Any movement towards or away from fox hunting will be slow and take place over many many years. Looking at the bigger picture, it seems that the tide is moving only one way, towards a more compassionate society, and away from animal persecution. The fox hunting ban was just one small step in this direction, irrespective of whether it works or not.
Last year i heard for the first time, the question asked in Spain “is bull fighting right or wrong?” Just the first step, but it means that ultimately it is doomed. It may take a hundred years..
David Cameron is a clever politician. He knows that to repeal the hunting ban, or to even try but fail will lead to him being a one term prime minister. This explains his “nonchalant” mood when he has spoken about the matter recently. Labour were a down and out party at the last general election, Gordon Brown was a man who just “wanted to get the hell out of there”. Yet still the conservatives could not win. Conservative MPs are now beginning to change their stance on hunting, so i don’t think we need fear it being made legal again.