Comment on Election 2010 Conservative Petitions and Banning Fox Hunting by martin F.

David Cameron is keeping very quiet on this subject as are the media and amazingly the Labour party .A vote winner staring them in the face and they all ignore it .
Killing any animal for sport and entertainment is disgusting .If they are such a pest why do hunts have to breed them to be torn apart by dogs? .Why are spare cubs fed live to the hounds ?.If hoodies did this they would be thrown in prison Why arent the people who do this treated the same.David Cameron is conning the voters and frankly anyone who condones hunting is showing the rest of us just how barbaric and ignorant the Conservative party really is .Gordon Brown may not be the worlds greatest showman but he is basically honest .The Conservative con men are pulling the a bloody foxes skin over the public’s eyes disguised as a blanket of scruples. How Cameron will tell his kids what huntsmen do is beyond me and it should be beyond him too.His wife should stop selling fancy handbags and look after her children and bring them up to respect all life ,not the bits that suit them. .Sometimes I am ashamed of our media and our politicians .A conservative politician came on the radio telling us the first job the conservative government would do is reintroduce fox hunting .So far he is the only one I have heard but dont they have more pressing matters to deal with than showing the world what a bunch of cruel cowardly animal killers we are .I was under the false assumption that the economy was in shreds or is that another blood stained lie.