Comment on BNP Immigration Policy by KSM.

Would the economics of stopping immigration work? I don’t believe so. I mean if we were to stop all immigration, I think many multinational corporations, and companies who are mainly based overseas who try and cut off ties with Britain, preserving a wholesome public image, something that BNP Britian would not have. I mean, you may argue all you wish about how the BNP is not racist, and maybe they aren’t, but no one else will think so. (Outside Britain at least.)
I doubt it would hel the labour pool either, after all when there is a lack of a certain skill in the market, immigrants often fill the gap and if this does not suffice a company may bring in staff from overseas, who will fill in. Immigration cannot be completely halted, there is simply not enough home grown talent to suffice for the gap.

I’m sorry but the numbers just don’t add up. This would simply discourage foreign investment on our soil, like it or not, this policy does not work.

I personally would re-evalute the benefit system.

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