According to the Conservative Party website the Conservative Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election:

A strong and stable family provides children with the security and affection they need. By supporting the family, we can increase opportunity and ensure everyone has the best possible start in life. Our ambition is to make Britain the most family-friendly country in the world.

Our efforts to reduce educational inequality, end child poverty and tackle crime will be undermined if we do not support families.

So a Conservative Government will give families the support, flexibility and financial help they need.

Financial help:

* Money worries can put a huge strain on relationships – so we will end the couple penalty in the benefits system and recognise marriage in the tax and benefits system


* We will introduce a new system of flexible parental leave which gives mothers and fathers 12 months’ leave to split between them
* We will extend the right to request flexible working to all parents with children under the age of 18, and ensure the public sector becomes a world leader in providing flexible working opportunities


* We are committed to introducing a universal home health visiting service to help families through the challenges that come with a new child. The number of health visitors will be raised by 4,200 – and new mothers will be provided with a guaranteed level of support for the first five years
* We will support a diverse childcare system, with parents’ needs met by a variety of providers, including childminders and private, voluntary and independent nurseries

Conservative Party Family Policy :

I would be interested to hear both positive and negative views on Conservative’s Family policies in the comments below?