UK Conservative Party Manifesto for the 2001 General Election PDF download.
UK General Election Date: Thursday, 7 June 2001
UK Conservative Party Leader: William Hague
Conservative Party Manifesto 2001 PDF (PDF file opens in new tab)
Manifesto tagline: Time for Common Sense
Manifesto Forward by William Hague
time for common sense
We present here the most ambitious Conservative programme for a generation.
Its aim is to release the wisdom, decency and enterprise of British citizens. We can achieve that by handing back to individuals and families the ability to shape their own lives and communities.
We will free entrepreneurs to build businesses and to create prosperity, free those who use public services to choose what is best for them and free those who work in our schools and hospitals and police service from endless political interference.
We want to set people free so that they have greater power over their own lives. That is what I have always believed.
But there is something else too. I value those aspects of our national life which are bigger than individuals and families. That is why we will nurture our towns and cities, our countryside, our local institutions, our charities, our democracy – for they make us who we are as a nation.
Our programme is rooted in the instincts of millions of people whose beliefs are mocked by Labour. It is rooted, in other words, in common sense.
It shouldn’t be necessary to make an appeal to common sense. Yet the common sense wisdom of the mainstream majority, on crime, or on taxes, or the family, or on Europe, is under threat as never before.
Labour does not understand our country and cannot value what it cannot understand.
This meddling and interfering Government is eroding our freedoms as well as weakening the institutions that give us a sense of common purpose.
At this Election Britain has a choice between a Labour Party that trusts government instead of people and a Conservative Party that trusts people instead of government.
I trust the British people.
I trust their common sense.
It’s time for common sense.
William Hague
Leader of the Conservative Party
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