Comment on Conservative Policies : Conservative Immigration Policy by Isabel.

Conservatives are here for white middle class people with most who have no idea what it means to be living in the real world.. since him and his family are sticking rich, he has no idea the major side affect its going to on the British Public on his policy about cutting public spenidng i.e working tax, child tax etc.. Him and his party disgust me.. with the conservative Britain his surely going down just you watch! Although i do aggree immigration needs to be controlled but i do hope they still give more of the Non UK professionals (Docs, Teachers etc) chances to come and work here as long as we dont have to pay for them through.. Ironically, we still have so many so called British Young Teenage Mothers who do scrub of other working British public taxes, i find this disgusting! So this needs to Stop, Teenage Mothers who want to have kids should work to support their kids and families just like the rest of us who earn a living though work!