Comment on Are the BNP Racists? by David.

I am currently in China. No I am not a huge fan of China but it is my wife’s birthplace so we tend to come over about once a year on average.

Unlike in the UK, where the average man or woman in the street knows jack-shit about Islam, the ordinary Chinese person’s opinion of Islam and Muslims is derived from centuries of having to put up with the arrogant supremacist bullshit that Muslims are brainwashed with and are told to dish out to non-Muslims. During the communist era the Chinese tended to come down hard on all Muslims and all displays of Islamic supremacism. Not because the Chinese are bad people, but because Muslims are bad people. (As I said, based on centuries of experience of trying to live alongside these brainwashed Muslim shit-stirers)

China now has a huge problem. Stirred up and encouraged by the new wave of Global Jihad, Chinese Muslims are again starting to flex their muscles. Most Chinese are shit scared of them cos most of the older ones know whats coming.

My wife and I were talking to a young guy in a tiny village in deepest rural Yunnan. We discussed many things, not all of which we agreed on. But when the question of Islam cropped up he said, “Yes, my generation has huge problems ahead. Islam is the enemy of us all.” Now, if a young Chinese man in a rural Chinese village can see that, why the hell can’t supposedly educated people in the west get it. Well, they’re going to get it soon enough!

Oh, and by the way, I’ll be back home by 6 May to vote BNP.

More Comments on Are the BNP Racists? by David

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

“That’s quite a lot of settled immigrants that are considered British citizens they plan to take a second look at and potentially deport, is your Chinese wife one of them?”

No, …

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

Oh, it just occurred to me. Some White, Middle-class, Know-nothing Tosser is going to come up say “The BNP will send your (Chinese) wife back where she came from.”

NO …

More Comments by David

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

“That’s quite a lot of settled immigrants that are considered British citizens they plan to take a second look at and potentially deport, is your Chinese wife one of them?”

No, …

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

Oh, it just occurred to me. Some White, Middle-class, Know-nothing Tosser is going to come up say “The BNP will send your (Chinese) wife back where she came from.”

NO …