Comment on BNP Immigration Policy by Catherine.

I am gutted that BNP are not in power, i am a minority in my own country! I believe that it may be too late to save Britain as there are so many Indians/Pakistani’s now in the UK….its a disgrace that it has gotten like this. Singh is the most common surname now, curry is the favourite dish….not Smith or Fish’n’chips. The Muslim religion is taking over Christians…mosques are being built now, no longer churchs…children dont get to do the Nativity play and aren’t allowed to read Snow white anymore…give it time there will be a Muslim PM that will get into power one day….as which foreigner would vote for this party?!? BNP are not racist..they are the only ones in this country that have their eyes open and can see that Britain is going down the drain….so sad. I will def be voting for next time, please do not give up on this country.