Let play a game of what if…. What if on May 6th the Conservative party won the election? Among other things Great Britain would look fine, supporters would cheer, parties would get on with it on the whole, people would be happy. But then as the months prevailed cracks would start to show, the toff-nosed […]
Continue Reading Election 2010 Tories Will Lift the Fox Hunting Ban
Fox hunting is so abhorrent and unnecessary and whilst only half of the country wanted it banned in 2005 now 75% of the public wish to see it remain banned. There are many patronising arguments the hunters will use: pest control (despite the fact that they have been manufacturing artificial soils to encourage breeding in order for the pup hounds to train to hunt during cubbing season) country life shouldn’t be interfered with (despite the fact that the hunters do not own the countryside, it belongs to the country as a whole). They assume that the anti crowd are all city dwellers and they are anything but. Our democracy will be violated if the Conservatives chose to bring back this barbaric sport. There is only one reason why the hunters want hunting back, because it is part of their way of life: it’s their jaunty fun at the weekend, they have been brought up with it. They don’t care about anything BUT this and law is created to protect and not allow a bunch of selfish, over indulged cruel people to continue with a blood sport.
I’m sorry but you must not have read the part where they kill OTHER INNOCENT ANIMALS. And I am not breaking the law thank you very much, and if you have never ridden a horse before or taken part in a hunt, then I don’t think you do have the right to tell people that they can’t do it.
Thank you again for your comment Charlotte,
I didn’t tell you that you can’t go riding or hunting I was merely stating that you are breaking the law if you kill Foxes.
Also so a fox kills other innocent animals, so we kill it…. where is the logic in that?
A Foxes instinct is to kill to survive and survive to kill we get our food by Tesco’s and Asda a fox will die if it doesn’t eat it cant go on a berry diet they cannot sustain themselves only on fruit.
You have also returned to the point that “and if you have never ridden a horse before or taken part in a hunt, then I don’t think you do have the right to tell people that they can’t do it.”
I don’t think that’s a valid argument, I haven’t gone sky-diving before but if someone decided to jump out of a plane completely naked I would know that it’s a dumb idea, just because I haven’t experienced it myself I can still have an opinion.
You dont need horses to hunt foxes, land needs to managed.
Charlotte said “if you have never ridden a horse before or taken part in a hunt, then I don’t think you do have the right to tell people that they can’t do it.
Well Charlotte, I’m sure a serial killer has the same opinion as you when it comes to killing, since a serial killer kills for fun and see nothing wrong in doing something that comes natural to them, has well as them having an opinion that the human race is a pest.
Does that mean by your definition just because We have never been on a hunt from a serial killers perspective that we don’t have the right to say it’s wrong and to stop them from doing it?
75% of people, a majority do not want the hunting ban lifted, Live with it and get over it!!
The majority of us know deep down It’s wrong to kill whether it’s a pest or human. It doesn’t settle well with our sense of right or wrong, A farmer killing a fox that has killed his live stock is something most people don’t like, but can live with and understand, but don’t make a game out of it that just Abhorrent (thanks Caleb for that word :-))
The problem with people who are pro hunting is there argument is always flawed.
It amazes me how so much myth is freely thrown around to frighten/persuade people into there argument, how can you live with foxes as your neighbors and know so little about them.
Pro hunting lobbies do not solve a pest problem they add to it by breeding foxes for the kill, so a farmer has more problems protecting his live stock not less since the hunt has just increased the population!
You said in another post “we could see massive rises in livestock getting killed”. Well it’s been 6 years and it would have been shown by now if that was the case, since there is still the same amount of food in the country side and foxes still die of natural causes the population of Foxes is still the same.
Killing a few foxes during the hunt isn’t going to make a difference to the fox population it’s a myth. the only way to control a population is a massive cull of thousands like the cull on seals in Canada, You are killing for your own entertainment not the well fair of the country side, your a needle in a hay stack, nature culls foxes just fine, if it didn’t then there would be more foxes than dogs in this country.
And your argument of “I’m sorry but you must not have read the part where they kill OTHER INNOCENT ANIMALS” is just silly, we kill innocent animals for food, you seem to have a different opinion of a human to a fox maybe you need to explain this statement to me, since all carnivores kill to eat, Were not talking about killing for food, but the sinister act of killing for pleasure.
The country side is not yours it belong to no man you don’t have a right to it or it’s food source you have to learn to live in harmony with nature not destroy it because it’s an inconvenience, if a farmer/ country folk doesn’t know how to do this then there living in the wrong place doing the wrong job since foxes are a part of our country side long before your so called hunt was invented.
Why is the pleasure of riding a horse not enough for you?
killing is part of nature foxes kill all sorts rabbits, hares ,sheep, chick ect and 75% of people still want it banned how many percent have even enganged in hunting or even done anything in the countryside? how many of the people havent got a clue about it they just vote it because they think that foxes are cute and cuddly, but really if they had a chance they probaly eat you they or snatch a baby that wouldnt suprise me. Although that probaly wont happen but at the end of the day they are pest and thay cause problems, Thay will take and kill anything given the chance. Why is hare hunting illegal and not rabbits they are pretty much the same just the hare is a bit bigger and lives in a bigger field
Heidi & Caleb,
Thanks for your educated insight into the hunting ban. I can only assume that you both have more knowledge on this subject than Lord Burns, who was commissioned by the Labour Government to investigate the facts about hunting with dogs. The outcome of the Burns report was that he “struggle[d] to see how the … Act … passes the Minister’s test that the legislation should be soundly based on evidence and principle”.
Foxes are pests. Fact. Farmers need to control pests to protect their herds. Fact. Would you honestly prefer farmers to shoot and use traps – where a fox may die over a period of days – than the instant death inflicted by hounds?
At least if you shoot a fox on sight you know you have the right pest that is eating your livestock.
When a hunt chases down a fox, it’s more than likely not the same fox that has been in the farmers chicken coop, but an innocent animal that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Thank you for your comment Peaches,
You make a very good point.
A hunt takes a while to organise, and the fox that killed your livestock could be miles away.
How would you know which fox you killed, it could be a different Fox that is completely innocent and may have not caused a problem and the one that visited your hen-house before may come back for more.
Thank you for you comment Heidi and Richard.
I find Richards argument not very solid, you say that it would be more painful for the foxes to be shot than to be ripped limb from limb at the mouth of a hound?
I also find traps barbaric and wrong, and I do not suggest that farmers should put out illegal traps that cause the fox in question suffering and pain, there are products on the market that can instantly kill or even repel foxes with ease.
You say “Would you honestly prefer farmers to shoot and use traps – where a fox may die over a period of days – than the instant death inflicted by hounds?”
The death inflicted by foxhounds isn’t instant and let’s turn the argument on it’s head… if you were the fox would you like to chased down to exhaustion being scared to death, and then meeting your end by being eaten alive…. or being shot where there is a very good chance that you instantly die.
Fox Hunting is a Bloodsport purely for pleasure and demented fun, and is sick and evil, and to say it is a way to control a pest is just ludicrous.
Most of the time the hunt masters do not even participate in this disgusting act of murder near a farm that has a fox problems they travel to kill innocent foxes that are minding their own business in the wild.
If a farmer really wanted to kill a troublesome fox he would sit next to where the animals has last been seen and he would shoot it on site simple, effective and humane.
I also have to make the point of who takes pleasure in killing a beautiful animal like this
is a monster!
all foxes are tories at heart. fact.
does that change your opinion of them now Caleb?
I think this is where we differ young kaleb. You see a fox through rose tinted glasses as a beautiful innocent creature. I (being from the country) see it for what it is; a pest.
Now let me give you an example. My uncle, a sheep farmer, had a problem with a fox coming in and killing lamb. For the avoidance of any doubt, when i say killing lamb, I dont mean so it could feed itself, I mean the fox would come in decapitate several lamb and then leave. This happened twice in a week. The simple, effective solution was to bring in the hunt. They flushed out the fox and the problem was resolved.
You see a local solution to a local problem.
The hunt employs local people and brings the community together.
I cannot accept your point on shooting. If you think you could 100% shoot a fox dead with a gun shot from distance you should join the army. More likely the fox would be injured and die of its injuries. A hound gives a very efficient kill in a matter of seconds.
I have an example for you Richard,
A fox will enter a hen-house and kill sometime all of the hens inside, that fox will then drag the corpse’s and bury them nearby, this is for preservation of the meat for later consumption.
They do not hunt for pleasure they kill hens and other rodents to either eat or save, they do so to collect food for unsuccessful days of hunting.
Lamb mortality is low, and a fox does not have the strength to decapitate a lamb and would not just leave them in the field a fox they do not have jaws like a Guillotine and it would not have the time to eat it, IF you found two headless lambs I would look towards a murderous ninja with a samurai sword.
Also I will turn back to that point THEY DO NOT HUNT FOR PLEASURE only Humans and Chimpanzee’s do so, so it is very very very unlikely that a fox killed your lambs
Also you said in your comment above “A hound gives a very efficient kill in a matter of seconds.”
A hound can rip out a foxes stomach and innards with it still alive, would you like to have that done to you, I personally would like to be shot instead of a torturous death by dogs.
By the Way I do not look upon foxes with rose-tinted glasses, I find they are beautiful animals and if one was infringing on my property and endangering my livestock then I would have no problem shooting that fox.
Maybe you should do some revision before claiming that a fox decapitated your uncles lambs.
They will take lambs they will take anything vunerable and easy its not hard for a fox to take away a newborn lamb if they want hounds go for the throat and wont waste time on pulling its insides out if a fox is shot in the legs it could take a while for it to die. A fox will fight back so thats the reason why the dogs will kill it quickley.
Hunting ban should only involve people who live in the countrside and encounter the problems foxes causes, there is nothing wrong with it, out of 75% of people who think we should keep the ban i bet only30 – 40% even encountered a fox the rest are just agreeing with the crownd, well i think it would be great fun and in the 90s its was. fox hunting could help the countryside and i read one of the articals stating that they will not go extinct and they wont. foxes cause problems and should be sorted out. they will always cause problems unless controlled
You cannot argue without a view from the other side. I myself own a couple of horses, and I hunt a couple of times a season. I personally want the Tory’s in power so they can lift the ban. Everyone in the horse riding industry wants it gone, and over 50% said they didnt want it in the first place.
Foxes are pests, and if we don’t keep the numbers down, there will be loads of them, and with hunting completely banned we could see massive rises in livestock getting killed.
It doesn’t seem to me like any of you know the real story behind this, do any of you have horses? Have you ever been hunting? I don’t expect so, so I don’t think you have the right to comment about something you don;t really know.
Thank you
Thank you Charlotte for your comment,
I have to ask you how you hunt do you actually kill foxes or do you participate in a legal false hunt, if you do kill then you are breaking the law.
Also you ask me if I have hunted before or owned horses, no I didn’t grow up on a farm I am a city-boy and I haven’t hunted before because when the hunting ban was put in place I was only 8 years old neither can I legally harm an animal nor get on the horse in the first place.
I could do both now, but I would not kill a defenceless innocent animal for no reason then mindless disgusting fun (I wouldn’t mind riding a horse :))
And I also have room to comment because I was born with a moral standing and I know killing things for fun is completely wrong, you are telling me that the only fun you can have and bond with your community while riding a horse is watching a beautiful foxes being ripped apart.
Also you say “Everyone in the horse riding industry wants it gone, and over 50% said they didn’t want it in the first place.” well Charlotte those people who want it back are abhorrent and sick, these people breed foxes to murder now is that culling a burst in the fox population?
No it’s your demented fun industry (complete with a fox factory).
Foxes… then whats next…A NEW FORM OF SLAVERY for people that can’t pay 50% tax? Would they make us run through the forrest to make up the tax return? Where is the respect for nature? Any party that can kill for sport and fun in the face of their public, scares the life out of me.