BNP Manifesto 2010 : British National Party Key Pledges Defending Britain: BNP Defence Policy • The BNP will end the involvement of British troops in the Afghanistan war • The BNP will not allow British forces to become involved in a war against Iran • The BNP will withdraw our troops from Germany • The […]
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At this present time , i think the BNP are in its infancy ,and a vote for them is wasted to oust labour .
The three major parties , have very similar policies with variations of costings.
I read a flyer for lib dem , they just about repeated the Conservative promises on there short version of there leaflet.
I have read through the BNP manifesto , it dose look like they hit all the right points for the indigenous population.
But , as other posters have pointed out , there figures dont relate to the actual proposed actions.
The BNP are a strong growing party , as the older generation ,remember the old conservative , and labour party rule of yester year.
I think Nick Griffin , is counting on the “keep it British” with pictures of Winston Churchill super imposed next to himself in their flyers.
This is a good game of smoke and mirrors to dupe the voter , they have the same values and political strength of the older Churchill years.
I have voted BNP in local by elections in the past , because our local MP was taking monies to finance there second property , with the expenses scandal in every news paper.
As for running our government , i still think the strongest party to oust labour , is the conservatives…
Cultural diversity is a wonderful thing! Isn’t it so interesting to learn about other cultures? What a boring world it would be if we were all the same! ;)
First time i have read a BNP manifesto, i don’t agree with all of it but there are a lot of points worth thinking about.
some valid points to consider I’m personally worried about the time to get tough on crime and criminals I would not want to live in a community where police codes of practice are reduced and individuals feel revenge or acts of violence are OK under the notion of defending person /property. Still considering my vote
It is about time that someone has the nerve to stand up and fight against the positive racism which is prevalent in our society today. Only the BNP can do this.
There are a few points which do not lie easy with me concerning the Manifesto but the majority of it is spot on if this country is to stand any chance of recuperation from the PC brigade and the incompetencies of the ‘main-stream’ parties.
I am pleasantly surprised reading this manifesto. I thought previously some good policies but could they run the country? My colnclusion is that they surely couldn’t do any worse than the other parties and will definately be getting my vote. If the party is that bad surely they would have been criminalised. Good luck!
Its about time a political party had the balls to pick this country up, give it a good shake, and watch all thats not needed fall back to where it came from.
Fed up with all the media lies and brain washing. Its time to vote with your head and heart, see through the cracks of a political system that is rotten to the very core. You cannot please all the people all the time etc… but this manifesto has put a big smile on my face.