Comment on Are the BNP Racists? by Enough is Enough.

Take one little tiny minute and get off your band wagon: replace the word “Nazi” “racist” and any other name you have derogatorily used to describe the BNP….now as you have mentally removed them, put in the word “pc” and you will find that what the BNP are saying is just as similar as what the other parties are saying. Just the BNP want to step up to the plate and put forward all the things that the other parties have said over the years but as time goes on, gets a little squeamish. All people are not pc, we all have our thoughts and even our doings which prove this no matter how big or small – WE ARE ALL NOT PC!
I think the BNP party should be more forceful over and above what they have put in their manifesto, like;
-all schools will wear school uniforms
(bringing back pride to the schools, and assisting a workforce to provide these uniforms)

-1 child paid for any other the parent pays for by the parent
(this will make benefits easier and save the government millions, as well as bringing down sexual transmitted diseases)

-if you aren’t going to Uni, then compulsory subscription
(this will keep the riff raff off the streets and give them a sense of purpose and honour)

-enforce our national saints day
we are British so why can’t we acknowledge this

-point system for immigrants trying to enter Britain
Australia does it and no one has ever complained about them being racists

-matrons should be reintroduced to hospitals wards
this will ensure more work and but also assist/bring down the infections in hospitals

-ambulances should not be used as glorified taxi
if you are that sick, I’m sure that a flat fee of £20.00 will be nothing in cases of real emergencies

-if you have been in constant 2 year employment then you are able to apply for benefits

-visitors to the UK should be monitored more closely that they leave on time and not fade into the system.

-give more power to policemen/policewomen who are there to protect us, yet they are scolded should the criminal put in a complaint. In the USA their police are armed and millions visit there every year and no one say’s boo to them being too hostile

-give everyone in authority the power to make decisions that they feel will benefit the masses, and if they abuse this power action can be taken swiftly from government.

This is a Christian country and must be seen as that and respected as such (I’m not religious) but I know full to well if I go to most other countries and disrespect their culture I will have to pay the consequences…travel agents now hand out booklets on the countries etiquettes (do’s and don’t), would love to see what is said about ours….

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Ugg said:
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