Footballers… Wasn’t football better when the local team consisted of local people and you were cheering on and supporting people who lived and were probably born locally? Now it is just a case of which team can afford the best football “robot” of whatever colour or nationality. All the teams are the same now – the only differences are shirt colour and ground names!
Immigration… We cannot control our borders with regard to immigrants from the EU because of the EU employment rules. This situation obviously is not working. For example, below minimum wage Polish workers are flooding East Anglia and taking the jobs from the locals. Before you say paying below minimum wage is illegal – the agencies pay minimum wage and then charge a lot for accomadation, transport etc. The Polish are happy – they get more than at home, but we are paying benefits to our people who have no job. It doesn’t add up and is damaging the economy.
Maybe we should learn some lessons from the Austrailians regarding immigration policies. If we have to leave the EU (but not the Common Market – we voted “yes” to that) then so be it.