Comment on BNP Immigration Policy by Magniloquence.

The BNP may be racist but they do have policies that attract a lot of people who would not otherwise call themselves racists.
What the three main parties ought to do is not tell everyone ‘how bad the BNP is’, but rather ask themselves ‘Why are we losing votes to the BNP’.
As long as their racial policies do not affect me personally and as long as their other policies are to my advantage, I will vote BNP.

If they stop all this PC crap and don’t say we have to be careful of everything we say about Muslims and poofs etc – I will vote for them

If they say that people who come to the UK must live by OUR rules and not change our laws to suit themselves – I will vote for them.

If they say that people whose ancestry is not British, but who are granted the PRIVILEDGE (not a right) to live in this country, break the law (and I,m not talking about speeding or parking tickets here), they will be deported to their own country – I will vote for them.

If they say that Britain is an independent nation, not to be ruled by Europe, but able to make its own laws – I will vote for them

If they say that the law must take care of the innocent and not the criminals – I will vote for them.

Even if they are racist, one bad point with five good points are far better odds than any other party is offering at the moment.

Until other parties start adopting these policies, there is no other party worth voting for.
