Comment on Election 2010 Conservative Minority Government Good for Labour? by Jess.

i can’t believe people are stupid enough to still be saying labour are good what planet have you been living on. We have the highest unemployment for decades, we were (until the Greece situation) the last developed nation to come out of the recession, we bailed out banks who then gave bonuses to employees rather then paying back the money and Gordon Brown is the laughing stock of most political leaders. I don’t know if people have forgotten but Mr Brown used to be the Chancellor and during that time managed to sell off our gold supplies when they were at their cheapest price and took us into this economic disaster. He may be trying to sell himself as the one that can rescue us from it but in reality he was the one that took us here. The spineless git even had to bring in Blair to try and boost his support.

As for economic recovery people need to accept that cuts have to made and taxes raised in order to pay off this debt. You may say that the Conservatives are selfish but the rich pay tax too, why should they be penalised any more just because they did well and worked hard. I ask any of you whpo have posted here when you get into financial difficulty as an individual what do you do??? You cut back on your spending in certain areas in order to pay back what you owe, why should it be any different for the UK as a nation.

And as for political reform you want to know why it works in places like America, its because they operate on a 2 party system the way it should be. Why waste a vote on an independent candidate who can do nothing in Parliament. People need to realise that the UK is realistically a 2 party system, if people hadn’t wasted their vote on pointless parties and individuals we wouldn’t be in this bloody mess. When will people pull their heads out their backsides and face realilty.