Comment on Conservatives Win the 2010 General Election by G Knight.

What short memories people have, remember it was Thatcher that said there is “no such thing as society” so as the wind has been sown so we are now reaping the whirlwind. ALL politicians are in it for there own personal aggrandisement, they do not represent the people. They do those things that are best for them and their cronies.

This lunatic aping of all thing American I find sickening and if the Tories do get in the UK will become the 51st state.

As for these volunteers making up the difference with Cameron’s “big society” what a load of drivel.

People get this in to your heads Britain is a very small island off the coast of North East Europe and is of no benefit to the US of A. America does not care about the UK.

A hung parliament is probably the best, it will keep the lunatic Tories and nutty labour party in check!