Comment on Are the BNP Racists? by Pk.

Isn’t it interesting that every tree hugger is so quick to dismiss their heritage and claim ‘ mongrol’ status the moment they try justifying British heritage?

I’m sure there may be some mixed blood from other parts of Europe intermingled within some of the indigenous population but would you ever use the same argument about someone of another race and ignoring their right to belonging to a certain race.

Do you say to a lighter skin African that hey you’re not really African as you probably have some other racial blood mixed in there! Perhaps a bit of Mexican or Asian eh?

The problem with racism is that you do gooders think you can say what you like about whites but would never ever dream about saying the same thing to some one of a non white race- how the hell does that make people feel that they are all treated equally!

No wonder people vote BNP as at least they recognise the right to exist in our own country.