Let play a game of what if…. What if on May 6th the Conservative party won the election? Among other things Great Britain would look fine, supporters would cheer, parties would get on with it on the whole, people would be happy. But then as the months prevailed cracks would start to show, the toff-nosed […]
Continue Reading Election 2010 Tories Will Lift the Fox Hunting Ban
Hey Caleb,
I’ve been doing some research and I’ve discovered they can still hunt and kill a fox, but the fox can’t die via dogs.
They can shoot a fox and even kill a fox with the aid of a hawk?, but they can’t allow there dogs to rip a fox apart.
So what are these hunters squawking about, they still get to hunt the only element missing is the end kill which leads me to the only conclusion that these people are sick in the head!
The only difference is they don’t get to hear a fox screaming in pain and laughing as there dogs tear it apart, yew! I’m even more against these people more now.
What’s wrong with them, they must have a lot of hate in there heart and a lack of common decency :(
I don’t think foxes can scream in pain and laugh at the same time.
Erm… Malcolm I think peaches meant the Hunt-masters laugh not the Foxes :)
not all foxes die after 1 shot, not all people got haws the dogs just make their death as quick and easy as possible
slow death or quick death simple question easy answer and it involves the dogs.
Foxes are a massive problem and its not like they are an endagered species. They havn’t actually banned fox hunting, they’ve banned the use of dogs in the KILLING of foxes. The law states you need someone “visable” with a gun. Shooting a fox isn’t always fool proof, A fox may be shot and run off therefore spending days bleeding to death, the dogs would have killed him there and then, no question about it. I’m sick of urban people commenting on country life, If you don’t like the country stay in your urban world. Fox hunting is not just for the rich, its one of very few sports where all classes are invited to take part together.
I live in a councill estante in cardiff city and i love the countryside and i aint no rich snob times are hard rabbit meat is for free lol goes well on a sunday lunch lol
Foxes are a problem for sheep farmers and they will take lambs and not just 1 or 2 either. Stray dogs and foxes are a massive problem. Do you actually know a sheep farmer in person? I can tell you from experience farming these days is very difficult, they make a loss on milk, loss on wool, (ect) why do you think the EU pays subsidies?
Paying for special fox friendly poisons will just break the camels back. Shooting them takes alot of time that farmers don’t have. You are very naive and typical of a city boy, let us country folk get on with what we have to in order to keep you urban folk with food.
Thank you for your comment Sian,
Ok, with the fox hunting commenter’s on my website different person same argument.
You all say that a fox trotted into your paddocks and massacred the whole farms livestock, what next you’ll say a fox killed a horse (and chewed off it’s head?).
Also Sian others have tried to jab at me by saying I don’t know a farmer so I don’t have an opinion grow up don’t act like a naive well… 3 year old.
Also my dad use to live next to a farm an he reminisce’s about his farmyard tales he would barely see a fox and if it did it would raid the bins instead of kill a lamb.
Also a foxes staple diet isn’t just a gourmet meal of lamb and chicken it’s mice (that eat your crops) vole’s, rats (which invade your home) and Rabbits (cute but disastrous) these are all pests that the fox eats actually and might be protecting your crops.
You very ignorantly say “You are very naive and typical of a city boy, let us country folk get on with what we have to in order to keep you urban folk with food.”
To use a false argument like you have well then don’t buy a bloody tractor, car, combine harvester, wood (for a barn), fuel, medicines, chemicals (fertilisers, rat deterrent/poison etc…) your house, your gun, your dog, your Ikea furniture, Your B&Q kitchen, laminate flooring, etc… etc… etc… oh.. and all the money you borrow from the city, just to name a few.
So don’t tell me to leave you on murdering foxes in exchange for you farm food :).
It frustrates me that you play up the cute image of the fluffy little cub with big brown eyes. Why not stick to the facts.
It is a fact that foxes are pests; they kill livestock for food, which in our economic climate and the constraints already placed on farmers can prove incredibly detrimental to a farmers standard of living. For example with sheep farming, their entire profit is made from their lambs born from December-May – each one worth between £60-80. A significant loss considering the amount of time, energy, and money that goes in to each and every one.
Foxes, as carnivores and survivors, will take every opportunity to bring down prey to keep themselves fed. This would include killing multiple lambs – they don’t stop and think “Oh hey, I probably cant eat more than one, I’ll leave the rest be”. Please be aware also, that foxes are not squirrels, they do not bury a cache, planning for the future. Sure, they will come back to the site where they made the kill, but it is not the case that they dig holes to bury their ‘stash’.
It is true that the Conservatives have said that they would put a vote to lift the ban through parliament. If you are so sure that the majority of the country are against fox-hunting – and the numbers agree with you – the ban will not be lifted, in fact, bringing it into the spot light once again may actually help in that it clearly another solution needs to be found as illegal hunting is still taking place five years down the line.
I also think its completely unnecessary to resort to personal abuse, it is completely narrow minded to suggest that a. all people who support fox hunting are cruel murderous individuals with the same morals as a serial killer or say the nazi’s or b. that all city folk know nothing about the countryside. To urge people NOT to vote for a party because of one statement which would most likely have no effect in any case, ignoring the other green issues – including climate change, which was we know will affect more than just one species – not to mention the HUGE amount of debt our country is in. I urge you, to see the bigger picture, and not shun an entire party because they say they will re-think the ban on fox hunting.
Thank you for your comment R,
All of the Pro hunting commenter’s say the blinkin’ same thing!
The hunt-masters are breeding more foxes and killed them for their own insane sick fun.
You whine about all of the foxes raiding your farm, before you moan look up the bleedin’ facts:
They kill many hens and bury bodies then eat them on unsuccessful days.
There has been video/documentary evidence of this behaviour.
They do NOT hunt for fun they are NOT the same as the sick evil hunt masters.
You are a farmer you have to cope with losses and not blame the foxes.
You said and I quote: “Oh hey, I probably cant eat more than one, I’ll leave the rest be”
They do not do as you say they do, they will only kill a lamb when they are desperate and hungry, their normal diet is mice, rats and vole’s.
Also I shun the conservative because:
Tories want Google or Microsoft to host NHS patient records.
They will lift the smoking ban.
They are pro-rich only and don’t give a fudge about poor people.
Their Manifesto is filled with waffle and sound bytes.
They opposed the plan to give people under 25 unemployed for a year a job or training, leaving most youth on the dole.
Tories will reduce Police/crime-fighting services by £160 million the equivalent of losing 3,500 police officers, a criminals paradise.
And Then David Cameron would give 200,000 to 3,000 millionaires in the UK (steal from the poor to give to the rich).
They aspire to Margaret Thatcher, who’s heart is colder than a marble floor.
And most of the MP in the Tory Central Office are Homophobic.
So please don’t make half-baked accusations.
Also 75% of the public don’t want the hunting ban lifted, the Tories are insanely wealthy Hunters and the Conservative MP’s want it and they get it, they do not put it down to a referendum because they know they will lose and wont be able to get their sick evil kicks by torturing foxes to death, so don’t act like the people want it because they don’t.
Hunting is great fun it keeps me of the streets, rabbits, Hares and foxes are all pests. Over the years they have destroyed millions of pounds of crops and livestock. rabbits breed like mad so its not like they will go extinct. Ive nown foxes to kill More the one lamb in a night they will stash they prey and go back if they are in a field with alot of young on it, they will keep taking them all untill its stopped. Not all foxes have horrific deathes they can be pretty quick but it shouldnt matter for the people who dont live in or work the countyside. Foxes even run around my estate ripping up the rubbish bags and killing cats. People still hunt illegaly obviously but they shoulfd lift the ban its great fun keeps me off the streets. Thay should give us designated areas to hunt legaly and the national parks should be left alone for tourists. Only 2 dogs should be used on a fox with 1 rifle to put it out of its missery quickly if that upsets you so shall we legalise firearms lmao oj
The blood on the cheeks its to mark the persons first catch they dont do it everytime.
a fox will kill anything they can to stay alive including lambs
It does depend on where you are. We had a group of foxes take 12 chickens and 6 lambs. Do you know how much a lamb goes to market for? We don’t borrow any money from the city. As for B&Q and Ikea… Sorry Cheap furniture not for me. As for laminate flooring, Sorry cheap flooring not for me. I Agree a fox does not kill for fun, But they kill livestock, Livestock costs money. Farming is difficult enough. Mice and rats are not a huge problem for us as we have cats and a large pack of dogs. I Think you should probably look outside the box that you seem to be in. I will continue to kill any fox that i see near livestock and if the law changes i will send the dogs after them because thas what we have to do to make a living. I don’t take any pleasure from killing foxes its what we have to do.
Before I can answer may I ask what do you class as a group of foxes, were they hunting in a Pack together?
I assume so. When i said a group there was 4 of them and I’m sure they would have killed alot more than they did if someone had not shot them.
I was talking to local game keeper today. Foxes got into a polts rearing pen killed 300 pheasants and only took 3. Each pheasant fully grown is worth around £4 I believe.
Foxes cost people alot of money, you cannot deny that.
I am sorry Sian but that is a blatant Lie,
I was waiting for you to fall into my trap :)
Foxes do not hunt in packs, it is a myth wolves otherwise hunt together.
I do not deny that foxes cost money to a farmer but they have to cope it’s the downsides of the job.
(and real farmers can legally shoot the offending foxes)
Are you sure you live in the country you know less about farming than I do.
PS: I can no longer trust what you say this is one too many lies
LOL!! I very clearly said I assumed so. My Grandfather farms, My uncles farm, I lived on farms throughout my childhood and you have always lived in the city. I never claimed to know about a foxes daily life, I don’t take any interest. They take money from my family and we kill them. My uncle pays £25 a head for each fox to be killed and you can keep the scraps for your ferrets if you like. I don’t care what you do or don’t believe. Gordon brown just resigned and it looks like the conservatives have come to power. If the fox hunting laws are lifted i will hunt, if it isn’t I will continue to shoot any fox I see and you will continue moaning.
well Sian aint you the big guy/gal
karma is a wonderful thing
Fox hunting in not inhumane, inhumane is our soldiers getting killed in the wars
Cant i have permission to work your fathers land, dogs are stock trained good on recall and will let your stock live happily.
P.S. I have just asked my uncle. They were 2 sets of what he can only assume were 2 brothers over 190 acres and that is quite common at certain times of the year.
Mums teach cubs to hunt which may look like a pack
If farms were secured better by farmers then foxes would not kill for food – I keep chickens and have NEVER had any killed because I keep them SECURE!!
Stupid stuck up toffs!!
Fox hunting is vile and disgusting and should stay banned and dont tell me any facts about it because i know and have heard them all before!!
Are you paying to secure all these farms with god knows how much fencing barb wire and they will always get in unless you keep your chiks in a shed all the time or are constantly keeping your eye on them its hard work, i think people probably hunting foxes in your area thats why you aint had no problems. I aint no farmer but i thought it was best for livestock to be out in the opens to have as much room to walk about on as possible, but because you dont like hunting why should other people suffer
Caleb, Your first post says you are 13?
I think it’s admirable that you have such a keen interest in politics at such a young age, too bad you couldn’t vote :)
Do you play computer/PS games? Experience tells me the VAST majority of teenage boys do. – not entirely the same, but still relevant since it would make you a hypocrite. (And, the riders don’t do the killing, their just out having a good time riding through the countryside, the majority of them, will never see a kill).
Also, fishing? pheasant shoots? wild game shoots in Africa?! If you are so concerned with animal welfare why don’t you look to some of the more pressing issues which have not – unlike fox hunting – been addressed. You come across a little narrow minded.
The Conservatives would never have achieved the swing they did if people did not believe they could do good for this country. It is completely naive to suggest “They are pro-rich only and don’t give a fudge about poor people.” – and you are insinuating that you know better than a significant proportion of the UK’s population. Which is clearly not the case. I would also LOVE to know where you are getting your information from. Please share.
In PC games I ‘murder’ pixels, but I do so because I know that those pixels have no life they do not live eat, have feeling nor memories of a life in retrospect they do not live.
Now, a fox it lives, it eats, it feels pain, you have killed something that has lived a life, now is that justified.
It is dumb to say that I’m a hypocrite because I kill computer generated aliens/zombies/other pix-elated beings, when you kill living breathing foxes that is pure evil :(.
You also say: “(And, the riders don’t do the killing, their just out having a good time riding through the countryside, the majority of them, will never see a kill).”
Then why take a pack of dogs a rifle, if you are only going for the horse-back ride, please don’t fabricate the truth.
Also I do NOT condone fly-fishing it is wrong the way that a man will catch a fish via a hook, and neither do I support Pheasant shoots or wild game hunts in Africa unless it is fairly humane, and they plan to eat the kill, I do not like neither, but I have picked one thing that is directly involved in politics because of the Tories may relinquish the ban, I am not narrow minded these issues concern me but I have chosen fox-hunting.
You ask where I got my information from well I did Research (you should try it sometime).
of couse killing aint fun but the chase is exciting. If some gets a kick out of killing they should be in a nut house, but it has to be done like i already said why should people who enjoy hunting suffer because other people dont like it.
camerons in charge i think we will be hunting by the end of the year lol i hope.