From the Labour party manifesto they have a policy to bring in ID cards:
The new biometric ID scheme which already covers foreign nationals will be offered to an increasing number of British citizens, but will not be compulsory for them. It will help fight the growing threat of identity theft and fraud, as well as crime, illegal immigration and terrorism. In the next Parliament ID cards and the ID scheme will be self-financing. The price of the passport and ID cards together with savings from reduced fraud across the public services will fully cover the costs of the scheme.
Compulsory ID Cards Poll
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I’m torn on compulsory ID cards, I like the concept of an ID card if it helps tackle crime and helps British people in their day to day life. For example if a person is in an accident and the paramedics scan your ID card and find what you blood type is and any relevant medical information like allergies etc… (no idea if they will be able to do this?).
Could also help tackle illegal immigration, if every British citizen holds a compulsory ID card, it would make illegal immigrants finding work harder.
But then I worry about the erosion of our civil liberties, will the ID cards that the Labour party say won’t be compulsory in the next parliament only be used for helpful things or is this the top of the slippery slope of more Big Brother in Britain, will they for example be compulsory 10 years from now???
I grew up in a country with ID cards and loads of identification rules. In this country you need ID cards for absolutely everything -to pay with debit/credit card, for loans, a new passport, to pay by check, to enter some buildings, to walk on the street, to get discounts, etc…truly everything, and it has to be renewed every 10 years.
One of the most abusive police forces in the world (it can stop and search you and send you into prison for not carrying your ID)
One of the highest levels of corruption and fraud in the world
Very high levels of identity theft
Discrimination due to marital status (stated in the ID Cards)
Discrimination in the work place
High levels of illegal immigration (currently down thanks to all of the above an not ID cards)
Although the above are not created by ID cards, these have done absolutely nothing to improve the situation , if so only made it worse.
I am also against because:
They create a lot of wastage
are expensive
are invasive
and finally because a good government trusts in the people no criminalise them. we are in our majority good working people, together for a better country. Please stop this nonsense, Great Britain was a desert island populated by immigrants. Those against immigration in Britain are against the very principle that has made this lovely island a great place to live and to look after.
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Guys, having an ID book, not card, is not a bad thing. We in South Africa have ID books but we NEVER have to carry it around like a big brother, Nazi police state.
It is not like you have to present it to every cop on a street corner and show it whenever you want to buy bread. I only ever have to show it when I go to the bank (even then your drivers license card is sufficient).
I don’t think Britain realises how it would help to track THOUSANDS of illegals living in Britain. An ID book will never, ever work against a citizen. And besides, what personal info can they have on the system? Your name? Last name? and ID number. It is not like they can track you every where you go.
Relax. It is something that can work for you. If you are in Britain legally off course.
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