According to the British National Party website the British National Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election:
Originally, benefits were meant as the state’s obligation to support those who genuinely are not in a position to support themselves. This guiding principle must always remain the guiding light for a just and humane system – and it is the core of the British National Party’s welfare policy.
However, decades of Labour and Tory socialist state-induced welfare dependency has utterly distorted this noble ideal. Well-meaning welfare programmes have been exploited, distorted and twisted to become nothing more than a free handout to scroungers, foreign and local. This has in turn created a welfare dependency culture which has led to in excess of six million people living in homes where no one has a job and where benefits are a way of life.
Not only does this cost the taxpayer in excess of £13 billion per year, but it also has a hugely damaging effect upon the psychology of a nation which once led the world in productivity, technological innovation and which gave birth to the Industrial Revolution. This dire situation must be reversed – urgently.
Only the British National Party has the plan to reverse these decades of disastrous Labour and Tory social engineering programmes – through a sensible policy of workfare, not welfare.
The principle is simple: those who receive community support incur obligations as well. People who genuinely want to work must be provided with the opportunity to do so in return for training which will put them back into proper full-time employment.
In return for financial support and training for a new career, the benefit recipient must complete a certain number of hours of work per week. Properly implemented, this policy will undermine the benefit dependency culture and bring masses of unemployed back into the formal employment sector.
Ultimately there must be only one category of welfare recipient: those who genuinely deserve or have earned it. The scrounger entitlement mentality must be discarded. Those who can work but refuse to do so, must face the consequences of their actions on their own.
The success of the “workfare not welfare” policy has been proven: these programmes already exist in Australia, America and even in India. Britain has to get back to work: and workfare provides the only path through which this aim will be achieved.
It is equally important that the burden of foreign scroungers be dealt with vigorously. Britain has become a land where foreigners come first and decent, hard-working Britons are exploited. Immigrants come here and are immediately given council homes while Britons are pushed further and further back in the queue.
The BNP’s housing policy is:
– Make all benefits and social housing only available to British citizens;
– Make length of residency in an area the key criterion for council house allocation;
– Preserve the ‘right to buy’ of individual tenants, but with the money from sales being used to build more council houses;
– Take all privatised social housing stock back under local democratically controlled council ownership;
– Ensure that the billions being spent on the utterly bogus asylum seeker and immigration swindles is redeployed to alleviate the appalling conditions under which many of Britain’s old people are forced to live.
– A BNP government will restore the earnings link with pensions and ensure that elderly people who have paid a lifetime of taxes and reared families should not have to sell their homes to pay for care in their old age.
Only the British National Party has the answer to the crisis in which the welfare state finds itself after years of misrule.
The time has come for change.
British National Party Housing and Welfare Policy :
I would be interested to hear both positive and negative views on BNP’s Housing and Welfare policies in the comments below?
BNP all the way,i have 3 kids i got out of foster care, iv been living in dagenham all my life and i cant get a 3 bedroom councail house,iv been layed of work,all the building sites i go on have polish people taking all our jobs, my 18 year old daghter cant even get a job… every were you look there are imeragrnts, all workin,lving in ow houses…
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The BNP’s proposed policy on Housing is the only agreeable part of the manifesto to me (which draws on wider issues of immigration).
I am shocked to have been on the Council waiting list for a larger home for 8 years now! I have 2 kids in a one bed. I was born in this Country and believe that should count for something. I definantly believe the current points based system is inadequate. It seems immigrants are prioritised as they often have the most points (on account of having the most children…).
Immigration most certainly needs to be controlled and I wish one of the main parties would brave face and tackle this problem with gusto. People are becoming resentful and this will create votes for the BNP made through frustration of the current situation. This is worrying as in turn BNP may well tackle this, but we will then have many more to do deal with if BNP were ever to gain more power.
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The BNP seem to be the only party willing to state these facts, despite the ridicule they often receive for them. This is clearly the fairest and most sensible housing policy of all the political parties and the implementation of these policies would not only slash housing lists, but return council stock to council control, allow the individual freedom of right to buy, AND alleviate pressure on the Green Belt and other green spaces currently being destroyed for housing.
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These policies are excellent! If people went past the overblown facts of their racism, they would see that the BNP can really change this country for the better!
Oh come on, are you all really that dim that you believe what these bunch of racists are saying. If you read the manifestos of all parties involved you will see that they all have the same concerns and issues. I haven’t voted for many years because I think that politicians are untrustworthy and the biggest scroungers in this country. If they were paid the minimum wage would they still want to be a politian? However, I will be voting in this election but only to keep the BNP OUT! Do you really want to see homeless asylum seekers on the streets of britain? Because lets face it, what makes the BNP more capable than the others to solve the immigration issues? They are an incompetent and racist party with only hatred to offer. NO THANKS!
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You have no idea what you are talking about.
I really don’t know how anybody can have a serious point of view on the BNP or it’s policies.
Britain is a country where many discussions simply cannot be had. Sadly, this includes the relative merits or otherwise of the BNP and the automatic playing of the ‘racist card’ at the very mention of the party or immigration.
The Establishment knows full well that there is no place for the ‘moralistic fallacy’ that reality must conform to our social, political, or ethical desires. But it suits them very well to ignore this and rational discussion.
It is imperative that we are able to hear what the BNP has to say and THEN decide whether parliament or the lunatic asylum, assuming we can tell the difference, is the place for them. Anything less simply proves that Britain has no democracy. Discussion is reduced to ‘everybody knows’ – the premise of the ignorant.
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BNP = Racist Scum who go round beating innocent people up … Bob Bailey I hope you get locked up you Jerk!