I have sifted through the conservative shadow cabinets members voting records and it really tells you what a Tory government will do to Britain. Almost all of the Tory government voted against the hunting ban so on the months ahead we would have hunt masters riding around rural locations killing innocent foxes. For more about […]
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The hunting ban is far more important to voters than the conservatives anticipated. It is really important that voters bear in mind that the Conservatives will be prepared to ignore the majority of the country and bring back an outdated and cruel past time, that’s all it is. They are a party who offer change and yet they all have incredibly old fashioned policies, we must be aware.
Thank you for your comment Heidi,
At last someone with sense, considering Richard and his uncles Decapitated lambs.
I’m glad to see a common man who has decent principles you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that killing defenceless animals for fun is wrong.
This is the 21st century, it’s time we step out of the dark ages and realise enough is enough.
I’m sorry, but you obviously know nothing about the other side of fox hunting, the damage the foxes do to lambs and other animals which farmers breed is colossal, you should ONLY be allowed to comment on this subject if you know the side of the country and what is actually needed.
Fox hunting isn’t just for fun, as is the case the MAJORITY of the time it isn’t used for fun, it’s the countrysides way of keeping fox numbers down and not letting them ruin the animals that farmers rear. Animals that you would probably of eaten eventually.
Don’t comment on this if you don’t know the whole story.
Hang on, i’m guessing you’ve never seen the damage foxes do? I’ve woken up in the morning to find thrirty of my chickens killed by a fox, and it will only ever take one of them to eat. It may be cruel, and yes does need adapting to make it more humain, but fox hunting needs to be legal.
Have you ever wondered why thirty pubs close a week. I’m sure its just a coincidence that it sharply rose after the smoking ban came into place. Labour are simply not looking after their own.
And as for your remarks about the House of Peers, the more you chip away at what makes this United Kingdom what it is, the more its foundations shall crumble, i mean, before long you will be suggesting the Monarchy should go, and that is wrong.
There have been six Labour governments, and each one has ended in a currency crisis. Last time, the Conservatives had to sort it out, and again, it looks as though they will. The Conservatives said at the last election that they would start the cuts during the boom, ready for when the bust came, but of course Gordon Brown had already abolished boom and bust. As Mr. Brown once said: “A weak currency arises from a weak economy which, in turn, is the result of a weak Government.”
Labour have wrecked this once great Country, and as for Nick Clegg… he isn’t even worth discussing
God save the Queen!
Thank You for you comment ARoyalist,
You say that a Fox killed 30 of your chickens in the night and it only ate one, well a fox may kill the occupants of a whole hen house but, it will try to bury all of those hens that it killed for later consumption unless it was interrupted.
I agree that if a fox has breached your territory/land and attacked your livestock it should be shot, but is it needed to torture it to death by subjecting it to a agonising attack by foxhounds, and don’t say like previous commenter’s that it is a quick and instant death (by hounds) of which it is not.
Also You live in the countryside you will ALWAYS have fox problems unless you wipe the species off the planet, and hunting foxes will not stop that problem, you will not do that much of a dent on the fox population as I say to the other conservative commenter’s that try to chip at my post’s you just hunt for your own demented fun :(.
You say that more pubs have been closing every week since the smoking ban, even if that is true then I can give you some counter-figures 1,000 deaths annually by second-hand smoke, did you pass-out when reading that part of the above article?
And you say “before long you will be suggesting the Monarchy should go, and that is wrong.” all I have to say is LOL, where did you get that bit of info from?
You say that Labour has made the the country steer into crisis, no Margaret Thatcher made chaos she broke our hard working people, and sold most of the industries off at the cheap, research into history give me one example of a labour government that has caused the result’s you say they did.
To end my comment I will ask why does Nick Clegg not deserve a chance??
He hasn’t had a go in parliament we haven’t been able to see him in action, don’t be a one sided Tory voter ARoyalist.
I think it’s been said enough about foxes instinct to kill chickens and livestock, so I will refer you to research do by people who have spent there lives understanding foxes not judging them.
The point again is not that a farmer can’t kill a fox it’s that a blood sport should not be allowed in 21 century Britain to torture a fox to death for doing what come natural.
We in the city have a huge problem with rats, they are a pest that spread disease that doesn’t affect us finacially, but directly by spreading disease to us, but townies as you call us, do not adorn themselves in red hoodies, jump on our mopeds following our terriers to flush out a rat then beat them to death with clubs to eradicate the problem.
No we call out a man who comes in and kills the rat, he doesn’t enjoy doing it it’s his job. He kills it and he leaves problem solved until next time.
We in the cities do not wish death on rats or make a game out of their death we don’t seek out rats for pleasure. We live with them and only deal with a situation with rats when it arises civilly!
If you own livestock then a fox might eat your chickens once in a while, it’s the cycle of life they have to survive the same as any other animal. losses should be calculated into your plans.
Losses are to be expected, exactly the same as a fox has to compete with humans for land don’t you think we are a pest to the world. when we take away habitat the fox as less food to eat hence there numbers decrease, in fact the only sure way to eradicate foxes is by taking away there habitat, since the number of foxes stays constant and a hunt makes no real difference to there numbers or solve the problem permanently for a farmer since another will take it’s territory.
Just a joke, but maybe you should build a council estate on some of that green belt land on your back yard, then the foxes won’t have any where to go resulting in the near extinction of foxes :-)
Your choice foxes or townies!
Makes a fox seem the lesser of two evils now doesn’t it, since a fox attacking your chickens only happens once in a blue moon, but anti-social behaviour is constant.
People are a lot worse than any fox could ever be think about the problems in cities!. We have to deal with anti-social behaver day in day out it never stop there’s all ways some stressful situation to contend with unlike foxes.
Live in harmony with foxes, it could be worse believe you me ! enjoy the country side and try not to get caught up in hate because it’s inconvenient financially, trust me money isn’t everything and I would give my hind teeth to wake up to dead chicken rather than humans.
Your lucky to live in the country side having foxes as your neighbors instead of chavs (sorry I meant intellectually challenged :-)) like the rest of us!
Foxes might kill your chickens, but humans might kill you.
Think about it!
I would like to say that I think you are all missing out some of the main aspects of what the Tories want to do.
I’m a town girl so I don’t care about foxes, although I do think its wrong. But what about the fact that only the rich will now go to university, or that the family’s that try to get by month by month will now suffer with no child tax credit and will lose there homes and end up in even more debt. Because I know if we lost our working family tax credit we would sink.
So let watch the rich get richer and the poor suffer!
i live in a city foxes are everywhere they are chilling in the streets over the parks and you all obviously read about that fox that nearlly killed the womans babys, if controlled they wouldnt even be in cities they would still be in the countryside.
Yes my dogs can kill a fox on its own in about 5 sec, a fox is hard to shoot unless you hit right in the brain which is the size of a walnut or major organ they usually run of and die an even slower and more painfull death. also the people on the moped in red hoodies probably stole the moped and got the police behind them thats why they dont hunt and thier dogs are usually pitbulls trained to fight and kill and could kill kids which they have.
Hunting got me out of a life of crime and should be legal. im not into politics dont have a clue about it this is just my opinion. Peaches wtf you on about live in harmony with foxes…… and anti social behaviour is controlled by the police like foxes should be controlled by hunters. if foxes are not controlled they will soon be in all of our cities and they are sly little things and you never know maybe next time a fox might kill someones kids. A fox is usuall killed quicker by dogs than gun unless your a good shot. But on average when you shoot a fox 80% will run of and die slowley and 20% are shot dead, dogs hunting foxes are 99% successful and will kill them on the spot, of course the first few seconds might hert but atleast it wont run of and die in more pain. even on a very bad day it should take less than 30 secs.
Your argument is very flawed Urban Hunter/Joe (BTW I know your the same commenter just different name… You cant hide from the moderator)
I could barely survive sifting through the terrible spelling and grammar, but anyway I might as well pick apart your senseless argument.
You say that there’s loads of foxes chilling on the streets doubt that, they’re afraid of humans.
You mention the woman who had her babies attacked by a fox, this super-rare incident happens about once every couple centuries, but with those dogs that you love so much they kill a child every month.
Another mistake A foxes brain is not the size of a walnut and foxes aren’t a real problem in towns and cities if you shut your doors and low windows they won’t get in, just like how you’d stop a burglar getting in.
You make frankly idiotic fictional scenarios of stolen mopeds being chased by cops you make yourself sound like a retard.
The rest I’ve had to pick the sentences that sound anything like someone wrote, the rest look like a chimpanzee was at a typewriter smacking it’s fists on the keys.
You make it look like these foxes have a master plan and they rob banks and shops, kill people in mass, and they have some criminal organisation with plans to take over the world… get real Joe/Urban Hunter get real.
You say Fox hunting got you out of a life of crime… so instead of stealing and grafting things you decide to commit more crime on top of that and kill foxes… I can see what you mean (NOT).
You say that being ripped apart isn’t that bad then hows about I pull off your arms gorge your intestines while your alive and spitting and screaming in pain, your lungs filling with blood to the extent of you drowning then you being mercilessly having your eyes clawed out while you feel every single mili-second, sound nice hey… walk in the park right?.
think about it, if it was legall we would have the water loo cup and all sorts of hunting this might take a couple of thousand of hoodies of your street.
caleb the high and mighty, sorry for not writing perfect for you,you must be super educated. Lurchers nor fox hounds have never been reported for killing humans only pitbull types you faggot. i cant spell but you cant read i never said i liked pitbulls did i?
The name is just to piss you of……. foxes brains are generally small not far of the size of a walnut. so tell me how big is a foxes brain? Go down your loca tip and look at the foxes scavenging through rubbish they will sit close to humans but when approached will run, ask your local binmen.
By the way you were still able to read my comment thats all that is needed i aint going to sit there and mess about with punctuation and grammar. The fox is usually dead by the time its insides are ripped out.
They can fit through a small enough gab and if you close all the windows and doors on your house in the heat its not good for a baby, common sense smart guy.
Also foxes come through my neighborhood and rip open rubbish bags i even seen one the other day in the park so i set the dog after it lucky it got away :). maybe if a todler was out and the fox is hungry it might have a go at the kids, before you say it wont happen there is still a possiblity.
if you think closing windows and doors stops burgulars then your wrong.
Also fox attacks are more common now because they are not aloud to be hunted so maybe in the next few years we will hear more storys about the urban fox and childrens deaths.
The moped bit was from peaches comment incase you didnt realise i was taking the piss.
I dont commit more crimes its not like i still do silly things hunting got me out of that. you really cant read can you?
you make foxes sound like sweet little angels that could be trusted with your heart when infact give them your heart and they will eat it.
Caleb you never been hunting have you you aint got a clue, dogs pulls the foxes eyes out to wtf. you crack me up you must be 6 years old living on a millionaires estate, you completley twisted my comments so i put them right for you. tell me how long have you studied the fox for?
tell me how long it will take a pack of fox hounds to kill a fox, and also tell me how long it will take a lurcher to kill a fox.
like i said it is hard to shoot a fox dead, dogs on average can kill a fox quicker than a gun.
Tell me would you rather be shot run of and die in a few days or killed istantly within 30 sec?
i have never seen a fox who had its arms or tails or anything ripped of them, its even rare to have there insides ripped out.
I hope you have a fun time reading this and if you comment dont forget to read carefully and try not to twist things around.
happy hunting Caleb lmao
Thank you for noting my excellent education.
You sound like a right idiot… using bad language (swearing) in a comment of which to state your opinion, it makes me not take you seriously at all.
BTW Grammar and punctuation is Important it makes it so you don’t look like a chav (which you both sound like and probably are).
Still, a foxes brain isn’t the size of a walnut… it is far larger than that.
Anyway… I’d love to see a fox in my town that would be awesome probably take a photo and not kill it, I’m not a sick frustrated person that can only have fun by killing something, exactly what Fox Hunters are.
I said close your doors as a precaution a fox will not go to that much trouble to climb through a window to your house, it would rather eat from the bins.
LOL, you found a fox on a park and you sent your dog after it… your worried at a fox attacking a toddler, what about your dog it can do way more damage than a fox can. One incident of mistaken identity and that toddlers got your pet on it’s face ripping it apart.
I never said closing windows stops a burglar just you wouldn’t have them open all night while you sleep it’s common sense.
Your stupidity amazes me Urban Hunter/Joe, give them your heart and they will eat it… IT’S A PIECE MEAT OF COURSE IT WILL we eat animals (even their hearts).
You don’t need to either hunt or study foxes/fox hunting to know IT IS EVIL AND WRONG read the post’s I make numpty I’m 13 years old.
Also I don’t know how long it takes for a lurcher to kill a fox I don’t participate in the torment of the hunt.
You asked would I rather be shot or torn apart?
I would rather do neither but if crunch comes to crunch then I’d rather be shot and pass away peacefully by night-time then be tortured for minutes.
they have their limbs ripped off in the moment of the kill they get excited and tear them apart flesh guts and all.
All we can hope is your beloved pets turn on you and rip you limb from limb like how you kill foxes.
This is the 21st century, it’s time we step out of the dark ages and realise enough is enough.
what a funny comment, lets all sit in and play on our computers is the 21st boring century.