According to the Conservative Party website the Conservative Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: Labour’s top-down approach to fighting crime has failed. They have ignored the professional judgment of police officers and denied them the freedom to do their jobs – violent crime has increased […]
Continue Reading Conservative Policies : Conservative Crime and Justice Policy
“We cannot tackle crime unless we also address the causes of crime, such as family breakdown, drug abuse and binge drinking.”
i found it interesting reading this quote that within this list of causes, there is no mention of the economic decline that has recently hit the country. (regardless of whether or not we are recovering from it) there is undoubtedly a correlation, and it could even be argued that it is a active factor in the aforementioned list, which are very good examples of the social and self-destructive patterns people adopt as a result of depression – both mental and economical.
Now you are in power please step up to the bar, and make some tangible change with regard to the balance of rights between offenders and victims. I work within the area of Offender Management, specifically with victims, and on a daily basis am frustrated and disheartened, by what appears to be disproportionate favour given to offenders over victims, all in the name of ‘human rights’. We need to stop running for the hills whenever an offender mentions legal representattion because he does not like how he is being managed both in the community and in custody. Please take a look out how the Victims Charter is routinely ignored in favour of offenders ‘human rights’, and perhaps then something can be done about changing the present system where to all intents and purposes, the lunatics are in charge of the Asylum.