According to the Conservative Party website the Conservative Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election:

Labour’s constitutional vandalism has weakened Parliament, undermined democracy and brought the integrity of the ballot into question – and its unbalanced devolution settlement has caused resentment in England and rising nationalism in Scotland and Wales.

We need radical change to restore public trust in politics and increase public engagement in the decision-making process.

A Conservative Government will:

* Restore the integrity of the ballot by introducing individual voter registration and addressing the disparities that exist between constituency populations
* Address the West Lothian question and give English MPs a decisive say on laws that affect only England
* Replace the Human Rights Act, which has undermined the Government’s ability to deal with crime and terrorism, with a British Bill of Rights.

MPs’ Expenses

We are committed to bringing greater transparency to the system of MPs’ expenses and allowances.

In February 2008, David Cameron asked Conservative MPs to detail their expenditure in ‘Right to Know’ forms, which asked for a greater level of information than MPs officially have to disclose. You can download the forms from the box opposite.

Taxpayers have a right to know their money is being used sensibly and correctly – and we are proud to be leading the way when it comes to increasing openness on the issue of MPs’ expenses.
Direct Democracy

We want to see decisions taken at the lowest possible level, and where possible, by those directly affected. So we will encourage greater use of direct democracy, with measures including:

* The introduction of directly-elected police commissioners
* Enabling local residents to veto excessive council tax rises

Many decisions, though, have to be taken at a national level – and we are committed to making Parliament stronger, more responsive, and more accountable. We are in favour of a substantially elected House of Lords, and are proposing that any Bill backed by a petition of one million citizens should automatically be considered by Parliament.

Conservative Party Democracy Policy :

I would be interested to hear both positive and negative views on Conservative’s Democracy policies in the comments below?