[stallion_widget_any id=swa1] Until now I’ve let the commenting run freely: to date I’ve only edited/deleted/moved comments when the author has asked for a change and deleted the odd duplicate comment (mistakes) and few of one commenter’s comments where the content was a repeat of what was already in the main post (added no value, just […]
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New BNP comments policy
The BNP comments have damaged the original intention for my general election 2010 website. I wanted to discus the main parties policies, not BNP conspiracies and other nutty ideas!
The BNP will be lucky to gain a few MPs next general election and no one would be surprised if like every other general election they gained zero parliamentary seats.
The BNP are currently all but irrelevant to British politics beyond a way for irritated British people to cast a damaging protest vote (a kick in the teeth)! And yet their supporters are more vocal than all the other parties put together many, many times (shouting loudest does not make your political arguments sound or right).
I’ll be moving the VAST majority of BNP comments from the “Who will you vote for in the 2010 general election poll” page to relevant BNP policy pages.
If BNP supporters decide to make the comments negative regarding BNP discussions it’s your own BNP policy pages you cause the damage to and as only those interested in reading about the BNP are likely to read your comments, you hurt your own cause not the political parties 95% of the electorate vote for.
The poll pages comments I’ll be trying to keep clear of BNP comments beyond what is reasonable based on their electoral support: the BNP receive below 5% of the popular vote, so only 5% of posts on the poll page should be mostly about the BNP.
Yes it’s called moderation, if I don’t do something BNP supporters will completely ruin what I wanted this site for.
Since it’s a real pain in the butt moving comments I’m going to create a temporary home for them and move all comments off the poll page in one go, then move back only those I choose.
So do me a favour and try to post new BNP comments under a BNP page as it’s only going to get moved by me anyway. I don’t want to delete comments, but it’s becoming very tempting just to select loads of pro BNP comments that add nothing to the site and delete them!
In the words of the British National Party : Enough is Enough!
Since I’m constantly getting accused by BNP supporters of either being a UAF/Searchlight activist and/or working for the Labour/Conservative/Liberal Democrat parties (my paymasters) to keep down the BNP on my general election site and not to mention being accused on being undemocratic and against free speech every five minutes I see no loss in my decision below.
I’m sure this will confirm to the BNP and it’s supporters everything they believe about me, so well done, you had an opportunity to discuss BNP policies on a site not run by a BNP supporter (giving your views credibility) in an open way and instead many of you went out of your way to both ruin non BNP political discussions on my general election 2010 website and damage my reputation! I have moderated comments on sites like this for almost 8 years without a single serious complaint until this site!
I have better things to do with my time than moderate retarded comments about a political party that holds no real political power, so as of now if you don’t post a productive comment it will be deleted (that goes for everyone).
The general election poll will be sanitised of democracy as someone put it, with the BNP as a voting option being removed, BNP votes will go to the “Other Political Parties”, the BNP supporters will then have no reason to cheat in the poll and then bitch about it when caught out.
I’ll be deleting some old comments that are not productive which I’m sure will go down well by the BNP commenter’s. If you want to discuss politics in an open and mature way your comments will not be deleted. If you plan to spout retarded BNP conspiracies that anyone not BNP is a UAF troll or works for the Lib/Lab/Con gang expect your comment to be deleted.
BNP comments will still be allowed under relevant BNP pages (BNP policy pages for example), but that’s it, if you post a BNP comment under a non BNP page it will no longer be moved to the correct page (which takes a lot of my time) it will be deleted without warning.
I created this site to discuss important political issues and from now on that’s what this site will discuss : I’d rather have no comments than what we have now!
BNP supporters still have the opportunity to discuss BNP issues (some are important), but it will be under my rules not theirs.
If you want a website that allows BNP supporters to post whatever they like without risk of non BNP supporters calling their statements into question I recommend going to the main BNP website where free speech is sanitised in the BNP’s favor.
If you don’t like it, don’t visit my site and certainly don’t comment.
In my opinion David (which i’m sure the BNP supporters don’t much care for either) but this is probably the best choice for the site, maybe more people will want to get involved with talking policy, I know I have a few issues I would like to discuss re Labour Policy that I’m sure you’ll be happy to debate with me on.
But overall I think (as I always have) that the BNP are a minor party with no real power in British politics and a party that is dismissed by the vast voting public that your decision will only benefit the website overall as I for one know just how destructive the BNP can be and how un willing they are to debate policy or to understand or accept anyone’s point of view if it doesn’t agree with theirs.
I have lost count the amount of times I have been called UAF or paid by the Tory party, or part of some mass conspiracy by the main three parties directly against them.
Since you and I are the same person according to more than a few commenter’s here it will make interesting reading to see me argue with me, I mean you, I mean I????
I have to admit to have avoided debating with you, not because I agree with everything you say, but because I’ve been too busy dealing with all the pro BNP comments! There was a comment thread on the work for dole type policies that I planned to comment on again, but the BNP comments got in the way: I know you’ve had personal experience with that sort of scheme and you think policies like those are doomed to fail, but I still think something can be done to get our bone idle youth to work (not all young people, but there’s enough to need dealing with, something should be done about it).
I have noticed a lack of non BNP comment threads been started and followed through on my site despite some days hitting over 3,500 visitors a day (sites most popular on weekends, averages around 2,300 a day).
The comments on my make money online type sites are so much easier to deal with, I tend to get lots of thank you comments for being so helpful and generous with my knowledge for free. After watching Slum Dog Millionaire and the India week on CH4 recently and associating it with a significant proportion of my visitors are from poor countries like India and Pakistan (looking for ways to make money online to get out of poverty) I gave away a free money making blog theme that a person with no money and no search engine optimisation skills, but Internet access and time could use to make a little extra cash without paying a penny to setup/run. I expect it will be downloaded thousands of times a year and it will help some poor people around the world to make a little cash.
In comparison we have Nick Griffin saying we shouldn’t give financial aid to Haiti! I’m glad the average British person is far more charitable when they see people in desperate need no matter where they are from.
Well employment schemes are my specialist subject David, so I look forward to debating that one with you :-) … or with myself lol
I started the General Election 2010 site with lofty goals, I didn’t want to moderate any comments (unless it was SPAM), didn’t want to curtail free speech, wanted to be as democratic as possible, but a small number of commenter’s are ruining the site.
This is a message for Terence and anyone else whose only reason for commenting is to promote the party they support without adding anything to the discussions.
Today I check the new comments and see Sarah was busy last night, Sarah posted 6 well thought out comments adding value to the discussions in a non party politics way (I still don’t know who she plans to vote for after about 80 comments).
Right after those helpful thought provoking comments I find 7 comments from Terence ranging from:
“has to be bnp 4 me” : (deleted)
“Simon is that simple by any chance!!LOL vote BNP no hurt intended just funning!!” : (deleted)
“the lib/lab/con are masters of lies deceit spin and twist!time to upset the apple cart time for change get rid of the Stalinist vote BNP” : this is on a comment about whether this poll is being manipulated.
And 4 other utterly pointless comments that add nothing to the discussions and if anyone does respond to those comments from Terence it will damage the debates further!
The only reason for making comments like these is to cause arguments and promote the BNP with out actually discussing anything relevant!
So Terence and anyone else who makes these types of pointless comments don’t be surprised if many of your comments are deleted or at best moved.
If you can not make an interesting comment worthy of debate please do not comment on my site, there are closing on 3,000 comments on this site and many are a waste of a visitors reading time. The vast majority of these pointless comments are about the BNP, if you want to discuss BNP policies, brilliant, lets discuss them in a reasonable manner.
I’ll be moving this comment and it’s replies under https://general-election-2010.co.uk/commenting-policy/ after it’s been here a few days and regular visitors and commenter’s have had a chance to read this comment (this poll page is the most popular page on the site).
Excellent post David and a great idea to start ripping out some of the more pointless comments, as for the Sarah comment I agree and she is interesting to debate with she has some interesting ideas.
I hate having to do this, but well over 3/4s of the comments Terence makes are a waste of time, he’s said it 10 times already and is obviously posting just for party political reasons (promoting the BNP) and not to debate.
What really irritated me today is he made those 7 comments mostly in response to old comments, basically making sure every comment thread had something about the BNP at the end of it!
Of the almost 400 comments Terence has made I can count on one hand the interesting ones.
Unfortunately it’s difficult to delete old comments for two reasons.
1st people have responded to them and if you delete one that’s been responded to the thread no longer makes sense.
2nd and most important, because I have the comments set to threaded, if I delete a comment in the middle of a thread all the comments below it mess up: they drop out of the commenting thread. So if I deleted your comment above a week from now, this one would be orphaned AND any responses to this comment would also be orphaned (makes a right mess)
If you see a comment by Terence or anyone else that’s of the form:
Vote BNP nothing useful added
Or the same old
Lab/Con/Lib are Marxist/Stalin blah, blah blah rubbish…
Try not to respond as when I see it, it will probably be deleted and if anyone has responded to it, those comments will also have to be deleted to maintain integrity of the comments (2nd reason above).
You’d think WordPress would have come up with a solution for deleting comments in the middle of a thread, but it hasn’t.
I accept that but vote no to bnp is doing just tht with his headlines so to be fair you should have him change his headline (title) or allow others the same ! he is demoting the BNP with his comment!!on every comment! VOTE BNP he he should only be allowed comments
Vote No To BNP came to the site after I posted on the Facebook group “1,000,000 United Against the BNP” http://www.facebook.com/inbox/?ref=mb#/group.php?gid=8644741474 asking for new commenter’s to balance the pro BNP comments: it was 90% pro BNP comments then and I didn’t know a great deal about the BNP and couldn’t cope with all the comments on my own (I’m not normally a prolific commenter).
You as a BNP supporter might not like Vote No To BNP’s comments or his posting name**, but I’m very grateful for his help balancing the comments on my site. Without him and others like him this site would come across to new visitors as an extreme BNP promotional site and it certainly is not pro BNP: I dislike what the BNP stand for, the people who run the BNP and what they’d do to our country if they ever gained power!
If you haven’t clicked on yet Terence, Vote No To BNP can easily out debate AND out comment any pro BNP supporter that’s commented on my site so far and the only way the pro BNP commenter’s could ‘win’ is by debating with him and showing their arguments are stronger than his. So far no one has come close to beating Vote No To BNP in debate with a convincing argument for voting BNP.
Alternatively you could do like Sarah (plans to vote UKIP) has done and take a step back from party politics and have a reasoned debate on the political issues that effect everyone who cares about Britain. Sarah is getting her point across (her reasons for possibly voting UKIP) and Vote No To BNP is getting his points across (reasons for voting Conservative) and I’m reading their comments with great interest. Those types of comments is why I made this site.
Why not get involved in the debate Terence and explain beyond lab/con/lib are all liars and the BNP are all awesome and describe what you want from government and maybe we can all find some common ground (almost everyone who has posted on the site has an issue with immigration including me). I’m sure you’ll have some valid arguments beyond the vote BNP stuff. You must realise you are going to be stuck with either a Labour or Conservative controlled government for another 5 years and your only hope as a BNP supporter is to convince enough people to vote BNP to get a few BNP MP’s next year to build on in the future.
You’ll note I, Sarah and Vote No To BNP rarely end comments with:
Vote Labour, UKIP or Conservative, we don’t need to our arguments support our reasons for voting for a particular party, it’s up to the reader to decide if they agree with those reasons or not and make their own voting decision. When you and others end comments with Vote BNP you encourage those against the BNP (that includes me) to post anti BNP comments to balance the comments.
** Regarding commenter names, beyond using offensive words I have no issues with any name, someone posted under “Vote Yes To BNP” for example. Everyone gets the option to use any name they want, I take it you don’t have a problem with “Richard the bnp Meerkat”? I don’t, it’s quite amusing, I love Meerkats, used to watch an Animal Planet series called Meerkat Manor which is very interesting, cool little creatures.
you have blocked my comments in support of the bnp but you allow vote no all his biased comments against the bnp! I am afraid I will have to organize , a mass campaign against this biased site>unless you give me a fare reason for the discrimination! vote yes to bnp
Terence, I’ve not blocked your comments, I’ve been deleting the ones that are of the form:
Vote BNP and nothing added to the debate (there’s a lot like that).
Also any that don’t make sense being added to a particular comment thread.
You posted a link to the BNP climate change page (nothing else, just a link) under a comment thread discussing soldiers pay. What the heck has BNP climate change conspiracies got to do with soldiers pay?
You are ruining the debates by posting small comments with nothing but hate towards the main parties, who seriously wants to read this rubbish?
It adds nothing to the comment threads you post this on.
Create a well thought out comment that you have put effort into and I won’t delete it as it adds value to the comments.
I could easily setup a commenting script to choose from say 50 short copy and paste comments to randomly post stuff like:
“Vote Labour, Gordon Brown will save the world :-)”
I could even set it up to post under different names and email addresses so it looked like unique visitors and it would completely ruin the site. The same would be true if someone like Vote No To BNP started posting small comments after every pro BNP comment in the form
“The BNP are numpties, Vote No To The BNP”.
It’s easy for any one of us to do what you are doing, small party political messages that add nothing to the debates and only further your agenda.
I’m afraid you are going to find every time you post that way it will be deleted, same is true for anyone else posting that way. I’ll let the odd one through when it kind of makes sense, but not as many as you have been doing Terence.
Please take a quick read of https://general-election-2010.co.uk/commenting-policy/ for my reasons for change in commenting and moderation policy.
If you don’t like it, don’t comment.
I’ll be moving this comment thread to that page later as it makes more sense to hold a discussion like this there.
BTW there’s already “a mass campaign against this biased site” by the BNP, it’s probably how you found the site in the first place Terence (and I can check through the logs to find your first visit, where you came from if you like?).
David I came to this site from the bnp web page no one told me to come here I came just to vote
Then I noticed the comments, the title vote no bnp angered me, as it is blatant and biased unfair
And if you wish to be impartial should not be allowed.
He attacks the bnp with venom. Yet you accuse the bnp of promoting it self in fact we are in defence of this biased character, You say I should not use lib/lab/con or you will call the bnp nazi well we are used to that rubbish, yet you allow your friend to put down the bnp in his biased title. I am not attempting to promote the BNP it does not need me to do that, I must point out I am not a political person. But the policies of the Lab/Tory and I say lib/dems have failed my family and this country we need change I care nothing about racism. I am not a racist and believe it is a word used for controlling people, worse is the Stalinist in gov: the havoc caused to our manufacturing industry Fishing mines docks transport by the failed policies of the elite Stalinist gov; The rampant immigration or invasion YES they do worship Stalin most are from communist back grounds! We all no STALIN WAS WORSE THAN HITLER A policy cannot be debated until it is put into practise other wise we would not be in the mess we are in. unless you can say the damage and the debt was done deliberately. IF so then there is no question the BNP have to be elected without question. So why? Do you keep pulling me up on my comments yet allow the opposition a free hand!! VOTE YES TO BNP! So I only comment to negate vote no! As I believe he is A communist or UAF he refuses to reveal a name so he in my opinion is suspect! NOT me my name is there for all to see! I have said before I voted Liebor all my life as my father did who was a miner! I vote Blair in to my shame. I believed his lies and spin. the only good thing he did was to open my eyes made me think ! NOW I AM BNP 100% and proud my friend Francis will be a BN member I hope this year he is black and proud of it!! He knows and understands the BNP he is clever witty and a great guy” he has wrote a book on the E?U
“David I came to this site from the bnp web page no one told me to come here I came just to vote”
So you found a link on the main website of the political party called the British National Party (BNP) and you don’t see those links posted by other BNP supporters and activists begging BNP supporters to visit my site and vote BNP in the polls to make it look like the BNP have widespread support as a campaign to get BNP supporters onto my site?
If you believe that you are a deluded fool.
I can’t stop anyone promoting this site for their own political agenda, but to deny it’s happening is dumb.
“Then I noticed the comments, the title vote no bnp angered me, as it is blatant and biased unfair”
Terence you have a Union Jack Flag with the letters BNP across it, how is that any different to what Vote No To BNP does with his posting name? You also include on almost very comment Vote BNP or similar.
Other than you are pro BNP and Vote No To BNP is anti-BNP please explain to me why what you are doing is OK, but what Vote No To BNP does is not OK?
Would you stop all the lib/lab/con are traitors/liars stuff Terence? It’s no different to anyone else saying Nick Griffin is a holocaust denier who is the leader or a political party with a racist history.
BNP supporter double standards again.
“He attacks the bnp with venom.”
And you attack anything not BNP with venom, what’s the difference?
“Yet you accuse the bnp of promoting it self in fact we are in defence of this biased character”
No, the pro BNP supporters came here first and filled my site with pro BNP comments, if the number of pro BNP comments was a true representation of their support across the country (under 5%) then Vote No To BNP would never have even visited my site let alone post so much. He is here because you and other pro BNP supporters are posting pro BNP comments.
So get your facts straight on this one Terence, the pro BNP comments came first.
Vote No To BNP is trying to stop people like you turning this website into a promotional website for the BNP.
You are giving BNP supporters a bad name if you don’t understand these basic facts Terence!
“You say I should not use lib/lab/con or you will call the bnp nazi”
No, I said don’t use phrases like Liebor or I post FACTS about the BNP and refer to the BNP as the British Nazi Party.
More BNP double standards. It’s OK for you and other BNP supporters to call Labour, Liebor but it’s not OK for me to call the BNP, British Nazi Party. Why Terence, please explain?
Note: I don’t want to call the BNP British Nazi Party, but if that’s where you want to drag the level of the debate, so be it. Be aware ever time you’ve done it I will add a comment below it which includes British Nazi Party, so don’t think I’ve forgot about this.
That said I’d rather discuss policies and political news.
“I am not attempting to promote the BNP it does not need me to do that, I must point out I am not a political person.”
Terence this is total BS, you said
“i am a membr and activist (posting attending meetings i have got to like attending meetings as the people seem nice friendly and concerned like my self)! i do not wish to be an activist but I feel I have to do it for my grandchildren I am not a political person but I hate injustice,”
A member and an activist Terence, you say you don’t want to be, but you are. You also said you donated £3,000 this year to the BNP, though that appears to be a lie. So please don’t lie about your reasons for being here, you are here to promote the BNP.
“So why? Do you keep pulling me up on my comments yet allow the opposition a free hand!!”
I’ve explained this in great detail, maybe I need to use smaller words!
The comments of yours I deleted are vote BNP rubbish, no value, no debate value, no point leaving them on the site. It’s not because they are pro BNP, they are poor quality comments that damage debate.
Vote No To BNP’s comments are far better thought out than yours Terence, they are not a mad rant about Stalin and Marxist rubbish, they are debatable comments with value.
Post similar quality comments and I won’t delete them.
I’ll add I’ve not had to do what I’m doing to your comments to any other commenter and there’s plenty of pro BNP comments here. Also I’ve NOT deleted almost 400 of your comments.
“So I only comment to negate vote no!”
That’s kind of funny as Vote No To BNP comments to balance your negative BNP comments. Do you see a pattern yet Terence? I’ll draw you a picture.
You post vote BNP, he posts don’t vote BNP, You post vote BNP, he posts don’t vote BNP, You post vote BNP, he posts don’t vote BNP, You post vote BNP, he posts don’t vote BNP, You post vote BNP, he posts don’t vote BNP, You post vote BNP, he posts don’t vote BNP……
Do you now see the pattern?
Vote No To BNP can out comment you both in number and quality, so you can not ‘win’ him through keep posting the same sort of stuff you keep posting. To ‘win’ you’d have to engage him in reasoned debate and show your argument is better than his.
For example tell us how the BNP National Service policy and voting will work, do you even agree with it?
It’s no good spouting the same old tired BNP troll like crap that the lib/lab/con are evil and the BNP are God’s gift to Britain. Come on Terence use that keyboard to form a valid argument as to why we should vote for the BNP, NOT why we shouldn’t vote for the others (we know they all suck, but so do the BNP).
“As I believe he is A communist or UAF he refuses to reveal a name so he in my opinion is suspect!”
Sheesh Terence, you sound like a complete conspiracy nut when you post stuff like the above! What the hell does his real name have to do with anything, if he posted under the name John Smith would you then not believe the conspiracy crap you just posted?
Terence you are on the wrong website of mine, you might find yourself more at home on a conspiracy theories site.
“I have said before I voted Liebor all my life”#
There you go with the Liebor rubbish again, do you want me to dig out more British Nazi Party facts and post them after this? Come on use your brain Terence, this is my website I can post anything I like, don’t force me to deal with your posting style this way.
well that was a good rant!! so lets start off i will change my tag you get vote no to change his title then we will discuss the policies of the Tories and Labor parties how they have failed britain! We in the BNP are on the defencive haveing as you just bveaware had sustained attacks of lies misinformation charachter assaination by the lib/lab/con and their media allies so we are defensive and the best means of defense is attack! So if you remain Biased as you are but pretend not to be then I will have to give you a lot of deleating to do! So be fair Be impartial and people can continue fairly honestly in debate about the failed policies not the hypothetical failure of the BNP policies,but the true failure of the political parties! note I have not posted pro BNP unlike your collegue.Vote NO.you allow his sarcasm > i will not allow it o/k
“I will have to give you a lot of deleating to do!”
Try it Terence and see how long it takes for me to ban your static IP from my dedicated server. Not only would you not be able to comment you won’t be able to even access this or any of my other websites.
Takes about 30 seconds to setup, I do it all the time to hackers trying to hack my dedicated server.
I’ve banned one person this way so far (Crispin) for making homophobic and racist comments and deliberately causing trouble. Posting comments on a persons privately owned website (like this one) is a privilege, NOT a right. So before you consider trying to threaten me into doing things your way, consider I know a hell of a lot more about running websites and getting them ranked high in Google than you and probably everyone associated with the BNP.
Well sorry Terence you have well to put it plainly NO chance of me changing the user name on this website (or the other sites I use the same name on)
So Terence are you just asking David to silence me because I offer opposition to the BNP?
Because if that is all you want to do then i’m afraid it won’t work, you see we still live in a democracy where people can have their own opinions, under your beloved party that freedom to speak out against them will be quashed (as referenced in recent BNP manifestos) they would make it illegal to speak out against them which would then make our country a dictatorship and no longer a democracy.
The only way to “shut me up” is to debate with me on a real level by arguing your point logically and refraining from the standard stuff which basically just reflects badly on you and the BNP as a whole.
Well interesting conversation happening then today, it seems the BNP like me even less now then to even wheel Roger Phillips (assuming it’s the Wales BNP Roger Phillips).
Well I only really want to few comments to what David has already said and it’s simply this:
Terence/Roger (other BNP Supporters) if you don’t like the things I say then either debate with me and prove me wrong or stop moaning about it.
You just got the 3,000th comment on the site, you win a LOL.
lol 2nd win in 1 day …. I won an nice hangover this morning (or should I say afternoon after the frankly ridiculous hour we arrived home this morning.
David, you say that posting on your “privately owned site” is a “privilege not a right” surely this is hardly correct as You say that setting up & running sites like this is your business and that your remuneration results from the traffic generated, so by definition it is an open site!
Yes I understand that there have to be rules and you can ban posters, unfortunately it seems to be one way, anti BNP! Other uaf type posters CONTINUALLY denigrate pro BNP posters with terms such as knuckledraggers, thugs, criminals, nazi’s etc and occasionally resort to foul language, with not one peep from you to moderate them!
You say that you wanted to encourage open & free debate, yet continually post anti BNP sentiments whilst openly supporting labour and actually state on your heading “is not pro BNP”, when it would have been more neutral to say that ALL shades of political opinion were welcome providing they adhered to guidelines set by you!
You have also openly broken one of your own rules by posting IN FULL one of browns speeches!
Finally, what happened to the rule that once a post got more than a certain number of thumbs down it would be hidden?
“David, you say that posting on your “privately owned site” is a “privilege not a right” surely this is hardly correct as You say that setting up & running sites like this is your business and that your remuneration results from the traffic generated, so by definition it is an open site!”
No, I didn’t create the site to make money from, it’s made just over £100 in 6 months which is nothing compared to my other sites (I make money from all my sites BTW). I could close the comments and still have made that £100 odd as regular visitors DO NOT click ads (it’s the regulars who tend to comment here), it’s new visitors that tend to click ads. Also visitors are more likely to click an ad when they DO NOT find what they are looking for, finding interesting debates in the form of comments is bad for making money :-) It’s weird, my most commented sites make least money relatively speaking (comparing 100 visitors from different sites). My second most money making site has no comments for example.
“Yes I understand that there have to be rules and you can ban posters, unfortunately it seems to be one way, anti BNP! Other uaf type posters CONTINUALLY denigrate pro BNP posters with terms such as knuckledraggers, thugs, criminals, nazi’s etc and occasionally resort to foul language, with not one peep from you to moderate them!”
I prefer not to have foul language on the site and the first person I ‘told off’ for using it was Vote No To BNP. I’d like the site to be accessible to school kids, so there are limits of what commenter’s should post, but I’d prefer them to self moderate (I realise it’s going to get heated at times).
I don’t have a big issue with the calling one another names like BNP thugs/UAF thugs type of stuff, both ‘sides’ do it.
As I said to Terence I’d rather comments not go that way and if they do it opens the commenter up to receiving similar in return: my Liebor/British Nazi Party comments.
I don’t think Terence understood I was suggesting he self moderate, (I could have deleted or edited his comments easily) he can’t expect to be able to call the Labour party liars and not have similar mentioned about the BNP in return, that wouldn’t be fair: if Labour are liars, the BNP are Nazi sympathisers.
I’d rather not resort to that type of debate, but not going to sit by and let commenter’s like Terence constantly berate the main three parties unchallenged.
Actually it’s hard to ban people, (there’s no registration required to comment) I can ban static IPs easily from every site I own (block the static IP from accessing the dedicated server my sites run on), but if you are on a dynamic IP (your ISP gives you a new IP every time you go on the Internet) I currently can’t ban you (could delete the comments manually, but not a ban). There’s probably a WordPress plugin to help manage persistent trouble makers on dynamic IPs, but I’ve not had to look into it.
I’ve banned one pro BNP visitor (was on a static IP) for homophobic/racist comments, no one really complained at the time presumably because those types of comments are bad for the BNPs image (bad for a site as well, hence the ban). Do you think I should have let Crispin continue to post as he was, it hurts your cause?
Had my aim being just to harm the BNP I’d have let Crispin comment as it made the BNP look bad, but it resulted in everyone commenting on the nature of his comments and not policy and important issues (damages the site).
With regards moderating copy and pasted articles I’ve edited all the ones I could find (there was 3,000 comments so could have missed a few). Vote No To BNP had posted multiple articles in full and I edited them down exactly the same as any other commenter (I even edited some of my own comments). Take a look at the old comments I tried to edit them all without bias (although I didn’t add a moderator note to my own comments I edited).
I plan to remove all the Moderator notes on those comments, just wanted them up a couple of weeks so everyone got the new commenting policy. Not really fair on the commenter’s to leave it up forever as at the time they commented that way I didn’t have that commenting policy in place. When I’ve removed those moderator notes those comments will no longer stand out and will be more useful as they reference the original articles now (took ages for me to find all those references!).
Now Terence (pro BNP) is the only other commenter I’ve had to put any serious moderation effort into, he’s the only person currently on the site who was posting a LOT of small, useless party political comments. Terence is on a static IP so I could easily ban him, but he’s not done enough to even consider it.
If a commenter wants to end a useful, interesting comment with “vote BNP”, “don’t vote BNP”, “vote for your Mothers armpit”, I don’t care as long as it’s not offensive.
As a side note Terence made me aware of a commenter who had used a mildly offensive user name, I edit the name to AH.
I want this site to generate interesting debates and not just be used as a promotional tool by people like Terence who apparently lack the ability to form logical arguments and have to resort to pointless party political rants!
If Vote No To BNP posted comments like those I’d delete them as well. If Terence put more effort into his arguments there would be no problem, I’d argue with him of course, but it would be about the issues not the promotional nature of his comments.
If you can show me another multiple anti-BNP commenter who has posted in a similar way to Terence I’m open to moderating them the same way.
“You say that you wanted to encourage open & free debate, yet continually post anti BNP sentiments whilst openly supporting labour”
Yes I’m anti BNP and vote Labour, I’m one of the 45 million odd British voters who have the right to vote at the next general election and I have opinions. This is not Question Time where the host (moderator) is meant to be impartial/unbiased, it’s a website.
I bet the webmaster of the BNP’s site gets involved in the comments and if anyone is anti-BNP he’ll state his case just like everyone else?
Would be real boring running a site like this without getting involved in the discussions and arguments.
I try to be fair, but I accept I have an agenda and I’m not perfect.
I would rather have Labour win the next general election than the Conservatives. When I started the site, didn’t care too much how the BNP did, now I’d rather they not gain one MP.
What is wrong with me being pro Labour and anti-BNP, doesn’t stop anyone debating here in a reasonable manner following some very simple rules?
You are actually looking for me to be politically correct and I don’t like political correctness for the sake of it (something I have in common with the BNP). If I was pro BNP I’m sure you’d be 100% behind me and asking for commenter’s like Vote No To BNP to be banned and all their comments deleted!
“and actually state on your heading “is not pro BNP”, when it would have been more neutral to say that ALL shades of political opinion were welcome providing they adhered to guidelines set by you!”
BNP supporters are perceived online as not allowing anti-BNP comments on their sites etc… If new visitors have that perception and enter my site believing it’s pro BNP they might not post (expecting their comments deleted by pro BNP moderators).
I agree I’m being a little unfair on that one, but I’ve been getting comments (by email) that when new visitors are entering the site they think it’s a BNP promotional site (owned by a BNP member or something). If you can give me a better way to make it clear this is not a BNP supporting website, I’m open to suggestions?
“You have also openly broken one of your own rules by posting IN FULL one of browns speeches!”
Must have missed one, will check it out, thanks.
“Finally, what happened to the rule that once a post got more than a certain number of thumbs down it would be hidden?”
When I first installed the comment rating plugin it had all sorts of styling etc… and it made a bit of a mess of the colours of comments (remember the pink background!) so I disabled that part of the plugin. I’ve also found a LOT of readers are clearly voting down comments because of who posted them NOT what they posted. So I’ve put the setting high to make it hard to make a comment high/poor rated:
Highly-rated comments have (Likes – Dislikes) = 100
Poorly-rated comments have (Dislikes – Likes) = 100
Hotly-debated comments have (Likes + Dislikes) = 50
By default it was high/poor settings of about 5 thumbs up/down and if I left it like that 90% of comments would be hidden and it makes it difficult to navigate: there’s a bug in the plugin code that requires 2 clicks to see a hidden comment!
So for a comment to be hidden it needs 100 more negative votes than positive.
BTW I can set it so my comments can’t be rated either way, but to be fair I’ve enabled the option to vote mine up/down as well even though I tend to get more thumbs down than up (nobody loves me :-().
“I bet the webmaster of the BNP’s site gets involved in the comments and if anyone is anti-BNP he’ll state his case just like everyone else?”
ALL anti-BNP comments posted on the BNP website are deleted (most times not even published b4 they are deleted), I know I have posted on there a few times to see it be deleted in seconds.
David, Thanks for the explanations!
David, the FULL speech is in the “labour mp’s, gordon brown ” site!
You also state, “he can’t expect to be able to call the Labour party liars and not have similar mentioned about the BNP in return, that wouldn’t be fair: if Labour are liars, the BNP are Nazi sympathisers” , in respect of some of Terences posts!
However it is a proven fact that labour has been PROVED to be liars on their TRUE immigration policy which was to covertly flood Britain with immigrants over the last 12 years or so in order to diffuse the indiginous vote & keep themselves in power! Also it has been conclusively proved that they lied on the true reasons for the war in Iraq! Strong doubt has been cast on the “global warming” figures produced by the university of E Anglia but again no labour politician will query that as it conflicts with their apologist policy to the 3rd world, blaming us the west, for ALL the worlds ills, rather than point out that uncontrolled population growth, corruption & mismanagement is the REAL cause of their woes! The vast majority of BNP supporters are NOT nazi’s or racist, just normal Britons who are sick to death with the corruption & deceit of the lib/lab/con profesional politicians who continually IGNORE their concerns & aspirations!
But I doubt if any apology will be forthcoming as you appear to be too brainwashed to see the truth!
Nice muddying the water there.
According to your comment above:
When Terence or other BNP supporters refer to Liebor they are referring to Labour MPs.
When I refer to the BNP as Nazi sympathisers, I’m referring to BNP supporters not BNP potential politicians (they have no MPs) like Nick Griffin.
Why is it when Terence refers to Liebor he means MPs’ but when I refer to BNP Nazi sympathisers I’m referring to BNP supporters (members of the public like yourself)?
I don’t care that much if you or any other BNP supporter is a Nazi sympathiser or racist, if the BNP gain power you won’t be setting policy. I care what potential BNP MPs believe though, if they have sympathies to Nazi ideologies I DO NOT want them in power and neither should you.
I don’t think I’ve referred generally to BNP supporters as BNP Nazi sympathisers or racist, (if I did suggest this I didn’t intend to) though I’m sure some are Nazi/racist, just like I’m sure there are some Labour/Conservative/Lib Dem voters who are also Nazi sympathisers and racist.
I’m interested in the people who run the BNP, people like Nick Griffin who has been shown to have Nazi ideologies and racist views.
If the BNP leaders do not have Nazi sympathies why is it so easy to link the BNP with Nazi like groups in other countries etc…?
Why on Earth would a British person who wants to be one of our politicians want to associate themselves with Ku Klux Klan members who openly hate black people and murder them?
BTW a lot of what you say are proven facts that Labour lie are not facts. I agree Labour lie, Conservatives lie, Lib Dems lie, BNP lie… what’s your point? Would have been easier to say all politicians lie, not completely true (I’m sure some are honest), but as a group they do have a reputation of being liars (few would argue with this). When they aren’t lieing out right they are spinning the truth.
David, so you continue to deny that your beloved “nulabour” has, & continues to, LIE to the British public on immigration & reasons for war!!
“David, so you continue to deny that your beloved “nulabour” has, & continues to, LIE to the British public on immigration & reasons for war!!”
Please point out where I said that, then I’ll respond.
Do you accept BNP potential politicians, councilors etc… lie just like all the other political parties?
You’d have to be completely deluded or one of those BNP drones that believe anything the BNP tells them to believe if you seriously see the BNP as 100% honest! Next you’ll be telling us there is a tooth fairy :-)
Hi David,
I’m an American reading your site and I just have to say in fair criticism that adding (… is not pro BNP) is very juvenile. If you are trying to be objective wouldn’t it be better to say (… we support no party)? Maybe what I’m saying to you is foreign because I’m American educated. Certainly if I was running a site here, I would say that because when you make statements that are derogatory toward 1 party you have lost you objectivity and you will taint how people will react. Let people be themselves. Let them write what they want so long as it’s peaceful. The UK is *supposed* to be a free country. My 2 grandfathers came there during WWII. Were they wasting their time and being injured to bring about a communist/fascist state? Screw this NWO system of conformity! I think you’re better than that.
You’ve made a few assumptions that have a big impact on your arguments.
I own and run this site alone, so there’s no WE support/don’t support (important to my next point), it’s just me.
As I’ve said many times, though I’m trying to be fair, I’m an individual British voter with an opinion and I don’t pretend to be objective/unbiased, I want to change opinions: my original plan was to have some interesting political discussions that I’d learn more about politics from (this is my first step into the political arena, always been too busy working to discuss politics at length) and hopefully persuade Labour voters not to vote Conservative.
I did not make this site to be objective, this is not an online version of Question Time where I have an opinion, but sit on the fence and don’t get involved and let others debate (I enjoy debating and want to get involved).
I vote Labour (though not happy with them by a long shot and have considered voting for another party), I have a strong mistrust of the Conservatives (won’t vote Tory) and I’d be quite happy to never have another BNP discussion on my site.
Some have argued I shouldn’t allow so many pro BNP comments (some have argued I should delete them all). The BNP gained 0.7% of the popular vote in the 2005 general election. In the EU elections last year they polled 6.2% of the popular vote, but EU elections always have a low turn out (40% EU elections, 60% for general elections: used to be over 70% and even 80%!) and voters have a tendency to protest vote during EU elections (British people think they are irrelevant to their daily lives, not true BTW!).
I expect the BNP will improve on their 2005 percentage of the popular vote, but suspect it will be below what they polled in the EU elections and even if they do match or increase the percentage of votes (lets say 10% of the popular vote) they’ll gain at best a few MPs.
Currently the British National Party despite being quite vocal are not an important force in British politics, they are a fringe party with no power and by June that won’t change. So it can be argued should not be the only topic on a website like this (almost every discussion turns to the BNP).
Based on the number of votes in the poll looks like about 18% of visitors to my site will vote BNP, but 18% of eligible British voters won’t vote BNP, so we currently don’t have a fair cross section of eligible voters right now. Based on recent by-election results we’d expect to see a 5% (no higher than 10%) polling for the BNP if we had a fair cross section of eligible British voters visiting my site.
What I can’t deny is their supporters, though few in number relative to the main parties are so much more vocal: they must be 10-20x more politically active than an average voter and I’ve said before it’s impressive, though as time has passed on they aren’t willing to really debate, which is a shame.
On my site as I’ve tried to be fair and not moderate pro BNP comments just because they are pro BNP (I could have deleted them all easily like many sites do) it’s resulted in the false impression this is a pro BNP site, and it’s NOT, I’m very anti BNP, if they ever gained government they’d destroy my country!
I added the tagline “The UK General Election 2010 website is NOT pro BNP…” last month, so it didn’t start this way. I would rather it be a more general tagline, but I’ve not come up with one that immediately tells a new visitor this is not a pro BNP site.
I’m quite happy to consider an alternative way to indicate to new visitors this is not a pro BNP website, but it has to be clear since there’s a strong perception that on pro BNP websites anti BNP comments are NOT welcome. The main BNP site for example deletes anti BNP comments, so I’m more democratic than Nick Griffin by not deleting pro BNP comments on my site!
I’ve had emails from visitors before adding the tagline that they thought it’s unfair all comments are pro BNP! Not true, but that’s an initial perception new visitors were getting when they first entered the site.
So unfortunately a tagline like what you’ve suggested wouldn’t work.
I considered putting I’m a Labour voter, but then that might suggest only pro Labour commenter’s are welcome and I was looking for supporters of the main three parties to discuss politics, not just Labour voters!
With any suggestions take into account there’s a limited amount of space for a tagline, can use about double the current text.
Suggestions welcome?
A suggestion if I may regarding the tagline:
Instead of “The UK General Election 2010 website is NOT pro BNP…”, it would perhaps seem more neutral if it read:
“The UK General Election 2010 website is apolitical”
The reason I suggest this is to maintain and demonstrate neutrality. You may disagree with the BNP on the inside (which is fine and dandy, people have their differing beliefs), but when maintaining a general politics site demonstrating neutrality despite your biased views is of the utmost of importance.
At first, the whole “side-lining of BNP discussion” made me raise an eyebrow, but having seen that this is now applied to all parties I am not so bothered.
Also, I like how you have disabled “thumbs down” to prevent abuse. However, there is a means by which this can be over-ridden — I’ll look to see if there’s a private way to contact you regarding this. Failing that, I have included an actual e-mail address you can contact me with (rather than my usual anon@anon.anon)
Thanks for the suggestion, problem with a tagline like “The UK General Election 2010 website is apolitical” there’s a LOT of British people who won’t know what apolitical means and it’s not completely true anyway. I am biased, if I add a tagline that suggests otherwise it’s not being truthful.
Which do visitors find better?
The UK General Election 2010 website is NOT pro BNP…
UK General Election 2010 site is not affiliated with any political party including Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats, UKIP, Greens, BNP
That is the absolute maximum number of characters I can use (one more and it takes another line). A bit of a mouthful, but accurate.
I’ve added the tagline to here https://general-election-2010.co.uk/ which holds the party news and early day motions: it’s a separate installation of WordPress and is 100% automated now (did have it under another domain, but moved it back here).
BTW the party order is based on the popular vote percentage at the 2005 election, not to put the BNP last to signify anything.
I was looking at the comment rating plugin as the thumbs down votes are still counted (so some are still negative values which is confusing to new visitors). I found the author has a paid version that only allows one vote per IP. I’m using the free version, as I’m always logged into this site I only get to vote on a comment once, so didn’t realise a guest visitor (everyone but me!) can vote multiple times (not in quick succession, but over hours/days)! Looking for an alternative plugin, so probably won’t be using this one long now I know it has a big flaw!
“UK General Election 2010 site is not affiliated with any political party including Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats, UKIP, Greens, BNP”
is far more useful, and it makes you appear more neutral. Having said that, there’s also the possibility of snipping it to
“UK General Election 2010 site is not affiliated with any political party”
(the snipped version is snappier, and pretty much says the same thing).
As I said, you may be biased against the BNP, but maintaining a general politics site it is important not to let your thoughts and beliefs obstruct neutrality; the current tagline (to me) compromises neutrality.
As for the comment system, it’s strange… I have only been able to vote once per comment per IP. The only time I have been able to “re-rate” a comment is when my IP changes (since the IP my ISP issues me is dynamic).
It’s great to see that the tagline is now more neutral. :)
“What I can’t deny is their supporters, though few in number relative to the main parties are so much more vocal: they must be 10-20x more politically active than an average voter and I’ve said before it’s impressive, though as time has passed on they aren’t willing to really debate, which is a shame.”
You know why we don’t really debate?
Because we always get the tired old ‘racist/fascist’ slagging, or written off before we start, like your above comment.
The BNP main site is a party site, it is NOT a discussion site. It gets far and away more comments than your site does, and the moderator has to work overtime. It does allow critical suggestions, I have put some on there myself ages ago when I was still blindly supporting Labour.
We have a greater zeal that others, as you observe, because we feel very strongly that OUR country has already been destroyed. We would not destroy YOUR country, as you fear, we would do our level best to restore it to the British people.
How many countries are there? Yours and ours are the same country.
We are the same people, we are entitled to be heard. You are entitled to listen, but you won’t.
You talk about us as if we were from Mars, and not worthy of space on your wonderful site.
You know nothing about the BNP except for your own ignorant preconceptions, bias and prejudice.
I do not want a reply, this is an invisible comment, please delete it.
Vote BNP
One of these days I’m sure you’ll make the decision whether you will or won’t be commenting here anymore, you seem to not be able to stay away :-)
“You know why we don’t really debate?
Because we always get the tired old ‘racist/fascist’ slagging, or written off before we start, like your above comment.”
That’s total BS, my comment above doesn’t even mention racist/fascist or slagging the BNP off, yes writing them off before they start is accurate though.
The option to debate has been here all along, most (not all) BNP supporters who comment here do not want to debate, they want to dictate their views and have no one question them. It’s a real shame as we could all gain something from open debate and maybe find a middle ground (pretty much everyone who has commented on immigration agrees there’s a problem for example).
I’m open to debating Labour policy and failures: but apparently no one wants to debate Labour failures and what to do about them!
Three months is more than enough time for a person like myself to do significant research on the BNP and offer counter arguments to some of the dumb ideas presented by the British National party and it’s supporters. I’m sorry, but some of the BNP policies are dumb.
BNP policy: Do military national service or loose the right to vote, how dumb is that for a political parties policy in the 21st century! Can anyone even give me a democratic country that has a similar working policy today (only the military trained can vote)?
Feel free to get off your high horse and debate with me about the above? No, didn’t think so!
I recall you saying you thought this site was great, but that was before pro BNP comments received serious scrutiny?
Come up with a good, workable BNP idea and I’ll agree with it. There was a comment that the BNP have over the cold weather been calling it’s elderly members to check on them, that’s a good thing and I said so.
I honestly don’t care if it’s a BNP publicity stunt or not, (they are a political party and that’s what ALL political parties do). I help people out not because I’m completely altruistic, but because helping others makes me feel good. It’s a selfish reason for helping, but people are being helped, so who cares as long as something good is achieved and no one is hurt in the process.
“The BNP main site is a party site, it is NOT a discussion site. It gets far and away more comments than your site does, and the moderator has to work overtime. It does allow critical suggestions, I have put some on there myself ages ago when I was still blindly supporting Labour.”
Erm, if it’s not a discussion site why have open comments? the whole concept of comments on a WordPress blog (which the BNP main site uses) is to generate debate, give visitors an ability to comment. They could have a private contact/comment form like the other parties use.
Clearly the main political party websites (Labour, Conservative and Lib Dems) are NOT discussion sites (no ability to openly comment). I’ve given the BNP credit for their website as it’s the only one to allow it’s members any ability to comment (it’s a good thing IMO). I’m not going to gloss over the fact the BNP moderators curtail free debate and only allow pro BNP comments in general (I’m sure they’ll let the odd anti BNP comment through, but they stop open debate).
Which means I’m more inclined to allow free debate than the leaders of the BNP are, but by the same token at least the BNP allow some debate, even if it is a BNP sanctioned version. So the BNP site and open comments that are heavily moderated is a big step in the right direction at least.
“You talk about us as if we were from Mars, and not worthy of space on your wonderful site.”
And yet despite your perception you are allowed to comment with minor rules that ALL commenter’s (including myself) are held to (I’m not pretending to be perfect and I will make mistakes). I might not agree with the BNP or it’s supporters, but I’ll defend your right to express your views even on a site I own and could easily delete every BNP comment on. What I don’t want is every single comment thread being about the BNP, there are other far more important issues (government debt for example) than a political party that will be happy if they get 2 MPs and will be on cloud nine if they got 5 MPs.
“You know nothing about the BNP except for your own ignorant preconceptions, bias and prejudice.”
Hang on a second, let me remind you of how you perceived my site before I had time to research the BNP in detail:
What I write now is not based on any preconceived ideas of the BNP, before I had researched the BNP in enough detail to be able to comment, I held back because all I could go on was preconceptions (the little info I had suggested the BNP is a racist/fascist party, but I wasn’t sure) and I hate to hold a debate without understanding a subject in reasonable detail.
Even now I’m not 100% certain the BNP leader hasn’t changed his racist/fascist roots (there are indications he hasn’t changed). If Nick Griffin has changed his ideology from racist/fascist to something else, (how does he describe his ideology now?) that’s good news, but IMHO it’s way to early to take a risk on the BNP, what if he’s another Hitler in the making, is it really worth the risk considering his past racist and anti-semitic views?
And that’s assuming you believe many of the BNP policies will work, most of them are unworkable (some are plain stupid).
I think the main problem here is the majority of BNP commenter’s don’t want to discuss anything negative about the BNP, like the military national service policy, because of a fear it will loose potential BNP voters. Easier to knock the other political parties, how awful they are than argue the dumb BNP policies aren’t dumb.
The BNP have a perception of being fascist and racist by the British people (the majority). It’s up to the BNP and it’s supporters to persuade the British public otherwise and crying foul every time the BNP’s recent past is brought into a discussion does not dispel those perceptions. As long as you (BNP/BNP supporters) as a whole refuse to accept the mistakes of the past you will never move into mainstream politics since the rest of us will be stuck on the past and need to be convinced the BNP have changed.
In my opinion the reason the BNP supporters now have such a big issue with this website is fairly simple and David has already hit it right on the head:
1. When the site was running wild with all pro-BNP they were more than happy as they had the place to themselves.
2. When anti-BNP people started posting they couldn’t cope with the level of decent, thoughtout comments being posted and had no real answers to them and therefore they changed tactic to complaining about not being allowed a voice.
3. Then they switch tactic again by trying to get David to either ban me or force me to change my user name, because they didn’t like the number of times my name appeared on the site.
What the BNP supporters don’t actually realse is that it would be so easy to silence people like me and that’s to provide evidence that supports the BNP’s wild claims and shows that their policies could actually work in the real world.
However rather than going down this road they decided to stick to the standard BNP methods of attacking people calling them UAF paid by other parties etc; which doesn’t actually hold any weight with the real voting public out there in Britain.
So the only way to actually defeat people who speak against the BNP is to debate with them and prove them wrong, something that hasn’t happened on this website as yet.
How many people spoke out against Michael Barnbrook and his membership of the BNP?
Below is a list of laws that have alienated Christians in the UK and the BNP are starting to look attractive, because they support Christian values in the four main social areas, marriage, in schools, in law and order, and welfare.
Moderator: you posted this list here, no need to post it twice, link to it. https://general-election-2010.co.uk/conservative-policies-economy/comment-page-1/#comment-1171
And let me guess you want all these reversed?
Well all I can say is thank god the BNP will NEVER become a Government they would wreck British society.
Are we demonising teachers by enforcing no child gets left behind agenda.
How the h*** do we correct an entry, or let you know if we have made a mistake in a comment so that you can correct it for us?
I missed ‘NOT’ out of my comment on the debate and had to just put a whole new comment in instead of making a correction, or contacting you to make it for me.
John W
Because comments are open (no need to register to post) there’s no way to edit your comments.
If you make a mistake best option is make a reply to that comment with the changes you want made and when I see it I’ll change it for you.