Comment on BNP Immigration Policy by gaz.

vote ukip. on imgration why can’t we be like australia .

1, come out of eu

2, deport forgein criminal including europeans .

3, deport anyone that is here illegally no matter what nationaillty.

4, deport any forgein person who can’t or refuses to learn or speak fluent english .

5,deport any forgein person who can’t execpt our culture and relgion .

6 , any forginer out off work should have there own goverment from there own country’s pay any benfits if they are out off work .

7, any foriginer studying should have money up front or sponsors to study in college or unviserty’s .

8, british border for people expecting to live here should be closed for 10 years to reduce imigration .

9,non british workers to be workers should not be exploited by company’s (e.g under paid )and to pay the same tax and national insurance as brits .

10, bring back freedom off speech to the uk .( especially uk born residents )

thanks to the past and present goverment as well as banks , councils , do gooder’s the eu and a imgration problem this is why this country is a laughing stock around the world and in a mess .

the three main parties will make this mess worse any british born person are 2nd class citerzon’s in there own country . we don’t need rasicm in this country but a farier system , which is not the case at moment . so vote ukip if not 1 off the 3 main parties will let extremist turn the uk in a muslim or communist state . this will be reilty in 10 year time .

More Comments on BNP Immigration Policy by gaz

BNP Policies : BNP Immigration Policy

Spot on , the 3 main goverments are stupid enough to let become a islamic state . …

imgration after 10 years

1 must have 20 thousand in there bank or sponsor money .

2 must have a skilled job or studying at unviersity to go to in the uk .

3 must execpt …

More Comments by gaz

BNP Policies : BNP Immigration Policy

Spot on , the 3 main goverments are stupid enough to let become a islamic state . …

imgration after 10 years

1 must have 20 thousand in there bank or sponsor money .

2 must have a skilled job or studying at unviersity to go to in the uk .

3 must execpt …