Comment on BNP Policies : BNP Pensioners Policy by Adrian Peirson.

We are all being fleeced, we could get all these public services for free simply by coining and printing our own money instead of Borrowing it from the PRIVATE Bank of England. Cameron, Clegg and Brown are front men placed in Parliament to give us the illusion of choice.
If we had printed EXACTLY the same amount of money as we had borrowed over the past 75 yrs, there would be no Public Borrowing, no Public debt ( currently £2 Trillion ) and hence absolutely no need to for an income tax to pay these ‘loans’ off.
IE our national debt would be ZERO.
This is one of the causes of WWII, when Hitler came to power in Germany, one of the first things he did was to order the German Govt to begin issuing its own money rather than Borrowing it.
This is why Germany became such an economic powerhouse and why the International Bankers used their influence to initiate war with Germany.

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