Comment on BNP Policies : BNP Northern Ireland Policy by stephen pol haydon.

I completely agree with the first response. As I am Irish and from Ulster, this is just rubbish. Firstly Britain is the reason for terrorism in Ireland from the risings after the act of union in 1801, the Easter rising, the Irish civil war and the troubles in Northern Ireland. The silly statement, “Britain has shamefully allowed the terrorists in N.I. to come close to winning when the IRA could have been destroyed years ago.” Is downright disgusting, the IRA are not the only terrorist group within Ireland, the simply highlight the IRA and disregard the fact that the English army trained and provided weapons to the Unionist groups is completely insulting, it is this type of idiotic rhetoric that shows the BNP are not fit to run any country.

There should be no British influence in Ireland whatsoever, Home Rule was almost granted before WW1 and we were expelled from receiving self-determination whilst all the empires in Europe where being carved up. It is about time this rule stopped, whether that be one Ireland or a Northern Ireland without English interference.