The British National Party Manifesto 2010 was released today (April 23rd). You can view the PDF version in full at BNP Manifesto 2010. BNP Manifesto 2010 BNP Manifesto 2010 : British National Party Key Pledges BNP Manifesto 2010 : Defending Britain: BNP Defence Policy BNP Manifesto 2010 : Immigration: An Unparalleled Crisis Which Only the […]
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Ok lets get the matter straight. The BNP is neither against a persons religion or their ethnic background. All they want is for the United Kingdom to stay the domain of white English/Scots/Welsh/Irish. Immigration kept under good control is not a tradget thing. The trouble is it has not been kept under control. Too many people of different cultures and races are now diluting the whole Nation. People of ethnic background are welcome to stay in their own countries and mantain good diplomatic relations with these Islands. That has always worked well in the past and there is no reason that is should not continue. But please to all those who want to come here , ‘WE ARE FULL UP’
ok. The rim is full, no more and please help your own country to prosper with your own talents and skills we no longer need or want them here.
in case everyone’s forgotten, “the indigenous people of these islands” are basically the welsh, the irish and the scots. So shall we abolish the english language, to defend their rights?
English, from the Angles, means you descend from germany. So if you’re English, you’re an immigrant too.
I am so appalled by this manifesto, it makes me genuinely ashamed to be British when I read the policies of the BNP
Iv got no problem with race !! but a big one with Islam it scares me….we all know there building a army here, its a shame that England has to end like tis !!!
As an Interested voter I would like to know how these policies can be implemented without violence of any sort.
I will happily vote BNP next week. This country is beyond a joke now. Why should I pay 40% taxes for anyone to get benefits and have my friends fighting in a war that doesnt even concern this country. I am far from a racist but how can anyone not see that its just getting out of control. Halt immigration and BRING OUR BOYS BACK!!!!!!
A couple of gems freom the BNP manifesto
“Turkey: The EU’s Final Solution against all European Nations”
Oh how clever Mr Griffin. Use the phrase ‘Final Solution’ with its implication that Whitey will be exterminated.
“- A Clause 28-style proscription against the promotion of racial integration in schools and the media will be introduced.”
That last one tells me everything I need to know about this bunch of losers.
Vote BNP for a culturally, socially and economically impoverished Britain.