I have sifted through the conservative shadow cabinets members voting records and it really tells you what a Tory government will do to Britain. Almost all of the Tory government voted against the hunting ban so on the months ahead we would have hunt masters riding around rural locations killing innocent foxes. For more about […]
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just abit bored lol. This is a anti fox hunting room and at the top of the page its going on about smoking and gay people aswell.
Just out of curiosity who cant bowl a ball if someone is smoking wtf its not that hard. It should be up to pub of bowling alley if they wants smokers in thier building not the stupid goverment.
And for all you queer di*k sucking homos if your happy then that is cool,and should be alowed to get married but not in a catholic church because its he rules or something.
sorry for swearing you might need parental guidence or mummy or dad make sure you dont read the commens. Your 13 and havents got a clue my dog is a sight hound and my dog would mistake a baby for a fox you weirdo nor will any dog.
Do you ever have your bedroom windows open at night? obviously not just incase the boogeyman comes and gets you.
Im staight out of the city and yes im chavy, you should be a toff shouldnt you you stuck up snoby little boy. You think im using bad language far from it im just having a normal conversation and putting in facts.
Have you ever seen a foxes brain they are tiny and you havent got a clue so why comment on it?
You probably havent seen a fox because you got to be home by 7:30 bathed and bed by 9:00 ready for school in the morning.
Incase you didnt know foxes mainly hunt at night.
You think you will sit peacfully under a tree and die at night when your shot it will hurt your not just going to sit around and could last for a few weeks untill the infection kills you.
Caleb you broke my heart aswell you aint taking me seriously lmao….like i care.
I feel sorry for you , you must have a boring life.
Your still twisting comments aswell aint ya.
You never said close your doors as a precaution and it aint hard work for a fox to jump through a window, only the top windows. you said if you shut your doors and low windows they won’t get in, just like how you’d stop a burglar getting in. i Didnt kno that burglars didnt use top windows.
Your the only insane person who would choose to die slowley than quickley.
Your stupidity amazes me, you obviously dont understand the meaning give them your heart and they will eat it do you. i dont mean it literally its an expresion, they are sly cunning little thigs.
I never said im worried about a fox attacking a child i said there is a possibilty this could happen. my dog would prevent the risk.
You really havent got a clue about the foxes behaviour and what they are like or even what they do, i bet you dont even know what they live in do you? if you dont please get of this site.
My dog will never turn on me, far to loyal, i would say thats a childish remark but you are a child so ill let you of.
Well in my years of hunting i have never seen a fox ripped to shreds it might happen but very unlikley even the guts falling out is rare.
you read to many magazines caleb