Comment on BNP Immigration Policy by Mark.

The day after the election – 7th May – I was delivering to an Asian run shop.

The shopkeeper had the News channel on, so asked if they’d got a result yet. We got into conversation about the subject of politics, and he said, out of the blue, that if it wasn’t for the racist element within the BNP, he and several of his Muslim friends and family would vote for them due to their immigration policy!

We, the British people, regardless of ethnic origin, who are resident of this country, pay taxes, work to earn a living etc, are sick of immigrants coming here and getting bumped straight to the head of the queue for everything. Housing, benefits, health care. We don’t appreciate that, we are told by our councils that we cannot be seen to openly celebrate our national holidays – Christmas, St Georges’ Day and so on – without possibly causing offence! And these are not the views held by the Muslim and other ‘minorities’ in the country, it’s the councils who are stopping us.

I think it’s a crying shame that the recent election didn’t result in a multi-party coalition (meaning 3 or more parties, not just 2), because it would mean they would all have to run everything past everyone else before they could pass anything, and we may even get a say in the decision, too.