Comment on BNP Immigration Policy by JohnnyAB.

I am an ex serviceman with 23 yrs service. During that time I have seen the morale standards of my countrymen fall so low it could jump out of a snakes behind.

I have never supported BNP in the past but after recent press and the recent TV debate of Nick Griffin I had fragmented views.

I feel the BNP have cleaned their act significantly but still have a long journey ahead to gain a larger public support.

Firstly I don’t think Nick Griffin is the man to lead the party, which was demonstrated on his BBC debate. At the same time he wasn’t given a fair chance totally to answer for his views or past actions but was heckled, which does not advocate democracy or free speach and hence the hecklers if anything did him a favour.

Mr Griffin however was not well prepared for that debate and came accross to me as a Moron who is supposed to be educated. But as he stated, a lot of his comments no matter how unpolitical they were, were and are only what a lot of the public are thinking but too frightened to speak out!

However if the BNP appointed a new leader who isn’t “unisynamptic” and got rid of a few other unsavourables, I would too consider giving them my vote.

We need a Priminister like Austrailia!!