Comment on BNP Policies : BNP Defence Policy by FatSack.

There are plenty of people here saying “I’m not racist but…” If you’re not racist then why do you feel you have to justify that statement?

Also why are people comparing Nick Griffin to Jesus? He’s not Jewish, not Middle Eastern and hates immigrants whereas Jesus (according to the Christian people) welcomes everyone. Also doesn’t the BNP say it’s a Christian party with Christian ethos and if so what happens to the Policy of “Love thy neighbour as yourself?” does it just pick the parts of the bible that they agree with??

Now I know there are going to be lots of comments about whatever any non BNP supporters say on here no matter what they think but I don’t think it’s really fair calling immigrants when lets look at British History we’re all descendents of immigrants and you can’t deny it we live on an Island how else did we get here Aliens??

What makes us different from a person from say Pakistan or India or Iran. People come here to flee from Oppression and what do they get? Not the country that 60-70 years ago went to War with Nazi Germany to give us and millions of oppressed people the right to live but a country where we view our own country men and women as second class citizens.

If we pull out of NATO who will defend us when we are in our hour of need. If we send back to Poland all there citizens just throw them out like used rags do you think they’ll stand and fight??

Face it no matter who you vote for it’ll turn out the same all talk and no action, that’s the way it always has been and always will be. No party is as good as the word.

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BNP Policies : BNP Defence Policy

I saw this and it said it was from a journalist for a leading newspaper …

More Comments by FatSack

BNP Policies : BNP Defence Policy

I saw this and it said it was from a journalist for a leading newspaper …