BNP Manifesto 2010 : The Economy: Putting Britain Back on the Road to Recovery • A BNP government would tackle the national debt problem by cutting expenditure on all projects which do not serve British interests. • These expenditures which will be cut include the annual costs of £18 billion spent on “global warming,” the […]
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the problem is not immigrants. Its what they are given. Why should an immigrant arrive in this country, claim job seekers and be given a council house have 4 kids all paid for on the nhs. I know that this is not the case with all immigrants. I for one have a friend from algeria who has legitimately set up his own business pays tax etc and works very hard. But i also know someone from iraq who does bugger all, married a polish girl, in england may i add and knows claims every benefit under the sun. You can see why people are hacked off with it, when alot of people go to work full time and struggle to pay the mortgage. The bnp isnt the way forward, but they have a serious chance as people feel there tax is being used to help people who dont deserve it. I dont think the polish government or the alrgerian goverment would be dishing out houses and benefits to anyone entering there country!
I do feel the same about immigrants who claim benefits and do nothing to try and get jobs or contribute to society. The problem I have is that there are hundreds of UK subjects who do exactly the same thing! If we were to put ourselves in their shoes where we were living in absolute poverty with war, famine and disease, I would do the same. I would immigrate to a more prosperous country which gave me to opportunity to live a heathy lifestyle and bring up my children in safety. But the thing that counts is that once you immigrate to a country, you do not sit back and live off other peoples taxes which could have been used to safe lives , or help those who are in dyer need in this country. I feel strongly that the BNP is going about this the wrong way. In my view a much more ethical and thought out plan would be to instigate the same kind of immigration policy that Australia has.
The BNP is the only party to address immigration therefore they are racist. No other party will attempt to address or even mention immigration because it negates their claims that the BNP is racist.
I want a stop to this free for all mass immigration. I want a stop to the selling off of Britain. I want everyone to abide by the laws of this country not the laws that immigrants bring with them. I don’t care what colour a persons skin is. I must be racist!
I find it highly amusing that an ecoonomic policy of the BNP is to promote healthy domestic competition. Well that’s all very well, but they further go on to complain about how ‘British workers must compete against those in China and India who work for as little as a pound a day’. For this reason, they plan to encourage British-manufactured products, therefore eliminating competition? A little contradictory to say the least?
Immigrants should work yes, and earn the right to live in such a privilaged economy as ours. But I would love to see Nick Griffin doing half the jobs that a huge majority of immigrants are subjected to. Such jobs provide a huge and entirely necessary blanket on the foundation of our ever-growing and complex economy. The point that Griffin failes to mention and expand upon, is that we have many hundreds of British, who in effect, are just as bad. Just recently an article about scummy benefit-claiming mum of seven, perfectly able, who simply refuses to work as she earns more in benefits. That, in my opinion, needs to be a main focus. Strike benefits for those who are purely lazy and ignorant. Or even give them work, be-it within the community litter-picking etc. Provide benefits for those who purely, physically cannot work for it, and spend the savings on job allocation.
The BNP has a brutal leader, who clearly is no good for the party. I am yet to meet a single person who speaks his praise. Would love to hear from those potentially voting for the BNP .. and their justifications ?
I would love to see any politician trying to live on what they say is the minimum wage required by a family in the UK.
To simply abandon manufacturing in this country is not the answer. Other western countries remain competetive eg Germany. British manufacturing needs protection and re-investment not short term asset stripping and foreign buy outs leading to company closures. This happened at the factory where I used to work,it was run down over a 3 to 4 year period then sold to a foreign company who closed it down making every one redundant and moved the manufacturing processes back to their own country. The BNP do address the issue of benefit dependancy and have outlined a scheme to make people do a certain amount of work to recieve benefits or training. Nick Griffin is an excellent party leader who is not affraid to tackle contentious issues. In an intervue on BBC Breakfast time yesterday (19th) he answered every question in a clear and straightforward way, something few other politicians seem able to do. If you believe as I do that our insane immigration laws must be confronted at parliamentary level, then he is the man to do it!
Not once did I even mention abandoning manufacturing in this country? That’s almost as insane as those voting the BNP. Yes British manufacturing needs protecting. But protectionism has been on the agenda for years, not recently brought in by the BNP? That is no new policy, what makes you think they will do a better job at succeeding in protectionism? Where do you also suppose they’re planning on getting the huge finances needed to subsidise all these up-coming infant firms? Taxes. Brutally obvious.
And about the interVIEW on BBC Breakfast. Other politicians wouldn’t subject bias opinion live on radio, or probably infact at all, about religions such as Islamm, they know better.
Why do you so adamently think that Nick Griffin is the man to confront our ‘insane’ immigration laws?
Which other party do you adamently believe will address our ‘insane’ immigation laws?
@Sarah. Hi Sarah – you raise some good points about the lazy people in this country. Can you explain exactly what the main political parties have done to get the lazy people working again?
You’ve come up with some good suggestions, but the main parties have had years to do something and have done nothing.
The BNP cannot be blamed in anyway for the mess that this country is in.
Perhaps these questions should be aimed at the cons/lab/libs? After all they are the ones who agree policy and run our councils.
I’ll be voting BNP. Just because I want to send out a clear message that I’m not happy with any of our MP’s.
I used to think Germany was a country to emulate, but did you know Germany has a debt level higher than ours?
German debt levels been higher than ours for a while (before the banking crisis).
Take a read of and you can see how our debt compares to that of other countries.
German debt 77.20% of GDP
UK debt 68.50% of GDP
If Germany is so great why have they got a higher debt level than we do?
Don’t get me wrong some parts of Germany should be emulated, just don’t think Germany is some holier than though economy that puts us to shame. We are just as good and in some respects better than Germany.
I believe government should and could do more for our traditional manufacturing industries, but they can NOT resort to outright protectionism since it will harm trade with our trade partners.
I look at it from a perspective of full employment, if the entire country is working, we’ll be more prosperous as a country. Maybe not a realistic goal, but we should be aiming for full employment.
If it costs £X to keep a person unemployed (taking everything into account like less money flowing through the economy) and costs the country £Y to ‘subsidise’ keeping a person in work and Y is lower than X it makes sense to subsidise workers pay in someway to keep them employed since overall it cost the country less.
I’m not think directly subsidising a persons actual wage, (although you could argue Labours Working Tax credit is directly subsidising relatively low pay, though it’s not targeted to specific sectors) but reducing the costs of doing some forms of business in our country, so we can compete, if not compete in a global market (we can’t compete on price with countries like China because their labor costs are much lower) at least compete in our own country business to business.
For example it makes sense for British businesses to be able to afford to buy resources like steel from British companies that produce steel. If government can make businesses that make steel in Britain more affordable with tax breaks etc… for creating steel directly in our country, it would make it easier for them to survive and compete.
My go to success story is Canada and the film industry. Canada provides tax breaks for that sector which has resulted in Canada becoming a major player in the film industry: you ever noticed how many films and TV shows are filmed in Canada. We need to emulate this type of system to promote all sorts of business sectors in the UK.
The good news is Britain is one of the top countries for starting a business and attracting foreign investment, but we aren’t doing so well at promoting our traditional manufacturing industries (it’s the labor costs relative to places like China, it’s killing our competitiveness!). Which is a real shame as when they go under it results in hard working middle aged men not only loosing their jobs, but loosing their sense of who they are when they find themselves 50+ years old, skilled in a dieing industry (making their skills worthless) and because of their age more likely to become long term unemployed than any other age group!
Thankyou Stuart. Example of the policy set by the Conservatives ..
* Every out of work benefit claimant capable of doing so will be expected to work or prepare for work
* A comprehensive programme of support for jobseekers
* Welfare-to-work services to be provided by organisations on a payment by results basis
Assessments for those claiming out of work benefits
* Rapid assessments for new and existing claimants
Limits to claiming out of work benefits
* People who refuse to join a return to work programme will lose the right to claim out of work benefits until they do
* People who refuse to accept reasonable job offers could lose the right to claim out of work benefits for three years
* Time limits for out of work benefits – so people who claim for more than two years out of three will be required to join community work programmes.
Clearly the issue of benefit allowance has always been a struggle. And ofcourse the BNP cannot be blamed, they have never been in power? A pretty unfair statement. But that then doesn’t mean they will be any better at sorting the current problems we face. With no experience afterall, how can anyone expect them to be any better? Some of their policies are fair, but that cannot be said for the majority. I can agree however, that our economic situation at present, isn’t exactly impressive, and much damage has been caused to the public because of it. Something pretty drastic does need to be done. What other justifications do you have to vote BNP? Out of pure interest.
Hi Sarah,
Good to have a healthy debate.
My other reasons: I think I covered in my other posts.
1. I don’t trust the main parties. eg the expenses scandal and they (mp’s) are not honest.I don’t think any of the main parties can talk about honesty, can they?
2. Whenever the main parties say they will do something they don’t.
3. The Mp’s do not ever give clear answers. It’s always ifs and butts… and when things go wrong they blame each other.
4. Whilst I am not racist…. honest I am not!If I was then that would be wierd cause my dad is darkskinned… and I’m not exactly white!
I like the clear messages that the BNP give and that they have not budged. I think today, people are looking for honesty and transparent.
5. Protection for British workers. Previously I would have supported labour, but then the cons killed off the trade unions that protected workers (of all races here. Its worth noting that I would class myself as ‘middle class’ but I was brought up on a council estate (my parents worked) and I worked hard and studied hard to get a really good job. I’m well off but am tired of seeing jobs leave the UK. Eg insurance industry – I’ve worked in for 13 years – and the governments have done nothing to stop outsourcing. As far as I am concerned. If there was a party that said “no outsourcing allowed unless: a) there isn’t enough people in the Uk to employ for that role.
6. I do not want to be part of the EU. The parties promised a referendum but that will never happen.
7. Tired of paying taxes towards people who are not from the UK. I do lots of charity work and have done voluntary work, do bike rides etc for that purpose. I would rather my tax went to helping the people who were born here have a better standard of life. Than once we are in a really good state – then I would be happy for my tax to help others from other nations.
8. Taxes go up – but I’ve seen no improvement in standard of life for myself nor have I seen any improvements in public services. Public transport in the UK is a bit of a joke, petrol prices are too expensive but the Government does nothing.
9. The iraq /afghan war. We were lied to. Where are the weapons of mass destruction.
I just wanted to point out that I couldn’t give a toss about religion. And that I wish some people would read the bible and koran… cause they are almost identical… but then again I think religion is being used as an excuse. But then again there are some people in the UK who protest at our troops in a manner which I find unacceptable. And again – we do nothing.
Its all about trust, and I think that this election is going to be about surprises.
If you have any more questions or want more detail feel free to ask. Cheers