Conservative Manifesto 2010 Change Society Introduction
Mend our broken society
our society is broken, but together we can mend it: we can build the Big society. a conservative government will make Britain the most family-friendly country in Europe. We will back the NHS, which matters more to families than anything. We will reform education, with new schools – and higher standards and improved discipline for all. We will tackle welfare dependency and the causes of poverty, and fight back against crime.
Despite Labour’s massive expansion of the state, many people’s quality of life is getting worse, not better. the number of people living in poverty has risen in the last three years, and inequality is at a record high. We have some of the worst rates of family breakdown in the world. in some of the most deprived parts of the country, life expectancy has actually fallen. The achievement gap at school between the richest and poorest is growing.
this terrible record of failure is not just a problem that affects our society and ruins people’s lives. it affects our economy too, costing billions and wasting potential. it is the result of a political approach that addresses the symptoms, rather than the underlying causes, of social breakdown; one that relies on top-down government intervention and bureaucratic micro-management.
So we need a new approach: social responsibility, not state control; the big Society, not big government. only in this way will we tackle the causes of poverty and inequality, rather than just the symptoms. only in this way will we transform the quality of our public services. and only in this way will we rebuild shattered communities and repair the torn fabric of society.
So we will redistribute power from the central state to individuals, families and local communities. We will give public sector workers back their professional autonomy. they will be accountable to the people they serve and the results they achieve will be made transparent. if people don’t like the service they receive they will be able to choose better alternatives. in this way, we will create opportunities for people to take power and control over their lives. our approach is absolutely in line with the spirit of the age: the post-bureaucratic age.
this vision demands a cultural change across the country. our success will depend not just on the actions we take but on society’s response. by promoting equality and tackling discrimination, our policies, like recognising civil partnerships as well as marriage in the tax system and helping disabled people live independently, will give everybody the chance to play their part. this way, we can make britain fairer and safer; a country where opportunity is more equal.
Conservative Manifesto 2010
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Foreword
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Introduction
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Benchmarks for Britain
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Ensure Macroeconomic Stability
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Create A More Balanced Economy
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Get Britain Working Again
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Encourage Enterprise
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Build a Greener Economy
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Society Introduction
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Society Build The Big Society
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Society Make Britain The Most Family Friendly Country in Europe
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Society Back the NHS
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Society Raise Standards in Schools
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Society Fight Back Against Crime
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Politics Introduction
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Politics Make Politics More Accountable
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Politics Make Politics More Transparent
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Politics Make Politics More Local
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Politics Restore Our Civil Liberties
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Politics Strengthen The Union
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Protect the Environment Introduction
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Protect the Environment Combat Climate Change
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Protect the Environment Conserve And Enhance The Natural Environment
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Promote Our National Interest Introduction
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Promote Our National Interest Defend Our Security
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Promote Our National Interest A Liberal Conservative Foreign Policy
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Promote Our National Interest An Open And Democratic Europe
Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Promote Our National Interest One World Conservatism
Copyright ©, The Conservative Party, 30 Millbank, London, SW1P 4DP. All rights reserved. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
I’m interested in reading your manifesto, but would have more confidence in its content if it was written with due attention to the basic rules of upper and lower case letters!
The uppercase/lowercase issue is probably an artifact of copying it from the Conservatives PDF file version of their manifesto.
I had no end of problems converting all the manifesto PDF files from all the parties, the BNP’s was one of the easiest to covert, yet found one page that was an image and was completely missed out when saved as text! The case of text is probably a case of the creator of the PDF file adding formatting to the text rather than actually creating an upper case letter, so when saved as plain text it’s lower case.
I’m sure none of the parties took into account people like me who would want the entire manifesto in text format so their visitors can comment on them easily.