BNP Manifesto 2010 : British National Party Key Pledges Defending Britain: BNP Defence Policy • The BNP will end the involvement of British troops in the Afghanistan war • The BNP will not allow British forces to become involved in a war against Iran • The BNP will withdraw our troops from Germany • The […]
Continue Reading BNP Manifesto 2010 : British National Party Key Pledges
This is one creepy manifesto
“The BNP will repeal … the Equalities and Human Rights Commission ” and “repeal all laws aimed at restricting freedom of speech, including those relating to race relations and religion.”
translation – change the law so that we can disappear anyone who even remotely disagrees with us and also make it legal to incite racial violence by making up lies about non white races.
what planet are these @rseholes on, exactly?
This is one excellent manifesto.
The BNP is the only true party that is looking after our interests. Stuff the EU, it is full of lying, backstabing scum. When has europe done anything worthwhile for Britian? Why are we effected because of what happens within mainland europe. Why should they be allowed to pass or override British law? The Human Rights Act, what a contradiction: Rights for scum but no rights for victims. Close our borders fully, we are a self supporting nation, we do not need foreign investment and business. These foreign business are what have destroyed British industry and names. Stop the crap coming into this country, seeing us as the benefits capital of europe, deport all foreign nationals who commit crimes within Britain, no matter how trivial. Basically, lets look after our own affairs and get our own house in order before we worry about the rest of the world.
Lets rekindle that famous saying: ” Proud to be British”.
This is a brilliant manifesto all the way through. We’ve had enough of the Tories, new Labour and Lib Dems who are E.U puppets. About time those billions were used to get Britain out the mess. The U.K.I.P are just Thatcherite Tories who I think are just out to line there own Pockets. The BNP however are a true British Patriotic Party that have the answer to mass immigration, Europe & Law & Order.
The BNP are NOT a fascist or Rascist Party as the marxists portray them. The real fascists are the Far Left who use force to Silence Opposition & Islamic militants. Now the Left are trying to link the BNP to the Terror attacks in Norway. I think this is a false flag attack for the E.U to Ban right wing Political Parties in the E.U. The Progressive Party in Norway were a Popular anti Islamification of Norway & anti E.U Party. The Shooting were carried out by a lone gunman who apparently happens to be a Freemason according to info on the internet. It would not supprise me as freemasonry had a lot of involvement starting WW1.
The founders of U.K.I.P are a bunch of Thatcherites that kept Maggie Thatcher in power, (the Poll Tax & ruination of British Industry & Jobs). They split and formed U.K.I.P after the Tories kicked out Thatcher & John Major signed the Maastrict Treaty.
This manifesto has it in a nutshell I know ticks most of my boxes keep up the good work Nick
I see the mistake, you’ve accidentally printed the 2024 Tory manifesto instead of the 2010 BNP one.