supporting the BNP because it was the only political party echoing the sense of unfairness that many people felt about immigrants, economic migrants and bogus asylum seekers coming to Britain and availing themselves of our social services and our jobs.”
Now I have read The Times Article and I can’t find that so called quote anywhere in it ?
Here is Time Times article see if you can find the so called quotes
Because I have read it twice and guess what they are not there.
ANOTHER BNP FAIL (aka made it up)
Actually he hasn’t said anything of the sort here is a quote on what he has actually said on BBC Radio 4
“Lord Carey told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “We are not calling for a ban or anything like that because we value people from abroad.”
“What I think I’m concerned about is not saying we must put a limit on people who are non-Christian populations. That’s not the point. We welcome everybody and that’s always been the generous spirit of the United Kingdom.”
Unless of course you have a source of evidence for your posting, at which I will read it.
barking and dagenham is in east london (greater) not north london
Best wishes Nick on 6th May