BNP Manifesto 2010 : British National Party Key Pledges Defending Britain: BNP Defence Policy • The BNP will end the involvement of British troops in the Afghanistan war • The BNP will not allow British forces to become involved in a war against Iran • The BNP will withdraw our troops from Germany • The […]
Continue Reading BNP Manifesto 2010 : British National Party Key Pledges
Isn’t it funny that all those BNP activists are busy typing away at all the comments pages on any article that shows the BNP to be exactly what they are – racist extremists. You think it shows that ‘everyone’ is voting BNP but the public aren’t as stupid as you and we can see what a joke you are!
This all makes great sense.
It may make great sense, but have you considered the actual cost of this?
• The BNP will nationalise the telecoms infrastructure to enable the creation of a not-for-profit 100Mbps broadband service across the country.
The BNP actually has no idea how much this will cost, and besides that they are talking about stealing back BT who own the infrastruture which of course would be illegal under British law.
• The BNP will invest in technology universities to provide the skills to our people to take their rightful place as world leaders in the IT industry.
How much is this going to cost? how long is it going to take?
• The BNP will reinvigorate the IT sector in Britain with massive investments in technology universities.
See the BNP stupidness here? they said the same thing twice.
• The BNP aims to increase the state pension to £150 per week within the duration of the first Parliament.
Again where is the money coming from to cover this cost?
• The BNP will therefore introduce legislation to ensure that a foreign acquisition of any significantly-sized British company is judged to be in the public and national interest before it can proceed.
So the BNP will decide who shareholders can sell their shares to? (DICTATORSHIP MUCH)
Far more questions than answers, you see when you really think about it you see the bullshit and pipe dreams.
We are in an economic shit hole, yet the BNP want to waste money hand over fist, money the Government doesn’t have.
Get real and think it through.
You make big sense VoteNotoBNP. there is no sense in voting for this party anyway. they want to cut ties with foreign countries and waste more money? WHAT A SENSELESS IDEA.
The reason why BNP are gaining support is because Nick is using the same tactics Hitler used in 1930s, persuading them that it’s the illegal immigrants and non-British thats causing the recession. Hey he is spoiling their minds.
BNP: British Nazi Party
BNP: British Nasty Party
BNP- a threat to the economy and racial Nazism.
Donald you are 100% correct,
The BNP use the exact same tactics as the Nazi party did, the only difference being the Nazi’s blamed the Jews and the BNP blame the Muslims.
Nothing more, nothing less, same show, different target.
But the reality is the BNP have NOT a clue about how an economy works, how to cost policy etc.
You’ve said that the BNP don’t have any idea of how to run the economy.
Does that not also apply to the other 3 parties also? Which is why the public wanted a general election because they are not happy with how things are at the moment.
Under conservative we have negative equity – high unemployment. Remember the poll tax riots…
Under the Labour government we have high unemployment and according to all 3 main political parties a lot of national debt?
According to the conservative billboard posters… there is a picture of Gordon Brown “I created record youth unemployment.. let me do it again…”
The question about how will they fund this:
They said they would pull out of the EU (which saves billions) and also stop donating money to other countries (that also amounts to billions of pounds)
Let me correct you there, the public didn’t exactly demand a General Election the latest date we could have had one was June.
Because the Labour Gov would have hit the max time allowed, so either way it was happening this year.
Under a Labour Gov we haven’t exactly had high unemployment, when they took over it was around 6 million (claiming JSA), now it 1.5 million on JSA so even at the height of this recession unemployment hasn’t risen to the level the Tories let it rise to.
Yes we have a massive national debt, and also a deficit there are very big differences, but the only thing the BNP policies will do is add to all three of them, I shall explain how:
1. Restricting trade: many companies will pull out of the UK because of higher taxes that come with ptotectionism, therefore higher unemployment.
2. The BNP policies as mentioned above will cost billions of pounds (far more than they claim to be able to save), thus meaning we have to borrow more on the National Debt.
3. British products would be more expensive to sell under protectionism, thus less countries will buy the product thus a rise in the deficit.
See very different, you need to understand some basic economics before defending the BNP policies, all un costed policies at that.
Ugg said:
Under a Labour Gov we haven’t exactly had high unemployment, when they took over it was around 6 million (claiming JSA), now it 1.5 million on JSA so even at the height of this recession unemployment hasn’t risen to the level the Tories let it rise to.
That maybe so, but whilst the JSA has gone down, did anyone look at what sudenly went up…maybe disability benefits or any other to sweep the truth under the so called proverbial carpet!
Lets add a few other un costed items in the BNP Manifesto:
1. The BNP want to give £150 pw to pensioners, they have no idea how much this is going to cost or where the money is coming from to pay for it, by lower estimate of the cost of this is £10 billion per year (we have a higher population of pensioners than anyone else), then you have to consider the already black hole we have in the pension pot, the BNP will be adding to it.
2. Maglev trains, this is going to cost an estimated £2 billion, and we will need to buy the tech from China who the BNP want to restrict trade with.
3. The BNP claim to want to create local government, yet the manifesto is full of a bigger state and a bigger cost to run that state.
4. The BNP defence policy will also cost a few 100 million to impliment, i.e. the closing of Germany, the costs involved are as follows:
a. Relocation of all the troops (housing/schooling etc)
b. Replacing all the training facilities that Germany has.
5. Setting up the ‘Penal’ Colony, the islands are virtually un inhabitable, so we need to move all the materials required to build it, then build it, then staff it, then all the costs of shipping the Prisoners back and forth, we are talking a shit load of money.
I could go on and on showing the BNP will cost the country far more than it can afford.
Vote No
You are so out of touch! People would not be able to enter this country and claim benefits, housing and all the other crap they get too! We are a free for all state because we don’t look after our own! The BNP will clean up the benefit system and immigration too.
You are such an idiot, I wasn’t actually talking about Immigrants I was pointing out the other policies of the BNP the ones that will cost BILLIONS.
You are fixated on Immigration, I am a realist who has some understanding of just how economics and the real world works.
You claim to be a business man think this stuff through with a business head on, investigate the real cost to make this happen.
Stop fixating on the one single thing and see the bigger picture.
In my post I didn’t mention a single bnp policy. So which policy in particular was I defending?
The BNP though have stated how they will pay for it. I think they had worked out savings of 80billion pounds.
That’s what they say, can any of us disprove it? and is that any different from any other party saying… yeah we’re going to do this..that…this etc.
You may not agree with their policies, but are their maths any different from any other political party (when coming up with figures etc)
You said that the BNP have no ideas about economics. How does that differ from any political party?
1. The BNP want to give £150 pw to pensioners, they have no idea how much this is going to cost or where the money is coming from to pay for it, by lower estimate of the cost of this is £10 billion per year (we have a higher population of pensioners than anyone else), then you have to consider the already black hole we have in the pension pot, the BNP will be adding to it.
have to be honest – if I was a pensioner. I’d be voting for the BNP cause of a couple of things.
1. I might not live long, so lets enjoy life.
2. Maglev trains, this is going to cost an estimated £2 billion, and we will need to buy the tech from China who the BNP want to restrict trade with.
is this any different from the high speed network the other parties are saying they are going to build. Where are they going to get the money from? If you restrict certain goods doesn’t mean that the Chinese would not want to sell their tech?? after all its money to them….and if they didn’t then somebody else in the world would? Supply and Demand I guess….
3. The BNP claim to want to create local government, yet the manifesto is full of a bigger state and a bigger cost to run that state.
I’ll have a look through that one…
4. The BNP defence policy will also cost a few 100 million to impliment, i.e. the closing of Germany, the costs involved are as follows:
a. Relocation of all the troops (housing/schooling etc)
b. Replacing all the training facilities that Germany has.
1. how many soldiers do we have in Germany? you do realise that the germans do not want us there.We already have bases in this country with houses… so they would relocate here? I know this cause my dad was in the RAF for years.
Finally, How much money is it costing us to keep our soldiers there?
5. Setting up the ‘Penal’ Colony, the islands are virtually un inhabitable, so we need to move all the materials required to build it, then build it, then staff it, then all the costs of shipping the Prisoners back and forth, we are talking a shit load of money.
Use the prisoners to build it. better than having them stuck in a cell doing nothing.
The prisoners could then learn a trade…
If its on a island then I guess they have no chance of escaping. We all ready have open prisons… so it could work well..
But Jon I will indulge you (just this once),
The BNP want to offer £50,000 for immigrants to go home (figure given by Nick Griffin).
From the 2001 cencus, if 100% of immigrants decided they wanted to go home it would cost the taxpayer £198 BILLION, and that isn’t based on a per person, I have been generous in the calculation and based it on families.
So I will leave you to work it out on 50%, 25% ect, I can of course provide a nice detailed breakdown of the numbers if you like, because I have the ability to to that.
Yet Griffin claimed in the Manifesto that it would be £4 billion, and then on Newsnight today he said £18 billion.
So anything you want to throw at me I have the answer for, because I have the ability to free think and not just trust the BNP.
The BNP though have stated how they will pay for it. I think they had worked out savings of 80billion pounds.
The BNP have got these number VERY wrong, they make wild claims that don’t match the actual figures of expenditure.
I.E the actual cost to the UK for being part of the EU in 2008 was a little over 6 billion, after you take what we paid in to what we get back, so the saving on the EU isn’t the billions they claim it’s only 6 billion.
You said that the BNP have no ideas about economics. How does that differ from any political party?
The other political parties pay for economists and researcher to work the numbers out, the BNP use guess work and (using Griffins own words) volunteers that have no expertise in the areas they write the policy on.
1. how many soldiers do we have in Germany? you do realise that the germans do not want us there.We already have bases in this country with houses… so they would relocate here? I know this cause my dad was in the RAF for years.
The bases we have in this country are already in use, the housing stock there already needs work, so we wouldn’t have enough to house everyone, as another BNP ideal is to close all bases outside of the UK within a number of years, so we need to find new homes for all of those people as well.
Not to mention the numbers of kids the BNP will want to put through military service under the community award scheme (another uncosted policy)
Use the prisoners to build it. better than having them stuck in a cell doing nothing.
Think it through, the types of prisoners the BNP are suggesting we send there, there won’t be enough to build it, where do they sleep whilst building it etc, so many factors to take into account here.
I know the BNP won’t give a shit about housing people whilst they build it as they will scrap all human rights as well.
but you trust the other parties instead.
what was that expenses scandal again…..
where are the weapons of mass destruction….
I’m not BNP .. but am up for a debate…which is fair..
and honest..
None of the political parties are perfect…..
Last bit of Vote No’s thread
So anything you want to throw at me I have the answer for, because I have the ability to free think and not just trust the BNP.
Then why do you and David throw insults at posters who you disagree with????? Don’t you know how to answer with respect in your posts?????
I will never show respect to you or david with the attitude and lack of respect you show to other posers! You are a disgrace!!!!
Change your ways and i might respond to to your posts with some respect just like other posters will too!!! BNP posers or not BNP posters.
Been out at a musical show called Bad Boy Johnny and the Prophets of Doom and come home to find this rubbish :-(
Can I remind you Jon of one of your first comments on my website:
Pretty much your first post and you call me names:
“Bloody Childish! Get a life! Or better still Get a BRAIN!”
And you was posting under multiple names, not exactly respectful Jon.
“Change your ways and i might respond to to your posts with some respect just like other posters will too!!!”
I’m going to make it easy for you, from now on any posts from you that are not mostly about politics will be deleted.
If you don’t like it, don’t comment on my site.
You sir, are an idiot.
The BNP will drag this country into a nationalist hell-hole. I for one would leave this country if the BNP ever get any serious representation in parliment.
The BNP is populated by ignorant, short-sighted dullards who have no idea what dire consequences awaits this land if any of these frankly ridiculous, uneducated excuses for ‘policies’ ever find there way into Westminster.
It truly seems like these policies were thought up by a group of dim-witted village idiots sat in a pub knocking back pints.
I whole-heartedly give thanks that the majority of the British public have more sense than to vote for these knuckle-dragging morons, and that this thinly veiled manifesto is transparent enough for all to see it as the insanely right-wing tripe it truly is.
Because economic prosperity is totally worth trading in our human rights for, don’t you agree?
BNP are all Nazis and should be banned, just like the Nazi party in Germany. They want to censor the media and infringe on basic human rights like free speech and freedom of religion. They would probably deport me because my father isn’t white. They should not be allowed to continue as they are a fascist party who want a dictatorship. Nick Griffin is essentially a modern Hitler.
seems to me that the bnp has got you lot shittin yourselfs! you think this is a 3 horse race, think again, and stop moaning about the bnp, if we had a decent goverment there would be no need for partys like this in the first place, labour the cons and libs have created this so go moan at them..
Oh and another cost to add to the list for you,
The BNP plan on using prisoners to build this fibre network for Broadband, so what about the massive extra cost of policing these prisoners whilst they are doing this work all over the UK?
That is going to be an massive cost, let alone the cost of bringing BT back into public ownership, you can’t just steal a PLC for free.
See what I mean about ill thought out policy that will never work in the real world.
Yes the BNP policies do sound great, but if you think them through it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to work out they are nothing more than a collection of populist pipe dreams that in a reality of a real economy could NEVER happen.
we have open prisons….
Didn’t the Lib Leader say that they wanted to educate the prisoners… cause spending time in prison was doing more harm than good?
so which is it…. do you want prisoners in prison learning more illegal trades or outside learning a trade which they can take some pride in…
BT isn’t exactly doing well is it…. so perhaps the cost inst as much as you think. After all there are other companies in the UK that do a similar thing. Last time i checked BT shares were around 60p..
Then look at the number of shares issued in BT and multiple that by the 60p, again quotinf 60p doesn’t really reflect the true value.
The consider the BNP idea there, they only want to compensate ‘Private Investors’ so any other company that has bought shares out of their company pension schemes will lose that money, so they then create a pension defict in company pension schemes which means the state has to either pick up the bill later or just tell those people to sod off.
And @Stuart,
Another BNP plan to renationalise the rail network, again only to compensate the ‘private investor’, so either way whether they decide on Maglev or high speed rail the tax payer gets to pay.
1st to renationalise it, then to build the new network, more cost to the tax payer
I certainly don’t disagree than none of the other parties are perfect far from it.
But from a realist point of view, we have to secure the VERY slow growth in the economy, not waste more pointless tax payer £’s on repatriation schemes, renationalisation programmes, community award schemes etc.
We do I 100% agree we need a Government with it’s feet on the floor, not it’s head in the clouds.
We need to cut cost in the right places, but also protect services, a very difficult balance with the current state of the economy.
It’s a difficult choice as it is to maintain the again VERY slow recovery, it isn’t a time for risking it all on frankly pipe dream policies of a party like the BNP.
thanks for your replies. good to have a debate….
you said that the main parties employ specialists to come up with economy plans… I work in insurance and we do the same things… based on data we predict the future etc…
That being the case….
How have the experts got it so wrong?
Indeed experts get predictions wrong, but they certainly don’t sit in the pub working it out on a beer mat, which my all accounts isn’t far off the BNP method.
I to love a good debate, even more so when someone with the ability to debate comes along.
:), I love a challenge.
But as David (the site owner knows) a few months ago when I was VERY active on this site I was a confirmed Tory voter, but the work I have been doing ripping the BNP apart also gave me the opportunity to really take a serious look at Tory policy, numbers etc, and now I am an undecided unless of course you count the BNP which is a given that it’s a NO hope of my vote going there.
I was having a debate on the BNP site but David pulled it down which was a shame cause I had prepared some writing for Charlie (who called me a racist thug) even though I am not… David (it is a shame you took down that webpage…. because charlie was challenging me on few things and he wanted facts that I wanted to give him, with attached links to credible sources)
In a nutshell… The BNP has risen in popularity, which is why I guess you have changed your name. I’ve never voted just cause I couldn’t be bothered. But this year, I will. My main issue is that I’ve seen the libs & cons before. I haved lived all around the UK (as my previous posts will say) and have seen a lot of things.
Like some people not all – there are a lot of issues in this country. In general I think depending on what you’ve experienced over the last 15 years, people have given up on cons/libs/lab.
Why do you think the BNP has grown?
If the experts can get it wrong – then what makes you think that the public in general will listen to them again?
Looking at the stats on this website the BNP +UKIP almost 10% of the vote. Does that concern you?
If its accurate and our population is 60m, then that means we have 6 million people who are unhappy, and believe rightly or wrongly that they have not been treated fairly.
“In a nutshell… The BNP has risen in popularity, which is why I guess you have changed your name.”
Actually I haven’t changed my name, always used the same one on here.
“Why do you think the BNP has grown?”
Effectively the BNP hasn’t grown, yes they made some gains under PR in 2009, but (and it’s a big but)
They haven’t made any gains since that in real terms. The BNP have around 50 councillors out of over 20,000 across the UK and 2 MEPs.
To see what would be a ‘bigger’ party in real terms, the Green Party (who I don’t vote for) have 40 counciilors in Norfolk alone and 2 MEPs, UKIP have 13 MEPs, so in reality their really isn’t a massive growth in the BNP just more media coverage.
In 2010 the BNP have stood in 12 council election and gained just 2,236 votes, and in three of those their vote share dropped between 45 and 50% since 2008 again a dip in support rather than a growth in support.
“If the experts can get it wrong – then what makes you think that the public in general will listen to them again?”
Simply because they are right more times than they are wrong, which would you rather trust:
A. People that have the education and ability to do these things
B. A few blokes sitting in a pub ready the newspapers and making up the figures?
“Looking at the stats on this website the BNP +UKIP almost 10% of the vote. Does that concern you?”
No it doesn’t because I know from my time of hanging around on this site that the poll on the BNP side has been manipulated, in the desperation of the BNP.
And I trust the other polls, which almost all give the BNP 1-2% of the vote not enough to be concerned about.
This poll as I am sure David will admit isn’t really as serious political poll and shouldn’t be treated as such.
“If its accurate and our population is 60m, then that means we have 6 million people who are unhappy, and believe rightly or wrongly that they have not been treated fairly. ”
Actually we have around 45 million people that are allowed to vote in the UK.
I think people need to look at the reality here, no the BNP really don’t stand much of a chance of getting MPs elected this year. If the BNP supporters actually listened to people like Nick Griffin and Simon Darby etc even they openly admit that.
There effort is going into winning council seats not MPs and that is the truth of the matter as admitted by Nick Griffin himself.
At this present moment the only real threat from the BNP is they have an outside chance of being able to control Barking & Dagenham council, and it is a real outside chance.
thanks for clarifying your name. I’m a bit surprised though, with the BNP being a minor non threat that you’d even have it in your name.
You’ve given some figures which show previous results, but at the same time according to reports
their website is very popular. I guess what you are saying is that they won’t get many votes. 45 million yep sorry my mistake! Though 1-2% is quite a lot of people combined with the UKIP, that’s still a lot of people.
The impression that I get in this part of the world (Bristol/Gloucester) speaking down the pub that quite a lot of people are going to vote BNP just as a protest vote and that they don’t trust the other parties. Have to be honest I am one, but I’m not a thug etc. I just get the impression that people can identify with what the BNP says (sometimes its right/wrong – but that is the same with all parties)
The BNP & press – banged on about immigration (from what I have seen – it hasn’t worked)the parties ignored them….but now its a issue and I do think that it is a key issue for many people.
My passion is insurance… and after seeing the industry ruined and mass redundancies (jobs being off-shored not because the people in the UK couldn’t do a decent job , it was just so they could make a bit more profit)I wanted to make a stand.
The immigration thing though… if I was to vote for a main party then I prob would vote for the cons, but again my issue with the cons – was they didn’t do much for my home city of Liverpool at all. Scousers are loyal people….
There’s been much news suggesting a hung parliament. So my question would be if that was the case, and then in 10 years time things hadn’t improved, where does that leave the voter?
It was disappointing to hear on the debate the other night, that none of the main parties would rule out any more military action.
I think Gordon Brown made a mistake by announcing that there were terrorists in somalia wanting to hurt us, but at the same time (in my home town – we have a sizeable Somalian population)
There was one thing that I also don’t like, and that is our stance with Iran. You would have thought that we had learned our lessons from what has happened in Iraq/Afghanistan. I would prefer we did not fight with Iran but what happens if we do…. isn’t this just going to alienate our muslim community even more and create more issues…
I think people like the idea that we won’t interfere with you, if you leave us alone.
I do think though the BNP party has changed its image quite dramatically but that happens with all parties….. the cons have softened up, the labs seem to be confused… and the libs have toughened up….
“their website is very popular. I guess what you are saying is that they won’t get many votes. 45 million yep sorry my mistake! Though 1-2% is quite a lot of people combined with the UKIP, that’s still a lot of people.”
There is a big difference between a popular website and votes, I know of at least 1000 people a day that visit the BNP website (I am one), but we don’t visit because we are supporters we visit to see what they are claiming now so we can get the real facts and figures, so massive difference.
“The impression that I get in this part of the world (Bristol/Gloucester) speaking down the pub that quite a lot of people are going to vote BNP just as a protest vote”
You said the key words there “Protest Voters”, protest voters don’t tend to research the party, they decide based on knowing it will in some way piss of the main parties, they don’t do it through belive in the party or it’s policy, they rarely bother to actually examine the policy.
For instance:
I was in a pub the other night chatting politics as I do (I had my laptop with me), a few people said they would vote BNP, I asked them why and they didn’t really know other than a protest vote.
So I asked how many policies of the BNP they knew, and 100% said the immigration and nothing much else, so I spent the next two hours showing them the BNP website and it’s policies, and low an behold once they could see exactly what voting bNP meant all but one changed their kind, the other is still thinking about it.
“There’s been much news suggesting a hung parliament. So my question would be if that was the case, and then in 10 years time things hadn’t improved, where does that leave the voter? ”
We were just talking about a hung parliament on another thread, and in some ways I think it could be good for the country right now, get some balanced policies that will keep the wolfe from the door so to speak.
As a nation it is very unlikely that we would become a bankrupt nation, we are slowly getting out of the shit (not quick enough) but having said that sometimes a quick re-birth can also damage the economy, we need to make sure the recovery is balanced and not too fast, but at the same time we need to make it move a little faster than it is now, I would like to see around 0.05% growth in the next q, to keep things moving.
“There was one thing that I also don’t like, and that is our stance with Iran. You would have thought that we had learned our lessons from what has happened in Iraq/Afghanistan. I would prefer we did not fight with Iran but what happens if we do…. isn’t this just going to alienate our muslim community even more and create more issues… ”
At this present moment in time I 100% agree with that statement.
Sorry I haven’t answered all your points, been a long day and some require more detailed responses :)
“thanks for clarifying your name. I’m a bit surprised though, with the BNP being a minor non threat that you’d even have it in your name.”
I decided to use it for one simply reason, I know the reputation of a section of the BNP who like to identify and publish peoples personal details on websites.
This can be proven by reading some of my older stuff on here, where shall we say one rather fanatical BNP supporter started a group on the BNP’s own website trying to identify me and get details of my name and address etc to publish on the BNP website (they deleted the group).
So I use this simpe ID on MANY forums and websites so as the BNP can’t trace me, sounds daft but trust me they do it, I am sure maybe David can track down the old posts where that happened, I believe the posters name that tried that was Potter (for Davids info).
I recalled you mentioning it at the time and like you I thought it was P0tter as well. It wasn’t, it was apparently Andrew Phillips, here’s the link to your comment.
That took me over 15 minutes to find as was searching for P0tter.
“Then why do you and David throw insults at posters who you disagree with????? Don’t you know how to answer with respect in your posts?????”
I have called you an idiot once, simply due to the fact that everything I see you comment on is a rather standard BNP thing of “Immigration”, of which I seriously wish you would get of that horse.
Take a leaf out of @Stuarts book and enter a real debate.
Islam, Islam, Immigration ….. damn see there are far more things to be concerned about i.e.
1. The size of the structural deficit
2. The debt
3. The NHS (which needs a lot of work)
etc etc etc, there are many many things that need to be debated. Immigration is done to the death by the BNP people, lets debate something more solid, something more realistic.
For instance do you see this as a serious policy for a political party to have in the manifesto:
• The BNP will reduce traffic congestion by bringing the immigration invasion under control.
Do you seriously consider that something a ‘serious’ political party should be putting in an election manifesto?
If you want to debate actual politics pick a serious political subject and start a debate or get involved in one of the other threads.
Copying and pasting Google search results of BDSM search phrases and stating that proves Muslims are into BDSM and that then jumps us to the conclusion of how sick Islam as a religion is.
This is NOT a political debate, it’s mud slinging and hateful.
When I used the exact same technique to show searching for things like
BNP Racists
BNP Nazis
Which with your own argument means the BNP must be racist and Nazis because there’s millions of pages in Google saying so you threw a wobbly!
And there’s also almost 100K pages when you search Griffin the Paedophile which means if you are right about Islam using the above Google search result argument, then Nick Griffin must also be a paedophile because there’s almost 100K pages about it on Google!
BTW I have no reason to believe Nick Griffin abuses children, just showing you how flawed your argument style is.
This is NOT political debate, it’s slinging mud at a religion and it’s a hateful thing to do.
Start serious political debates or get involved in actual political debates or stop posting comments on my site. I do not have unlimited patience Jon, I allow commenter’s to comment on my privately owned website, it is a privilege NOT a right to comment here.
If you think you can do a better job start your own website and moderate it using your own standards, you can use or which are both free or register a domain, get some cheap hosting for under £50 a year. That’s basically what I did, 10 months ago this site didn’t exist.