BNP Manifesto 2010 : Renationalising the Welfare State
• The BNP will halt the handout of benefits, housing, education and pensions to foreigners who have not paid into the system.
• The BNP will ensure that the National Health Service is used to serve British people and not used as an International Health Service.
• The BNP will provide education and training for the unemployed to enable them to get back into work.
• The BNP will institute a workfare-not-welfare policy for those who refuse to get back to work.
The Ideal of the Welfare State Has Been Distorted
Originally, benefits were meant to be the state’s obligation to support those who genuinely were not in a position to support themselves. This guiding principle must always remain the guiding light for a just and humane system — and it is the core of the British National Party’s welfare policy.
Decades of Labour and Tory socialist state-induced welfare dependency has utterly distorted this noble ideal. Well-meaning welfare programmes have been exploited, distorted and twisted to become nothing more than a free handout to scroungers, foreign and local.
This has in turn created a welfare dependency culture which has led to in excess of six million people living in homes where no one has a job and where benefits are a way of life.
Not only does this cost the taxpayer in excess of £13 billion per year, but it also has a hugely damaging effect upon the psychology of a nation which once led the world in productivity and technological innovation and which gave birth to the Industrial Revolution. This dire situation must be reversed — urgently.
Workfare, not Welfare
The BNP proposed to reverse these decades of disastrous Labour and Tory social engineering programmes through a sensible policy of workfare, not welfare.
The principle is simple: those who receive community support incur obligations as well. People who genuinely want to work must be provided with the opportunity to do so in return for training which will put them back into proper full-time employment.
In return for financial support and training for a new career, the benefit recipient must complete a certain number of hours of work per week. Properly implemented, this policy will undermine the benefit dependency culture and bring masses of unemployed back into the formal employment sector.
Ultimately there must be only one category of welfare recipient: those who genuinely deserve or have earned it. The scrounger entitlement mentality must be discarded.
Those who can work but refuse to do so, must face the consequences of their actions.
To this extent, we shall require that those who have been out of work for over 18 months participate in local work schemes in return for their taxpayer-funded benefits.
The success of the “workfare not welfare” policy has been proven: these programmes already exist in Australia, America and even in India. Britain has to get back to work: and workfare provides the only path through which this aim will be achieved.
Putting British People First
It is equally important that the burden of foreign scroungers be dealt with vigorously. Britain has become a land where foreigners come first, and decent, hard-working Britons are exploited. Immigrants come here and are immediately given council homes while Britons are pushed further and further back in the queue.
The BNP deprecates the current system whereby the fruits of the welfare state, including our benefits and pensions, are distributed freely to those with no historic ties to our nation and, in particular, to immigrants, ‘asylum seekers’ and economic migrants from within the European Union.
The BNP shall legislate to ensure that pensions and benefits are eligible only to Britons and those who have paid into the system over their lifetime.
Pensions and benefits will not be paid to claimants whose residence in the UK has not qualified them to benefit from the Welfare State.
Reduced pensions will apply to claimants whose residence has not qualified them to benefit from the full amount.
The BNP will renationalise the welfare state. Access to education, the NHS, benefits, council houses and pensions will only be available to the British people and those who have paid into the welfare system.
BNP Manifesto 2010
BNP Manifesto 2010 : British National Party Key Pledges
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Defending Britain: BNP Defence Policy
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Immigration: An Unparalleled Crisis Which Only the BNP Can Solve
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Environmental Protection and the “Climate Change” Theory
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Leaving the European Union
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Counter Jihad: Confronting the Islamic Colonisation of Britain
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Renationalising the Welfare State
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Freedom for All: The Restoration of Our Civil Liberties
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Constitutional Change: Protecting and Enhancing Our Heritage
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Democracy and the Media
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Culture, Traditions and Civil Society
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Time to Get Tough on Crime and Criminals
BNP Manifesto 2010 : A Healthy Nation: Public Health and the NHS
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Education for a British Future
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Transport: Getting Britain Moving Again
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Agriculture: Food and Fisheries
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Energy: Fuelling the Nation’s Growth
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Foreign Policy: Putting British Interests First
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Housing: Sheltering the Nation
BNP Manifesto 2010 : The Economy: Putting Britain Back on the Road to Recovery
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Creating Local Economies
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Pensions: Looking After Our Old People
BNP Manifesto 2010 : IT and the Digital Revolution: The BNP’s Vision
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Conclusion
Copyright ©, The British National Party, PO Box 1223, Belfast, BT4 9DD. All rights reserved. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
The BNP seem to have ost the plot with this one, they obviously don’t under stand that the Welfare State is already nationalised, the clue is in the title Welfare STATE.
As for Tax Credits the BNP made no mention of either keeping or scrapping Tax Credits anywhere in the joke filled Manifesto.
However they do give over almost 30 pages to immigration and those damn Muslims, showing just who they really are.
This is a question, not a comment – will you abolish Tax Credits?
“The BNP will provide education and training for the unemployed to enable them to get back into work.”
That’s what the Labour government are doing now. what’s different about BNP policy?
BNP Workfare, not Welfare Policy
The problem with this concept is there are only so many jobs and government is not very good at creating actual jobs and they tend to cost quite a bit of money.
To stall the damaging effects of the recession the Labour government has had to create public sector jobs which is very expensive and can not be maintained indefinitely.
If you have say 100,000 unemployed people working for their welfare on say farm land that’s going to take jobs away from the private sector as farmers need less labor as they take advantage of cheap (free?) welfare to work labor.
What the country needs is businesses in Britain to create real long term jobs for people and here government can help.
For example a lot of jobs are created by attracting foreign investors who bring things like factories that make cars to Britain and Labour’s been very good at attracting foreign investment (we are one of the top countries for foreign investment).
What would the BNP do to promote more foreign investment into Britain to generate more British jobs?
i dont see how anyone can say about fixing Britain by getting rid of the immigrants. What the hell happened to equality
UNITED kingdon UNITED what has actually happened.
In world war 2 we fought off The Nazi’s and we will fight off you because you are making us become one of them.
If you really cared about British people and their rights you would listen to us.