The British National Party Manifesto 2010 was released today (April 23rd). You can view the PDF version in full at BNP Manifesto 2010. BNP Manifesto 2010 BNP Manifesto 2010 : British National Party Key Pledges BNP Manifesto 2010 : Defending Britain: BNP Defence Policy BNP Manifesto 2010 : Immigration: An Unparalleled Crisis Which Only the […]
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I can only urge people not to vote BNP or UKIP purely for their questionable immigration policies. They are not the only parties with immigration policies, I don’t want to live in society dominated by fear of immigrants ‘coming over hear’. We must remember that not all applicants for social housing in this country is deserving of a council house, I am referring to the young mums who apply for a council house purely to get to the top of the endless waiting list and recieve benefits. Why should these individuals have priority over hard working immigrants? Even if you don’t consider yourself a rascist, you will still be letting the rascists win by giving them your vote.
I’m with TC, voting for the BNP or UKIP will not help us economically, and as for the immigration policies, you do realise people who came here many years ago, established a home and a job and a family, and are by law British citizens are going to be sent back to the undesirable conditions which were the reasons they left.
I know some people who would be sent back to Bosnia, having been in England for 20 years, they are hard working and own a successful business. Surely they are helping our economy and what’s more are more deserving to live here than the aforementioned young mums?
Just saying.
seems plenty still haven’t got their facts right . The BNP will not be evicting Bosnians or anyone else who is settled here living a proper and decent lifestyle and contributing to The UK . The BNP will certainly remove all illegal immigrants and foreign criminals and stop any further immigration , especially of those claiming asylum as there are no countries on our boarder that citizens would need to seek asylum from .
So you think that saving the country £9.1 Billion by withdrawing the Foreign aid, reducing the current £18billion per year on the ‘climate change’ con, Withdrawing from the EU saving £15billion…and savings from stopping immigration.
Then spending that money on rebuliding industry. technical training to re-ignite our once proud tradition in manufacturing, Making the workshy work for their benefits, bringing in Mandatory civil or national service. spendiong increased to the NHS coupled with the savings from less immigrants using it. increasing spending (NOT cutting like the 3 frauds) on education…..etc etc
Will NOT help OUR economy???
Far better to continue throwing our money down the drain so that the theives can keep their grubby little hands on OUR tax money!
The BNP is due to publish its manifesto on 23rd April in Stoke!
I’m not a a racist anyone willing to live by our british laws, speak english, pay their way and just basically willing to fit in is welcome, religon is the evil thing most wars are based around religion, my belief is it doesn’t make a difference where a person comes from its just simply what their beliefs are!
It’s a hard choice, do i keep voting for the continuation of more sleaze, corruption, warmongering, waste and liars. That is the three main parties.
Or do i vote the BNP because they have guts to talk about sending back home, Thousands of immigrants and failed Asylum seekers, in UK prisons who have commited horrendous crimes and who are set to be freed to walk our streets to commit more crimes.
They want to send back home Hundreds of thousands of immigrants here illegaly, avoiding tax. Pull out of the Illegal War, pull out of European union.
Hell i know who i am voting………
BNP RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BNP would make St. Georges a holiday and rightly so the other parties have lost their patriotism it’s a disgrace.
VOTE BNP!!!!!!!
Happy St.Georges day to the BNP voters !!