Comment on Election 2010 Conservative Petitions and Banning Fox Hunting by Lisa.

I was going to vote Conservative on the 6th. Then I came across Brian Mays website about keeping the ban. I had actually not even thought about the hunting issue (rather stupidly) and am having a serious think about who I’m going to vote for. Its a real shame Cameron is so pro-hunt as I think he may well make a good PM. I just can’t understand these hunters who insist on killing animals and yet say its not for the kill that they hunt. Well if that really was the case, they’d go drag hunting, and they don’t.They will never admit it, but its blood-lust, pure and simple. I don’t care if they’re aristocrats or not. They keep whineing on about the ban being a ‘class war’. Its nothing to do with class. Its to do with creulty. I may well vote Labour now just to keep the ban.