According to the Conservative Party website the Conservative Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election:

Building stronger, more integrated communities is central to our vision for Britain.

Under Labour, state-driven multiculturalism, uncontrolled immigration and the threat of extremism have led to an increase in distrust and segregation, and left us with divided communities.

A Conservative Government will correct Labour’s mistakes and create a Britain where people from different backgrounds can celebrate their diversity while sharing common civic values and national pride.

And we will unite Britain’s communities with a package of measures:

* Supporting community groups based on their effectiveness in countering poverty and deprivation rather than on the basis of ethnicity or faith
* Devolving power to local authorities, who are better placed to make decisions for their communities
* Offering English language instruction for all to cement the English language as the bedrock of our national identity
* Tackling unacceptable cultural practices, such as forced marriage and female genital mutilation

We believe that the State is no substitute for community. So a Conservative Government will help foster community cohesion, but recognise that it is about much more than government and politics – it is, above all, a social responsibility.

And that means that everyone must do all they can to make this a fairer and more just society – helping others, creating opportunity, and ensuring that no-one is excluded.

Conservative Party Community Relations Policy :

I would be interested to hear both positive and negative views on Conservative’s Community Relations policies in the comments below?