Comment on BNP Immigration Policy by azzy.

ill be honest i will say that i support the b n p i do agree with allot of the things they say allot of people are very quick to call the b n p ignorant but poeple forget that u can be liberal and ignorant ie just presuming that it will be fine to flood britain full of poeple no matter what there colour england is only tiny and can only fit so many pple in its an undisputed fact u cant arque with that i suppose the rest of the things pple will talk about ie race heritage background political correctness racism poeople rights ect ect are but britian only been able to hold so many people is a cold hard fact i think allot of people these days are affected by liberal guilt its forced on us as a society to be ubber tolarant but are pple of other faiths and races ready to tolarate us ???

what about political correctness blatant censorship and patriotism becoming a dirty word i mean when a muslim says hes proud of his faith its pats on the back all around when i say im proud to be white and british its frowned upon why this isnt equality its favouritism in my oppinion equality doesnt exist because it emplys that u can please everyone which is impossible of course not everyones not going to like the bnp but thats just life u cant please everyone i understand that not all immagrants are spongers yes but allot are and we have enough of our own spongers which is really bad aswell like im not gonna say its ok coz there white

and as far as intergration in the world goes yes i suppose the way that the world is with travel been eaisly accesable pple are going to move about and mix with each other its inevitable but its also inevitable that were u mix different races and culters theres always going to be tension of some kind eventually race is an issue and although allot of liberal pple like to sweep it under the carpet and pretend its not im sorry but it is at sum point or another someone is going to feel left out or discriminated agaisnt in one way or another and when u look after one race u neglect the other im not gonna say that i want britian a 100 percent white nor am i gonna say that i hate non whites but we have to be sensible with immagration