Comment on Conservative Policies : Conservative Immigration Policy by disillusioned.

I have a Polish colleague who tells me that crime has fallen back home because the criminals are all coming here, even he is fed up with the way things are, he works hard and pays his taxes etc. We need to make a stand against all our own bone idle benefit scroungers and not allow them the luxury of being kept by the tax payer. If they have the choice to work or get nothing then many of them will work. Those that choose crime should be punished properly. We can not blame people wanting to come here when the government are making it so easy for them to the detriment of our own people.
We should be more like Australia and have a point system. Sod the human rights cry of those who bleed us dry by working the system, deport all foreign criminals after they are released from prison. Do not let criminals here, we can barely contain our own home grown ones, people are becoming racist out of desperation and frustration. Live here and live by our rules, integrate or stay away.
Do not minimise the value of life by meting out punitive sentences for those who destroy the lives of others, we have so much damage to put right I am not sure we are capable anymore.