Dear Mr Callis,
I don’t think is fair that after being completed my studies in Law and Design (which have been taken loads of my time that I could be having fun or travellling while working in whatever rather than being enclosed at home and eating chilli con carne),
having an impresive work history and personal background I have to work cleaning toilets or at Mcdonalds, don’t you think?. What the system has to do is to distribute the resources more efficiently and give better advisement not just money, that is what it differences the developed countries against the third world. I think your point of view is superficial proper of a person that thinks belongs to the upper class just because is earning some money, but I am really sorry to tell you that you are in the same box and may be tomorrow you can be asking for benefits in the queue of the job centre plus.
England attracts foreigners/people and potential workers that contribute to its wealth and economy, not because they can live for free during a period of time but because it has been built within a progressive political system that differentiates it from other countries and provides more opportunities than them, keep England without that and you will turn it just in a damp,rainy land full of sheeps,cows,grass and farmers.