According to the British National Party website the British National Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the general election: Updated October 2016 Mass Immigration is the greatest threat to our precious and unique British identity. The pressure on housing and on public services such as schools, hospitals, transport networks, […]
Continue Reading BNP Policies : BNP Immigration Policy
This country has too long been taken for granted.
A lot of the asylum seekers come here for economic gain only.
we allow too many immigrants here to sign up straight away to our benefits system, they are a strain on our health services and houses and do not stay long enough to pay anything back like the amount they take out
Asylum Seekers Come Here for Economic Gain
I have no problem with other cultures, religious faiths or skin colour.
However, I do have a problem with immigrants coming into Britain and biting the hand that feeds them.
The day after the election – 7th May – I was delivering to an Asian run shop.
The shopkeeper had the News channel on, so asked if they’d got a result yet. We got into conversation about the subject of politics, and he said, out of the blue, that if it wasn’t for the racist element within the BNP, he and several of his Muslim friends and family would vote for them due to their immigration policy!
We, the British people, regardless of ethnic origin, who are resident of this country, pay taxes, work to earn a living etc, are sick of immigrants coming here and getting bumped straight to the head of the queue for everything. Housing, benefits, health care. We don’t appreciate that, we are told by our councils that we cannot be seen to openly celebrate our national holidays – Christmas, St Georges’ Day and so on – without possibly causing offence! And these are not the views held by the Muslim and other ‘minorities’ in the country, it’s the councils who are stopping us.
I think it’s a crying shame that the recent election didn’t result in a multi-party coalition (meaning 3 or more parties, not just 2), because it would mean they would all have to run everything past everyone else before they could pass anything, and we may even get a say in the decision, too.
British Muslims Support the BNP's Immigration Policy
I agree with the party saying that immigration has to be dealt with but I very much disagree with the BNP trying to deport British citizens of foreign descent!
This is their country too wether they are white or not.
Illegal immigration and immigrants who commit crimes by all means get rid of them but for people who come here, learn the language and customs and want to live in peace then leave them be in my opinion.
BNP Trying to Deport British Citizens of Foreign Descent!
It about time British people stop being racists
you moron,its the indigenous population who are being racially discriminated against.since when is it racist not to want to lose your english identity?which is slowly being eroded by politicians and the pc brigade?
this immigration control is the right step as a country we have become soft why should our prisons hold migrants which have broken our laws they should be deported if you want to live in britian you should live by british law i don’t want to be paying for there up keep…….. we have lost alot of our ‘britishness’ as immigration has become out of control and it is a fact that this flood has put alot of people out of work to combat this the action needs to be swift and harsh i also appreciate that there are people fleeing from war ect but i think people for get when britian was at war we stood and fought for our country we did not run just a thought
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How dare you say that all British people are racist, most are just concerned that British values are outlawed by other cultures. When in Rome!!!
Whats the Difference between the BNP and a Bus??
A Bus has Seats hahahaa
Michael I love it!! wohoooooo Out with the Racism ….
I am gutted that BNP are not in power, i am a minority in my own country! I believe that it may be too late to save Britain as there are so many Indians/Pakistani’s now in the UK….its a disgrace that it has gotten like this. Singh is the most common surname now, curry is the favourite dish….not Smith or Fish’n’chips. The Muslim religion is taking over Christians…mosques are being built now, no longer churchs…children dont get to do the Nativity play and aren’t allowed to read Snow white anymore…give it time there will be a Muslim PM that will get into power one day….as which foreigner would vote for this party?!? BNP are not racist..they are the only ones in this country that have their eyes open and can see that Britain is going down the drain….so sad. I will def be voting for next time, please do not give up on this country.
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Since when was it important to have Smith as the most common name? Since when has curry being Britains favourite dish stopped you going to a Fish and Chip shop? If you spent half as much time trying to solve problems as you do complaining about them you might actually get something done. Understand?
Clever Catherine