The Conservatives Manifesto is a photo minefield, it really contrast’s how little they have to say, they have filled it with page sized pictures, it makes you feel a little like a toddler reading the Gruffalo.
The first page (as usual with the Tory party election broadcast’s) has a large photo of David Cameron on the front, but the conservatives has poured a big bucket of waffle and boring banter in the Manifesto about how bad Labour is at running the government, and he keeps replaying that sound byte of “were all in this together” and “we need to play our part” But we need to know what the Tories will do for us before we can do anything for them.
He hasn’t told us anything, he keeps on waffling about the debt crisis and how were overwhelmed by national debt if we were as swamped in as many problems as they claim then we would feel the pinch.
David Cameron moans about change but he hasn’t given us any examples that parts him from the dreadful years of Margaret Thatcher, and if David Cameron says the words “Broken Britain” or “Mend our Broken Society” once more (if it wasn’t so big) I might flip out and throw my dad’s TV out the window!.
He talks about England our beautiful and amazing nation like a house due to be demolished he treats it like garbage or a second rate country as Eddie Izzard quoted in the labour Party Political Broadcast 2010 “Last year I ran around Britain, and you know what Britain is bloody brilliant, I take great offence that the Tories are slagging off Britain and saying it’s broken!. Up and down the country I met people who were working hard, creating projects, looking out for each other. If the Tories bothered to get on their bikes and go around the country they might actually find the real Britain!” I have to agree with Eddie Izzard it’s ludicrous and damn right mean.
Text Manifesto Rating: 2/10
Easy Read Manifesto: 0/10
Overall Rating: 1/10 (It Tells You Nothing at All!)
Caleb Law age: 13
Just read the easy-read Conservative party Manifesto 2010, and it is ludicrous, it is meant to be EASY-READ and not for people with mental difficulties.
It is written like a baby learning book, it has small paragraphs and pictures like:
^Click for Full Size.^
It meant to be a version easier to read, I don’t think babies and toddlers would be interested in politics, they are treating us like fools.
Also even with an easy to read version I couldn’t get any serious figures or facts that were funded in full, or that made any sense, it was just the usual Tory waffling.
UPDATE: This is done by Mencap a foundation for mentally disabled and people with learning difficulties!.
That is Damn right sick of the Conservatives to trick the mentally ill into voting Tories by putting in phrases like “Now you can find out how we will make Britain better and fairer if you vote for us.” this is INSANE!!!
Hi Caleb
Just a comment about the ‘easy read’ version of the Conservative Party manifesto as I think you jumped the gun a bit. Mencap has also produced an ‘easy read’ version for the Labour Party and Liberal Democrats.
You can read about this further by following this link
or by googling ‘Mencap Jeremy Paxman'(Paxo is supporting the campaign by Mencap)
The ‘Easy Read’ manifestos were produced to give people with a learning disability an informed choice about who and what they were voting for. It isn’t a ‘sick’ attempt at tricking anyone in to voting for any Political Party. (Although some would say any manifesto is an attempt at tricking people into voting for a party).
I do NOT work for Mencap and was not involved in the ‘Easy Read’ Manifestos. But do work for an NHS Trust. I make ‘easy read’ information and can understand your interpretation of the Manifesto as using babyish language. You wouldn’t be the first to level that accusation at ‘easy read’ information. When I make easy read stuff I use ‘simplified’ language that is supported by pictures / photographs. Its aim is to help those who have literacy problems, not to patronise them. It is not always easy and sometimes things can get over simplified. Though I think Mencap have done a good job in this case. There is a lot of complicated ideas to get across in an ‘easy read’ format.
People with a learning disability are excluded form many parts of everyday life you and I may take for granted. And times that by a 100 when it comes to decisions being made that affect their lives. This is an honest attempt to include those people in the election process.
People with a learning disability are also taking the brunt of the cut backs that are happening and are going to happen because of the economic crisis. Basically, the least privileged section of society are paying for the mistakes and indulgences of the most over privileged.
Looking at your contributions to this website, I think you are someone who cares about social injustice and gets angry about how unfair our society can be. That’s good and I don’t think you are an idiot as that other guy said but, now for my patronising bit (sorry), ask questions first THEN shoot. Or as (I think) Byron said ‘Words are weapons and you should choose your weapons carefully’.
Like the cartoons by the way. Good luck and Steve Bell look out.
Thank You very much for your comment and your politeness,
I agree, I was a little upset after the phrases that was in the easy-read conservative manifesto, my point was the Tory easy-read manifesto had the phrase “Now you can find out how we will make Britain better and fairer if you vote for us.”
In my eyes it was little exploitative of mentally disabled after I have cooled off I have figured that my remarks were too harsh, I’m sorry if my comments were a little mean.
Actually, don’t feel too mean.(And didn’t think you were mean, just angry at what you thought was wrong.)
Looked at the line you quoted from Tory Manifesto Compared to the other Easy Read Manifesto’s it does lay it on a bit thick. The others were more along the lines of ‘This is what we will do if you vote for us’.
You had a point.
So all that stuff I said about ‘asking questions’ first…’ Obviously couldn’t read what I was writing all the way up there on my high horse.
Typical bleedin’ adult eh!
Thank You for your honesty,
And I thought you would a normal mean commenter you sure proved me wrong glad to have a response from someone who is nice and polite.
There has recently been a trend of people who seem to start a post “with you are an Idiot” it’s good to have a neutral and none insulting poster.
Next time I write a political article I’ll think about the words I choose and I’ll try not to get so angry :D.