Comment on Are the BNP Racists? by Neil in FEAR.

Great grandfathers, grandfathers, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters of true British families who have paid National Insurance, paid Income Tax and fought wars for this country all their working lives as true British people are now a second rate citizen and recieve lesser in financial help from our own government when we hit hard times and unemployment than the ethnics who have NO financial pedigree in this country whatsoever. They get help to buy cars, furniture and housing, as well as being paid to go home and then come back to be a further BURDEN to our society! They also take places in our children’s schools and can take them our whenever they like to go HOME (not England!!)??

We cannot go to any ethnic country and get handouts like they do when they come here – its now time to close the flood gates, button down the hatches and send the buggers home which are here and then give the British people back what we had before. All we have with the ethnics here is problem after problem so lets sort the root of this and shut the gate completely.

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You have no idea what you are talking about. …